
Road to Hero: Jaune Arc (HIATUS)

Jaune Arc dreams of the day when he will become a hunter... a hero... just like us he has dreams. But what will he do when the universe is cruel? Will, he silently accept...or he will fight?... “[... Is this how my dream ends?... am I going to spend the rest of my life just watching other people follow their dreams while I just go on with my life in silence?...]” … … … “ I refuse”. Author notes: Hi, guys!!! I wrote this story just for fun anyway... I don't know if I'll continue without the feedback... honestly I don't have high hopes, after all, it's my first story I'll write. I was mostly inspired by the fan-fic: Reborn as Saitama in MHA, of the author: Suploly; and for a while, I watched RWBY and liked Jaune's character and his development... Notices: RWBY doesn't belong to me One Punch Man doesn't belong to me either Just like any kind of anime, comics, or whatever. The fan-fic: Reborn as Saitama in MHA belongs to the author Suploly. I apologize for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language... actually I haven't practiced for over eight years... so I'm really sorry.

Ghost_84 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 7

Author notes:

Hello there!!! it's been a long time. I must apologize, I didn't keep my promise to write more than 2k words, the explanation is simple: I was introduced to the madness of SI fics, and I'm planning to write my own, in fact, I've already started, but the main reason for my delay is I'm short on time due to college, I'm finishing but it's just the most important parts: internship and my final paper (in my country we call it TCC). Without further ado, here is chapter seven, hope you like it!!!


Jaune Pov.

I woke up the next morning ready to train again, so I got out of bed and left the Rose- Xiao Long residence, decided to have breakfast after I returned from my daily workout.

While my body was focused on training... My mind was thinking about the conversation Qrow gave me, regardless of the outcome of yesterday's fight... I can't accept it. I knew from the beginning that not having aura my way would be harder... But it seems that, according to Qrow and Taiyang, it is not only difficult but technically impossible.

Another thing that also was thinking about was how I struggled yesterday... And while my fight against Qrow had my defeat with the result, during the fight made me realize some things, like the fact that dust bullets shouldn't, under no circumstances, be taken lightly by me, after all, I have no aura to protect myself... However, I can see the trajectory of the bullet, a solution would be that I need to improve my reaction time; another fact would be that I don't have anything that can cover my deficiency in ranged attacks... I considered the idea of buying a weapon since I won't build my weapon due to not being accepted in a preparatory academy, but... After numerous accidents due to my strength, I don't know if I would be able to maintain control in the middle of a fight... I can even break by accident...

I still remember when I went to look at the old weapon from my mother Aquila, a spear - precision rifle ... I broke the cable only for holding very strong ... Luckily mother will not check due to having retired from hunting life... I pray to Oum she doesn't check.

I may not have much confidence in having their weapon... But what can I do to overcome my lack of attacks to distance?

My train of thought was interrupted by a growl.


I froze and looked towards the sound...


It was a Grimm…or more specifically, an Ursa... A Big Ursa. And It was looking at me.

"… Shit" I cursed.

" ROOAAR " roared the Ursa running towards me.

Soon I started running away from It.

"Why the hell does this always happen to me?!" I yelled.

As I was running I could feel the Ursa still chasing me, I turned to see if the Grimm was too far away.

" ?!... Damn!" I cursed again after tripping over a branch for not looking where I was walking.


I turned my head toward the roar and saw the Ursa raise the paw.

[?!] I crossed my arms to protect myself.


Upon feeling the impact, I flew a few feet before stopping to plant my feet on the ground.

[...?... What?] I got confused and looked at my arms... No broken bones. Yes, it was a little red and had shallow scratches, but that's it. [... Strange...] I thought.


I looked again at the Ursa in front of me and saw that had leaped towards me.

[ !!! ] I was a little surprised at how close it was to me... So I jumped to dodge the onslaught... [I thought Grimms would be more... strong and faster? Qrow was much faster during our fight…] I thought, then reflected on what Qrow told me:

{... You lost the fight, but that doesn't mean you failed, you have potential kid...}



I looked at the Ursa again…this time determined and raised my fists.

"... Bring it on..."

"GRR..." growled the Ursa.

I didn't wait and jumped towards Grimm... It soon got up on Its hind legs and raised its right front paw to try to hit me again, to dodge I ducked down from the blow and aimed for Grimm's belly.

"RAAAHH" I yelled, closing my eyes.

Time seemed to slow down, and I could remember a moment that I had with my father... Before I tried to release my aura on my own.

- FLASHBACK – START: POV Jaune 6 years.

"Dad! You came back!" I yelled running out of the house to hug my father, who had just returned from the village patrol. It was night when he returned.

"Hahahaha " laughed my father after holding me with his arms "What is this reaction? I haven't left for a day! "

" I know..." I said muttering "I just wanted you to take me for the patrols too...".

"... Jaune..." told my father putting me on the floor and kneeling to stay at my level, he put his hands on my shoulders and said " You're still a child, only six years... You shouldn't worry about Grimms, you should be playing or doing other things... enjoy your childhood. "

"I don't want to play! I want to be a hunter like you!" I spoke.

My dad smiled, and said "... You'll have plenty of time for this Jaune, but first you must be pretty sure with your decision ... Are you sure it's what you would like to be when you remember your life when you were old as me? To be a hunter?" He asked.

"...?... Remember my life?" I asked confused.

"... Yes Jaune ... Life is about choices, neither good nor bad, just choices ... It's up to you to make the choices that will decide your future ... I'll tell you what my father, one day told me before I went to Beacon," said my father smiling.

"What did grandpa say to you? How proud he was?" I asked anxiously, I always liked when Grandpa came from the kingdom of Vácuo to visit us, He always had the best stories.

" hehe ... No," said my father, shaking his head in denial. He then looked at me and got up and put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair, and then he said with a smile:

"... One day, we'll leave this world behind... So live a life you'll remember."


[Dad... I didn't understand those words at the time... But I think I'm starting to understand now ... I want to LIVE... With no regrets !] I thought.

And then I heard the noise my fist made when it hit the Bear.



I felt a violent blast of air.

I opened my eyes and was surprised by what I saw...



The former Ursa from before... It had 'disappeared' from my sight, the only thing left was its hind legs.

"What the hell?..." I asked surprised looking at my hand.


I stared at my hands for a while and started thinking about what happened in my confrontation with the Ursa.

[...When I realized I was too strong, I started training in controlling my strength too, so I'm not hurting anyone... As it was a Grimm, I didn't need to 'hold it'... But I never imagined it would be so... powerful] I reflected.

Then I started thinking again [Most hunter guns, as well as some furniture, are made from a material that's strong enough to keep hunters from breaking them prematurely] I thought about Qrow's weapon and my mother's weapon. [If there is no constant maintenance, the weapon will have a shorter and shorter lifespan. The hunter's weapons are capable of firing dust bullets and able to blow up one Grimm depending on the caliber and type of ammunition ... But I do not have any weapon and still was able to do the same thing. ]

"Do I really need a weapon?" I asked, questioning myself "I still need to find a solution for damage from a distance…" I said with finality.

Then I remembered the noise my fist made and feeling a gust of wind as it collided with the Bear.

" Huum …Maybe…" I reached out and flicked my hand, and aimed at the nearest tree, and then released my finger.

* shunk !*

The noise was considerably quieter than my fist, but... The result was surprising, as it was something I just tested out of curiosity.

In the tree I aimed at ... There was a hole, of the size of an apple.

" ?!... That's..." I looked at my hand in surprise and smiled "Cool..."

* Gruuuuagh*

I grabbed my stomach... I remembered that I hadn't breakfast, and then I walked towards the Rosa- Xiao Long residence, the sun had already come up and I was hungry.

"I think I'll practice this new move after I eat something…" I said.


Third-person POV.

If Jaune had observed the tree more closely or stayed for a few more minutes ... He would have noticed something else, the entrance hole was the size of an apple... But the exit hole was almost triple the size of the entrance hole.


The tree began to crack in the damaged area. And a few minutes passed, the tree began to fall.


That's it guys, I'll try as much as possible to be more consistent with the updates. And yes, I made clear references in the chapter, one of them was a part of the lyrics of the song by the late DJ Avicci, great songs by the way I highly recommend it. Another thing I did was the clear use of a technique that appears in the anime One Piece, the technique is the 'shigan', which I thought was appropriate for Jaune. But I would like to know your opinion about the chapter please comment, your opinion is always important.

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