
Road to becoming the wealthiest: Starting From Treasure Hunting in the Cabinets

What was in the container that nobody wanted? What could be found in an abandoned warehouse? You thought there was only junk? No, no, no! Antique jewelry, limited edition racing cars, aerospace instruments, helicopters, cattle'... be creative so that you'd come up with a lot more! With the ability to turn waste into treasure, Zhu Yu, who had awakened the heavenly eyes, collected unlimited wealth from the unclaimed containers, and walked step by step on the road to success!

Street And Breeze · Urban
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954 Chs

Chapter 31: Homesick

Translator: 549690339

Sean Knight bought some vegetables, meat, and seasonings from the supermarket.

Aunt Susan saw Sean and greeted him with a smile.

Sean said:

"I bought some vegetables and meat, can I use your kitchen to cook a meal?"

"No problem!" Aunt Susan was very curious, "I have heard that Chinese cuisine is very unique, and I'm excited to experience it."

Sean smiled, washed his hands, and began to prepare the ingredients.

Most of the fish in America are sea fish, and there are no freshwater fish with lots of bones.

Sean made scrambled eggs with green peppers, boiled fish slices, double-cooked pork, and steamed a pot of rice.

After preparing the dishes, he arranged a tray and sent some of each dish to Susan's side of the house.

Before knocking on the door, he heard two people talking inside. When the door opened, Sean saw a beautiful girl with freckles on her face looking curiously at him.