
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 46

On the way back to the mall, the two of them took the time to ransack ATM machines, jewelry stores and banks that were around them.

"Yoru, actually why did you steal all the money and jewelry? Isn't that stuff no longer important?" Shizuka was a little curious about the reason Yoru take everything from the jewelry store and bank.

"Remember that I have a special ability right?"

Shizuka nodded her head.

"One of my abilities is to turn money and valuable things into energy. You could say money and things like jewelry and precious gemstones are fuel so that I can become stronger." Yoru explained.

"What a strange ability." Shizuka was confused by Yoru's abilities.

"Besides, that energy can also be used to acquire skill tickets. If I had a skill ticket. You and Saeko can buy skills and strengthen yourselves." Yoru explained further.

"Ohh... So Sae-chan and I can become stronger?" Shizuka looked happy and her eyes sparkled.

"That's right. But you still have to meditate often and practice the skills you buy later.

Shizuka was very happy and hugged Yoru tightly. Since Shizuka didn't want to let go of her embrace, Yoru asked Shizuka to hug him from behind and he would carry her. The two of them walked back to the mall with a happy feeling.


Arriving at the mall. Yoru saw a lot of people swarming.

'Why is there a problem like this every time we find a new place?'

There Yoru saw a man who looked like a thug sitting with his head lowered.

Yoru approached Asami and asked what happened.

"Just now that guy almost raped one of the school girls who came with you. So Souichiro-san decided to punish him." Asami replied.

"Then it doesn't really matter. You'd better help Shizuka treat granny earlier." Yoru gave his suggestion.

"Okay. Asami will help." Asami then left the crowd along with Shizuka.

Yoru then approached Saeko and asked her to look after Shizuka. Saeko understood and followed Shizuka and Asami.

Because according to Yoru, all this is not important to him. He also left the crowd and climbed onto the roof of the mall to find peace.

'System, how much longer will the space rift open?'

[5 hours again]

'What is the state of the organ modification?'

[The left eye has already reached 90%. After this I will help you modify the bones and joints]

'Why bones and joints? Why not muscle? Doesn't greater muscle strength make me stronger too?'

[Why bone. Actually the more important thing is the spine, ribs, and skull. For reason. You must have already guessed it right]

'The spine and ribs cover the heart and lungs while the skull covers the brain. But why not just my flesh. It covers everything.'

[The surface of the flesh is too big. So it will take more time]

'Okay, I give in. System, please stop all activities that require system assistance. I will practice controlling and gathering mana.'

[Okay. Good luck]

'Thank you. Remind me after two hours'

After that, Yoru focused all of his brainpower on controlling and gathering mana.


After 2 hours finished, Yoru was able to control and gather mana without having to use the help of the system.

'Good results. I can use mana control and gathering and multitasking without using the system.'

[Pachi... Pachi... Pachi... Congratulations]

'We still have 3 hours before the space rift opens, right?' Yoru became a little serious.


'I need to finish everything here before I can leave. I don't want to be here too long.'

[Are you trying to get to Mochizuki general hospital in 7 days]

'Yeah, I remember some missions would give me bonus rewards if I could finish them faster.'

[But there is no indication of the time limit for the mission to the Mochizuki general hospital]

'Judging from the mission lineup. Why is the survival mission 7 days? Why should the goal be Mochizuki? There must be a purpose in that mission. Something will definitely happen within 7 days or when I reach Mochizuki general hospital.'

[So that's your conclusion. Hmm... That's good too. Maybe you are right. Something must have happened when one of those missions was completed]

'That's why I wanted to hurry to the Mochizuki general hospital. There must be survivor there.'

[Alright, I'll try to find the fastest route]

'Thank you. Now I have to meet Souichiro and the others.'

After that, Yoru came down from the roof of the building and went to meet Souichiro. It just so happened that Yoru saw Takashi and Rei on his way, so he tell them what he was going to do.

"Takashi, Rei. Just the two of you?" Yoru greeted the two.

"No, Yuuki is also here. But she just went to the toilet. If you looking for Saya, she was a little fussy with the Policewoman and Kouta." Rei replied.

Yoru who heard Rei's words became a little confused. He then touched Rei's forehead with his right hand and then touched his own ass with his left hand.

Rei got a little annoyed seeing what Yoru did.

"What do you mean by touch your ass after touching my forehead?" Rei looks angry.

"It's fine, just comparing the temperatures. You don't look sick. But what you say is a little strange, so I thought you've gone a little crazy." Yoru replied with a confused face.

Rei was angry and hit Yoru with a paper fan.


"Why did you hit me? And where did the fan come from?" Yoru stroked his head after being hit by Rei.

"I'm not crazy, and don't ask where women get things from." Rei replied with an arrogant face.

"Yoru-san, Yuuki should be your responsibility. But somehow she's been following me since yesterday." Takashi looks a little tired.

"Maybe because she's more comfortable around you than around me." Yoru answered with a straight face.

When the three of them were talking, Yuuki was seen peeking from inside the toilet. Yoru who realized it immediately looked for an excuse to leave.

"We don't have much time. So please find Saya and Kouta, if Asami wants to come along that's fine too. And meet me after that, I'll be with Souichiro. We have something to talk about and it's very important." Yoru said with a serious face.

Both nodded after understanding that Yoru wasn't joking.

After receiving the answers from both of them. Yoru walked away from them. And after Yoru left, Miku finally came out of the toilet.

"Yuuki, why have you been inside so long?" Rei asked a little anxiously.

"It's okay, no problem. I just saw you guys talking with Yoru-san. So I decided to wait for him to leave first." Yuuki replied shyly.

"Are you afraid of Yoru-san?" Takashi guessed Yuuki's behavior.

"No, I'm not. I respect him, and you two too. Who accept me even though I'm a former member of Shido. But as for Yoru-san, I feel that if I'm near him, I won't be able to hold back and attack him. And I felt that if I did it, he would hate me, so I used the two of you to get away from Yoru-san. Sorry." Yuuki explained with a face full of regret and sadness.

But in contrast to what Miku imagined. Rei smiled and stroked Miku's head.

"It's okay, I actually feel that way too. Actually since we were at school and met in the teacher's room. I was trying to find an opening where I could get close to Yoru-san. And I thought Saya was also doing the same thing. But for some reason, Yoru-san is always avoiding. Either he going alone or pairing me with Takashi. It seems he has already drawn a line that explains that neither I nor Saya can be more than this. That's why me and Saya stopped and saw who was beside us." Rei explained to Yuuki with a face full of smiles. Takashi felt a little strange hearing her explanation.

"I thought you liked Takashi for a long time?" Yuuki asked.

"Indeed I like him since childhood. But to be honest, I also like Yoru-san. But who doesn't like him though? Just imagine, who do you think doesn't like him?" Yuuki and Takashi shook their head.

"You can't right? And I'm sure that Yuriko-obasan actually has feelings for Yoru-san too. But since Yoru-san has clearly done something that shows that he refuses. What can we do?" Rei spoke slightly annoyed.

"Me don't really care about the feelings we have for Yoru-san anymore. I don't know about Saya thought. So Yuuki, just try to find the right guy for you. If you feel that Yoru will hate you if you advance, so please don't go further, and just wait for your chances before you regret everything." Rei smiled gently at Yuuki.

"Thanks Rei, I like you." Said Yuuki and then she kiss Rei cheek. Rei then also returned Yuuki kiss.

"I feel like I'm the third wheel here." Takashi said with a strange face. Rei and Yuuki just giggling hearing what Takashi said.