
Road to depravity

A woman is cursed by the gods, because of all the evil she has done. She is sent into another world, where she will recieve her punishment. which is to be a whore. super r18. not recommended, unless you have a kink and want to "stimulate yourself"

GlassFrame · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 9

I walk to the front door and open it. When I do, I see a carriage, accompanied by a crew of armed men, waiting for us.

I walk towards the carriage, with Nyx trailing shortly behind.

"Good day, my lady." The captain of the crew greets me with a bow.

"Hello. Are you ready to move?" I ask him.

I can feel some of his crew ogeling us, as even with me covering up. My devestating curves still explode out. As a slut, who has a thing for warriors, I'm a bit aroused by it, but ignore the feeling like it isn't there.

"Yes, we can move out immediately." He responds.

"Great. Then our first stop is the marketplace." I announce and walk to the carriage.

I can feel that Nyx isn't comfortable being stared at with such intent, by a group of men. So I sway my hips a bit more and move more captivatingly, to get all the attention on me.

We get inside the luxurious carriage and close the door. The carriage starts to move and our escort knights with it. They're a mercenary band I hired for protection in the city. They have a good reputation, are strong and cost a lot of money, so they must be good.

I chat with Nyx over trivial things and make jokes, while we ride. As this is an outing, I make a point to not talk about work.

We soon arrive at the marketplace. It's huge. There are stores and stalls aligned everywhere. The main street is wide, with plenty of room for our carriage to move around. These stores are intended for people with money, so they're all nicely decorated and professional.

We get out of the carriage and start visiting different stores. A squad of knights always moves with us. They truly are professional in how they move. Not getting in our way and taking care to make sure that other people don't get in our way as well.

We draw a lot of attention, since we are two beauties and a fox, walking around surrounded by intimidating knights. People instantly assume that we're higher nobility, or royalty.

I have hidden my demonic features, so I just look like a plain human. While Nyx is still identified as a dark elf, that is not a problem, since there are many different races here. I could even walk around with my demon features out, but that would draw even more attention.

We visit different stores, from clothes stores, weapon stores and alchemy stores, to bakerys and a restaurant. We buy a lot of different stuff, whatever our hearts desire.

After spending a lot of gold and shopping our fill, we finally return to the carriage.

"Let's go to the action house." I tell the captain and enter the wagon. He nods and relays the commands.

After another short ride, we arrive in front of the auction house.

This is one of the crown jewels of Sky city. It's a place where many rare items are sold and where all the heavy hitters are. Today is the annual auction, so it's incredibly busy.

I got us VIP seats in the auction, by putting a few treasures on sale. Funny enough these treasures came from the rings of the 3 dead brothers. Even in death they continue to suport me. When I showed them the treasures, I learned that these things were an even bigger thing than I first thought. That's how I got the VIP seats. Oh well, it's not like those items matter to me anyway. Just a good chance to earn some more coin.

While we head towards the auction house, I have one of our escorts take a sigil and go to the auction house ahead of us.

Once we finally reach the auction house, we find a guide of the auction house already waiting for us.

I exit the carriage and look at the captain of our escort team. "Park the carriage somewhere and get only two of your strongest to escort us inside." I tell him.

He nods, then quickly relays his commands. Then the captain himself and one other man come to me. I nod and walk to the guide.

"Welcome miss Umbra. We are elated to see that you are attending our auction. I must compliment the..." After the flowery words of the guide, trying to suck up to us, he finally says something useful and leads us inside.

The inside of this place is much grander and beautiful than the outside. The colour theme is white and gold, with a bit of emerald. The hallways are spacious and littered with smooth marble.

The guide leads us to the 3rd floor, where the VIP boxes are. We enter the box and look at the lavishly decorated room. It's not thay big, about as big as an average classroom. But everything is spaced out well, so nothing is wasted.

There is a big glass wall that projects the auction room. The auction room itself is massive, with probably hundreds of seats.

"Do not worry about being seen, as your privacy is our priority. These windows allow only the ones inside the room to see outside. No one can see in here though." The guide explains, seeing my gaze on the glass wall. I nod at him and look around.

There are two women standing in the room, in servants clothes. The guide explains that these women will serve whatever needs we may have.

I nod in satisfaction of the room, then ask the guide to leave. Once the guide is out, I tell our escort knights to go sit down at the corner of our room and relax.

I sit down on the comfortable looking armchair, intended for the VIP. Nyx sits down on the similar one, beside me.

As the auction is still yet to start, I remove my veil and tell the maid to bring me some confectionerys and tea. They move briskly and execute my order, bringing them both to me and to Nyx.

When the 2 female servants see my face, they stare intently at me, for even a bit too long. I understand the reaction, as even women will gasp at my beauty. Though they quickly realize their mistake and drop their gazes.

We patiently eat our sweets and wait for the auction to begin. While we wait, I have one of the servants give me a foot massage.

I remove my thigh high leather boots and expose my two beautiful legs and toes, with the toenails painted red. These boots do take an effort to get off and on though.

The servant starts rubbing my feet with utmost care, looking transfixed on them. I feel a bit ridiculous as the devotion she gives my feet is a bit silly.

Still she does a good job. She lays my feet on her lap and starts rubbing my soles with her thumbs. She moves her hands expertly and caresses and squeezes my feet. She also traces her fingers between my toes and pays attention to them.

The other servant offers Nyx a masaage as well. Nyx lets her massage her shoulders, as she's not as comfortable exposing herself as I am.

I eat my sweets and look at the lady giving me the massage, when suddenly, a voice is heard.

"Welcome guests to Sky citys annual auction. We are pleased that so many of you have come from far and wide. Today we will be selling rarities and treasures that you would perhaps only see once in your lifetime. So be ready to bet on your desired item when the time comes." The announcer woman explains.

Then she proceeds to explain the auction house rules and how to bet. I basically have a magical tablet that I can bet with, when I enter the amount.

She proceeds to tell the categories of the items being sold. They are sold in categories, so that if for example, weapons, don't interesy you, then you can go and take a leak, or something and come back when another categoty is starting.

Of course the age old auction house tradition is still in place. The one where the most valuable items are sold in the later stages.

I leisurely listen to the lady explain, while focusing more on enjoying my massage.

The servant is getting a bit frisky, running her hands all the way up to my middle inner thighs. She kees glancing at my eyes a bit nervously, as if not sure whether she can get away with it. She's quite attractive as well, with dark brown hair and decently large breasts.

I feel a tingle of sadism tickle me, as I look down on the silly woman. She must be 30 ish something, but she still acts so silly. I smirk at her sadistically and trail my foot up her torso, to her chest.

I take care to not be noticed by Nyx and everyone else, which is quite easy, since the luxury also grants you privacy inside the cabin.

I raise the curtain a bit, so no one can see, then proceed to draw circles around the womans breast with my foot, one at a time.

She seems to be enjoying it. She focuses on massaging my other foot, while I play with her with my free one.

I press on her breast a bit, almost soliciting a moan. Who knew I was so good at footsies? I mean I'm doing this over the clothes.

Then I trail my foot upwards, up to her neck, then her chin. Finally I reach her lips and trace my big toe on her lips.

My smirk grows even deeper, as she gazes at me. Then I shove my big toe in her mouth. She looks at me, but doesn't protest. Instead she immediately starts sucking on my toe, like a good girl.

She grabs the foot thats in her mouth and starts rubbing it, while carefully licking my big toe. Then she moves on to my other toes and sucks on each of them individually. I enjoy her licks and sucking, while keeping my gaze on her.

Once she's done with my toes, she lifts my foot and traces her tongue along the sole of my foot. She carefully tickles me with her tongue all along the bottom of my foot.

I place my chin on my hand, that's resting in the armchair and enjoy the show, with amusement.

She proceeds to service my foot with her tongue, finally licking carefully between my toes as well. Sucking and licking, as if trying to clean my foot with her tongue.

Once she's done with my foot, she lays it back on her lap and take my other foot in her hands. Now she does the same thing, licking and sucking on my toes, like a pervert.

Amused by this, I watch on. But I soon grow bored. Once she's done with my feet, she starts kissing them and moving a bit upwards. Still she hesitates and doesn't go past a certain line.

I place my foot under her chin and lift her towards me. More specifically, towards my secret garden.

I lift my skirt a bit and place it over her head. Then I grab her head with my hand and nudge it towards my pussy, giving her clear indication to what I want.