

It was Doomsday for Earth.Large space rocks were falling from the sky, crashing towards the earth as we know it.I was in a desert,that stretched from one end of the sky dome to the other.The sun was getting bigger and bigger,as if the greatest aphelion was taking place.The earth was shaking as lava spewed up like a geyser, scorching the golden sand and turning it to black.I felt a certain force pulling me towards the sun.The power of gravity.

The black sand coalesced to form a huge humanoid figure that was ten times my height.

"You will not stop what is coming for this world,boy,"it spoke and stretched out its arms.A massive wave of sand emerged, swimming towards me as the figure crumbled to pieces.I tried to run,but my legs were stuck to the ground by some kind of glue.As the wave drowned me,I felt something protecting me from the wave.Something big.I felt a surge of energy coursing through my body,and I felt overwhelmed.I passed out.

I was glad I woke up in my room.I didn't want to imagine that such a thing could happen.The end of the world and a sandman telling me that I wasn't going to stop it.Oh,please. Worse, what I didn't want to hear was,"Jake,you are late for school."School.Not terrifying,but boring and not so interesting.I wanted to do something else,like joining the Justice League or fighting extraterrestrial threats.Nah, it's just my imagination,I thought to myself.Jake Phoenix, superhero.It would make the perfect comedy show.I wore my favourite school wear:a pair of blue jeans,white rubber shoes,red T-Shirt and a hoodie,and ran to the dining room at the bottom of the stairs.

My mom was obviously waiting for me, wearing her white stained apron.Her blonde hair was tied back in a bun,and her arms were crossed.She glared at me for a second,and then she smiled,"Come on, you're late.Have some milk and tacos,just as you like it."

I like my mom that way.She would be angry at one time and she would just smile at the next.Her name was Maddie Phoenix.The only family I had ever known.I had never met my dad,but I only had one picture of him.He was wearing a suit,with a white shirt and red tie.He had dark hair and brown eyes.He was standing outside the Hall of Justice,with my mom who was cuddling a small baby in her arms.My mom told me that my dad died on a trip to London,but I had my doubts.I finished taking breakfast,and I walked to the door."See you later,mom."I clutched my bag,opened the door and closed it as I ran towards school.

As I ran,I noticed something strange about today.There were no clouds in the middle of spring,and the sun was blazing hot.The many people I used to see walking towards work in their suits were not there.The street was deserted,and no shops had opened up.The earth started to shake,as the street lamps exploded, spreading glass shards on the road.The world was spinning,as a massive fire erupted, burning the shops and trees.The earth fired the rocks towards me like bullets.One grazed my cheek,and I reversed towards home.However,I could not.Everywhere was burning,and I lost the only home I knew.I lost hope,and sat on the ground, waiting to die.Suddenly,I felt a hand gripping me,and I was pulled.I looked behind,and I saw a door of darkness with a lady staring at me from it.She was auburn haired,and her green eyes were staring at me with intent.I got into the darkness,and the door closed.