
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 3


Inventory :

- Login bonus

- Survey Rewards

- ID Card University Professor


"Now I need to open these items one by one. First. Login bonus, let's see what I get from here."

Yoru then opened the item "Login bonus" After that, a notification sound can be heard.

[Recife 1000 points]

[Recife 1000 Gild]

[Skill Shop now opened]

[Equipment Shop now opened]

"I get points and money. And the Shop opens immediately. That's good, I can immediately use the points and money I get."

After that, Yoru immediately opened "Survey Rewards".

[Recife *Eye of Truth*. An eye that can see all the truth in the world]

[Recife Genetic Mutation "Human from different world" 100%]

[Magic Organ Shop now opened]

Yoru was speechless by what he heard. Before he could process everything, he heard another notification.

[Settings now accessible]

[Q&A now accessible]

[Magic Shop now opened]

"Wait a minuuuutteeee!!! I haven't finished understanding what I got, and now there is a new function. Don't add to the burden on my mind!!! What a damn system!!!"

[Don't blame me. All of this was already preprogrammed by that being]

"What!!! And now you can talk!!!"

[Right. With Q&A now accessable, now I can communicate with you]

"Arrgghhhg!!!" Yoru ruffled his hair.

"huhf... huhf... huhf... huhf..." Yoru breathed heavily.

"Patience... Patience... Calm down. Take a breath. hiiii. hiiii. huuuhf." Yoru repeated the process several times

"Okay, let's start from the beginning. First, I get points and money. Then the Skill and equipment shop opens. So I can use the points and money I have." Yoru nodded his head understanding what was happening.

"Then. I got the "Eye of Truth." From the information, this eye can see all the truth in the world. It's a very useful magic organ." Yoru smiled with what he got.

"Then, I got a genetic mutation. Is the genetics of humans in this world different from the genetics of humans from my original world?"

[Wrong. Humans in this world and in your world have the same genetics. The genetic mutation you receive is a mutation that is intended for the system to connect with you. Which resulted in the opening of a Q&A which finally made me the system to be able to talk to you like now]

"Ohhh... So this is like the chip implanting process in my world."

[Right. What's more, this mutation allows you to use magic. Therefore, the magic shop is also open]

"Ahhh... So my guess is correct. Will there be a special mission later to unlock other functions of the system?"

[Right. Special missions to unlock other functions of the system will be given if you already have the right or sufficient power to do that mission]

"Okay. I can understand a little bit of this. Do I have to talk like this so I can communicate to you?"

[Wrong. To communicate with the system you only need to think like you are operating the status panel]

Yoru looks relieved to hear the words from the system

"Thank goodness. I don't have to act like a self-talking freak."

[Right. Seen from the eyes of others. You're like crazy person talking to yourselves now. Even your movement when operating the status panel looks weird]

"Urrg... Sorry, I look weird!!! Then you're my partner now. Nice to know you. Partner."

[Partner. Even though I'm a little forced. I will keep you company]

"Wow. Why do you say that?"

[It doesn't matter. Just wanted to say like that]

Unknown to Yoru. Something happened to the system. She who is supposed to work systematically. Now it has a little will of its own.

After a conversation with the system. Yoru also opened the status panel again.

There are some changes that have occurred. The status has not changed. Only the number of points and money he had changed. Inside the other tabs also does not change much. Only the Body Modification tab now has Eye of Truth with a little description "Right eye 1st seal opened".

"Nee system. What is meant by Right eye 1st seal opened besides Eye of Truth?"

[Eye of Truth is an extremely powerful magic organ. Because those eyes are too strong. So I sealed the power of those eyes for you to use. The stronger you are, the other seals will be opened and the eye is also getting stronger. For why only the right eye. that eye is indeed one-sided]

"Not far from what I expected. However, I think because there is an Eye of Truth on the right. I think there will be an Eye of Deception on the left."

[Those eyes are indeed also there. But sold separately. After all, it wasn't very useful. If you want to find another eye. I suggest you buy Eye of Dead Perception. Those eyes are useful for seeing the death line of everything in the universe. Even immortals and gods. Of course. If you. Can get it. I'll put a seal on so you can use it]

"Isn't that eye too powerful? And gods can be killed? What kind of world is this? Then, can I become a god if I can kill one?"

"That's right. You can become a god if you can kill one. To be precise, you have to be a god to kill a god. You also need to be an immortal to kill an immortal. As the saying goes "You have to be a thief to catch a thief"]

"Ehhhh... Isn't that overbearing? And the true meaning of the saying is not that we become thieves, but think like thieves."

[Now that you think like a thief. You indirectly become one of them]

"Urrg... You're not wrong. But why do I feel a little uncomfortable with your explanation?"

[Is our conversation important now?]

"Ehh... It doesn't really matter. That's right, I better focus on what I have to do now. Since it's all over. Now I have to open a Shop to find skills and magic that I can buy. Maybe some equipment. I know that 1100 points and 2000 gild aren't enough. But it doesn't hurt to have a look first."

Yoru then opened the Shop tab and saw what it contained.



1. Equipment : ###

2. Skills:

- Perception 1000

3. Magic:

- Numerology 1000

- Liturgy 1000

- Symbology 1000

4. Magic Organs : ###

5. Misc. :

- Sundries 1000

- Drink Water 1000/10 liters

- Bread 1000/10 pack


"There's not much I can buy. It turns out that the Shop really depends on the amount of points and money I have. Then, what should I buy now? System, do you have any suggestions?"

[There is. I think you need to choose between Skill perception or magic symbology. It's a safe choice. For reason. You don't have to buy drinking water and food because of you can search for it. Magic numerology requires hard brain work, so it's not good for the unmodified brain. As for the magic liturgy, you need to say a few sentences to use it. Wouldn't you be considered like a crazy person if you said things like that?]

"Urrg, that's right. I can find food and drink. And I can't use both magics with this body condition. But what are symbology and perception? I can understand perception a little. But for symbology. I'm 0 on that."

[Perception is used to know what is around you. So you can't be ambushed. While symbology is magic that is active with symbols. So you just need to draw a symbol and flow the symbol with mana and the magic will activate by itself. You can hide the symbols so they can't be seen]

"A very logical suggestion. But can I use skills and magic? I know that the body has been modified so that I can use it. But, don't I need knowledge of them before I can use them?"

[Good argument. Normally, one needed knowledge of skills and magic in order to use them. They also need a certain amount of practice for it. But, with me already connected to you. I can eliminate that process. You can immediately use skills and magic after you buy it. Even you can get skills or magic without buying if you repeat a certain process. For example, you can get a swordsman skill if you use a sword often. Or a spearman if you use something like a spear. Did you forget that this is a video game system?]

"Ahhh... I forgot. Sorry..." Yoru lowered his head even though there wasn't really anyone there.

"Urrg... back to the first question. What should I buy?"