
Road to Demon Lord.

Eric, an orphan from birth, leads an ordinary and unassuming life. Until he is killed in a traffic accident that is. But death is of course not the end for someone like a novel protagonist. Eric wakes up from his death slumber in the body of a demon that looks very similar to his original appearance. Also, it seems that the demon he possessed was the master of a dungeon. Although, the dungeon is completely annihilated and has nothing in it. Will Eric be able to repair the dungeon? Will he be able to get stronger? Will he become the Demon Lord? A few points to note before reading: 1) MC is a villain. Although he won't go out of his way to harm others, he will not hesitate to kill if it means his own survival. 2) The crow in the cover image is named 'Corvis' and he is the most important side character in the novel. 3) I don't plan on having romance in this novel.

Xeanos · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


"Craw! Craw!", Corvis was constantly grumbling about who in the world could have attacked me. It seemed like Corvis REALLY cared about me, which felt nice.

"Corvis. Calm down. Whoever it was who attacked me is going to be turned into one of my magic stones soon enough.", I calmed down Corvis.

"Craw... Craw!", Corvis apologised and agreed with me.

*tap tap tap tap*

The two skeletons were also following me silently. They don't seem to have the ability to talk or communicate with me... Maybe in the future, if I raise the level of the 'Raise Undead' skill, then I'll be able to talk with them.

As we were walking, we came across a large ravine. I couldn't discern its depth at first glance so I assumed it to be extremely fucking deep.

"Craw!", Corvis yelled, pointing his beak inside the ravine.

"Wait, no way... you mean to say that we have to go down?", I asked in disbelief.

"Craw!", affirmative nod.

"Shit...", I cursed but I really do need the magic stones if I want to repair the dungeon core and not die...

"How do we get down, Corvis?", I asked.

"Craw! Craw!"

"Follow you? okay."

Corvis lead me and the skeletons through an ancient path. It might have actually been used by some people in the past, although it was now destroyed and had no safety.

The path hugged the wall of the ravine and slowly descended into it. It was kind of like those staircases going down gigantic water reservoirs in ancient India. I think they were called 'Stepwells' if I remember correctly.

Anyway, we kept descending into the dark ravine and soon I wasn't able to see the mouth of the ravine again.



"Shit!", I cursed as I dodged the arrow aimed at my neck.

Once again if not for Corvis's ability, I would have surely died...

"Fuck! We're under attack! Skeletons! Shield me!", I commended the skeletons and they obeyed immediately.


The skeleton's HP was going down quickly.

Suddenly Corvis violently landed on my shoulder and yelled "CRAW!"

"What?! Focus on what?!", I asked.

"CRAW CRAW!", Corvis yelled again.

"DAMNIT! I don't kno-"

I was interrupted by the sight in front of me.

Suddenly, in the darkness, I could see faint red glows in the distance.


An arrow darted towards me with unbelievable speed and thankfully I managed to dodge in time.

But the arrow's origin point was that red glow!

'Those red glows are the enemies!', I realised.

"Dark Knives!", I yelled as I aimed at one of the glows.


The four black knives shot out of my right palm and after about 2 seconds, I saw the red glow falter and eventually disappear.

'Does that mean it's dead?'


'Shit!', one of the skeleton's HP was completely drained and it collapsed to the ground lifelessly, its bones clattering as they fell on the solid floor.

'How's the other one looking?!', I jolted to look at the other skeleton.

[Eric's Summon]

[Race: Skeleton Wight]

[Status: Obeying Commands]

[HP: 20/100]


But all hope was not gone, I saw the other red glow that was shooting us.

*PHIK!* *ARGH!!*

"FUCK! IT FUCKING HURTS!", I yelled as I looked at the arrow lodged into my right shin.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!", it hurt so much that I started to lose my cool.

"CRAAAAAWWWW!!!", Corvis yelled as loud as his small body allowed him to, telling me to calm down.


"SHIT!", I barely managed to dodge another arrow that would have killed me if it hit.

The other skeleton's HP was nearing its end too. Things looked ugly.

'Okay! Just kill that fucker that's shooting us and it will all be over!!!', I thought before gritting my teeth and getting ready to cast another spell.

"Dark Knives!!!", I yelled, aiming at the shooter and launching the four deadly knives.



'Did... did I do it...?', I thought as I hyperventilated.

"Craw!", Corvis yelled.

"Haha! It's finally over"


Suddenly, I fell to the ground.

Surprised, I looked at my feet and remembered getting shot.

Sure enough, the arrow was still in there.

It hurt so much...

"Fuck!", my voice cracked while yelling out in pain.

"Craw! Craw!"

"Pull it out? Okay... Hey! Skeleton! Come here!", I called the skeleton over.

*tap tap tap tap*

The skeleton looked badly damaged. It's bones were cracked and some of its bones were also missing.

"N-Necroflame...", I chanted and cast the spell on the skeleton.

A dark and sinister flame enveloped the skeleton and its injuries were recovering at a rate visible to the naked eye. It wasn't particularly fast, but it was fast enough for the time being.

"P-Pull out the arrow... Quick!", I commanded.

The skeleton nodded and held the arrow in my leg with both of its bony hands.


"AAAAAARRRRGGGHHH", I howled in pain.

I was losing too much blood... At this rate, I would die within a few minutes...

'Shit... I think that arrow damaged some major vein or artery... oh well... I had a good run... Maybe I'll reincarnate again?', I thought.

I was slowly losing consciousness. It was truly miraculous that I hadn't lost it while fighting...

"...raw! ...aw!", I could hear Corvis yelling out to me but I couldn't hear it clearly... My audio was all blurred like I was underwater...

--- an unknown amount of time later ---



"CRAW!", Corvis yelled into my ears which kicked me awake.

I was confused and tipsy from waking up in a jolt.

"W-what... happened...?", I asked.

"Craw! Craw, craw... craw!"

"What? the skeleton? what did he do?"

*Tap tap tap tap*

As soon as I started talking about the skeleton, it walked towards me and bowed its head in respect.

'Wait... something looks odd...', I thought as I looked at the skeleton. It was strange... Somehow, it looked like the skeleton was more rigid and its movements were also smoother...

'Wait! My wound!', I thought before looking at my shin to check its condition.

"What...?", I was astonished at what I saw.

My shin still hurt quite a bit, but I wasn't losing blood anymore.

'It's... stiched?', I thought.

The wound was still clearly visible but it was stitched and repaired. It looked like some luminous string was used to stitch the wound.

I focused on the wound and the window popped up-

[Null Magic]

[Type: Medical String]

[Caster: Eric's Summon]

[Time Left: 11hrs 20mins.]

'What...', I wondered before looking at the skeleton once more.

The window popped up again-

[Eric's Summon]

[Race: Skeleton Mage]

[Status: Respect, Relief]

[HP: 100/100]

'Skeleton mage... Wait, it evolved?!', I thought.

"Wait, then... can you speak to me now?", I asked the skeleton.


"I guess not...", I said in disappointment.

"Craw! Craw!", Corvis yelled out in joy and relief.

"Haha, sorry if I worried you too much..."


"Okay okay! I apologise!"

'I'm back... Wow, I didn't expect that...', I thought.

"But... now that you're a skeleton mage... I can't just call you 'skeleton' anymore...", I thought.

Indeed. If he has now become a skeleton mage, it means that he is now something more than just a summon. He has the potential to be my teammate... no, my subordinate!

"Hmm... I should name you...", I thought.

"... how about Desmond? how's that for a name?", I asked the skeleton mage.

It didn't reply and just stared at me with its hollow eyes.

"Okay, Desmond it is then. I look forward to your performance, Desmond.", I told Desmond.

Suddenly, a strange and mystical aura enveloped the skeleton.

"Desmond?!", I panicked and tried to get close to him.

"Craw!", but Corvis stopped me.

"Wait? But why?"


"Just look? okay...", I complied with Corvis.

Slowly, the aura around Desmond calmed down and Desmond looked at me with his skull.

"...Thank... You... My Lord... I am... At your... Disposal..."


"Desmond?! Was that you?!", I asked in disbelief.

"...Yes... My lord..."

Desmond's 'voice' sounded deep and hoarse. He was definitely a monster, that's for sure.

"Desmond... did you save me?", I asked.

"Yes, My lord..."

"Oh... Thanks."

"I don't... Deserve... your gratitude... my lord... It was... lord Corvis... who guided me...", Desmond lowered his skull and bowed.

"Is that right... Well, Thank you and Corvis, both!", I was feeling lucky to have two allies already... Desmond will surely help a lot in the future...

I looked at Desmond again and waited for the window to pop up-


[Race: Skeleton Mage]

[Status: Respectful, Humble]

[HP: 100/100]

'Wow... Even his window changed... cool!'

"Now, let's go and collect the magic stones to repair the dungeon!", I commanded and we all went deeper into the ravine.