
Road of The Villain's King

Drake, one of the loyal subject of his nation, had to endure countless abuse and humiliation on his entire life. Until one day, enough was enough. because of the stupid slandering, he had to lose his one and only family. Forget about his dreams become the most loyal knight, he was now had to live as a fugitive, and running is the only way out! But who would guess, that weak boy used to be stepped on become one of the feared villain throughout the nation. With the enormous power and by the help of his teams, he finally step his foot back on his homeland. "I'm a villain, but it doesn't matter. I'll be the king, and trampled those stupid people head."

yoafela · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 9 - Fighting The Monster

Giving the swords to Hora, he said, "Keep the sword. And how much longer you'll finish eating the treasure. We don't have time." 

"It's a great decision you won't use the swords. You could really end up having your soul taken by it. And I'm all most done with all of these sparkling guys. "

Drake also understood his capability. He just didn't want to rush a things. Later if he had already mastered a chanter power, he could just try the swords anytime he want.

When a small lump of gold fell on his feet, he finally realized that all of the shiny things he saw before, were finally vanished. 

Looking around, he smiled at the accomplishment. Finally! All of the treasure was his. "Well done, Hora!"

Hora were really proud of that. He liked shiny things so much. A thought passed him for a moment, it's not really that bad following the human before him. 

"Now, what's your plan, Drake?" Hora said while sniffing the bunny monster on Drake's arm. 

The bunny then sulked his face, turning away from Hora. He didn't like this dragon. 

Drake realized the times Hora used to take the treasure were longer than five minutes.

A hint of confusion had crossed his mind. Spending this much of times, the sleeping beast should had already come attacking them.

But why didn't they come inside to the cave, wasn't this cave their home? 

As Hora saw deeply inside that bunny's eyes, He sure found something amusing with that monster. 

But he just closed his mouth for now. In the end, Drake would leave that bunny away. And plus, there'll be no gain to reveal everything to Drake. It could be dangerous. 

Meanwhile Drake, who sensed something was wrong, chose to leave the cave right away. "Let's go Hora!" 

Bringing the bunny, he took a wary step towards the exit. The cave passage was so dark, he couldn't see anything. 

Grabbing another bottle of poison, Drake carried out his only way to get out from there. 

He knew with his instinct, he could sense other presence of life lurking away in this dark pathway.

Not long after, he finally heard the disturbing sounds coming out from monsters.

It would be a problem if those monsters got an opportunity to attack him. "Hora, I'm going to use the poison." 

As soon as his dragon disappeared, he covered the nose of the bunny in his arms. With a full force, Drake threw the bottle far away inside the passage. The sound of glass breaking echoed in his ear.

But after throwing that bottle, he could still hear those monster voice lingering around that dark pathway.


It seemed like the voice coming from outside. Did they wait for him outside the cave? There's a bunch of smart monsters anyway. 

If it's true, then no monsters were inside this exit right now. But why Drake could still sense another presence of life nearby? 

Couldn't stand still anymore, his feet took more steps further, until he felt it. The uncertain and strong emotion that was getting closer.

This time, he was sure. There must be another monster around.

Ready to throw another bottle, a sudden big angry roar erupted from the air. The fastest stomp and panting breaths. Without a doubt, a monster coming toward him. 

As the growl got closer, Drake threw another bottle toward the sound. Yet it didn't stop that evil creature. More angry scream of it was heard. 

A wave of panic washed his veins when he finally realized that his green poison didn't work. 

Trapped inside the blind of darkness with the unstoppable angry monster. Nothing was worse than this. 

Turning around to get back inside the cave to have some light, Drake heard the sound of big roars, right on his left ear.

The impossible time to dodge was so clear. With a jab of the beast nails on his shoulder, Drake was thrown right to the rough wall of the cave. 

As his spirit guides, Hora couldn't stand still watching Drake got beaten. But he could do nothing, because the monster in front of him was a real animal beast.

 "Drake! That big guy is a real beast. It's an animal. I'm not allowed to fight with earth's living creatures." 

Bearing the pain, Drake quickly stood to flee. Even in the darkness, he sensed that big beast was slashing everywhere in the air with its wrecked and angry emotion. 

The beast was a real beast. It was an animal. And throwing two bottles of the green potion was definitely a fault move.

Facing a hallucinate animal beast wasn't a joke. That huge animal was following Drake when he ran towards the light.

When the shine brightened the space, that was the time Drake saw the vision of that beast. A huge old bear, with scars painted everywhere on its body. 

That bear was panting with heavy breath, and without letting the human in front of him have a break, He stomped faster towards Drake. 

It was coming so fast, that if Drake missed a seconds, his neck would definitely separate from his body. 

The bear's energy was unbelievably boosting up. Even when he withstand the blow from its slashing claws, Drake's body was easily thrown from the impact.

Having his injured shoulder collided with rough wall, he felt his arm were going to fall. 

A longer time had been spent for this battle. He couldn't wait until the poison faded from the bear's body. There was too much blood coming out of him.

Focusing more for attack, he then threw away the bunny he gripped 

"Kiiiiiikkkk…!!!" The crying sound of that bunny echoed inside the cave. Out of his plan, that voice distracted the bear's focus from Drake. 

And when that big bear seemed confused with the surroundings, It was the time. 

Didn't miss the opportunity, Drake took his dagger, and jumped towards the big bear. He stabbed that sharp edge directly into one of the bear's eyes. 

Under the dripping blood, the bear was roaring so loud. 

Afraid it became berserk more than this, Drake pulled out the blade, only to stab it again on its heart. 

When the bear finally fell to the ground, it was the time Drake finally could rest.

The bearable pain started throbbing, and his open skin on his shoulder never stopped bleeding.

Hora finally appeared, "Drake, are you okay? I can't join the human fight if there's no monsters."

When the fight happened between humans or animals, a spirit creature like Hora was not allowed to take part in those fights. But a different story if the other party used another creature like monster.

Drake let out a long breath. Losing too much blood was not a great idea. Do not mention the spirit beast that would notice the smell of his blood.

Didn't want to meet a worse scenario, Drake moved his body towards those exit passages. 

He then took the little spirit beast who peeked from the back of the big stone. "I still need you, ugly bunny." 

"Kikkk.." It sulking 

Seeing the human in front of him was so badly hurt, Hora couldn't sway his regret away. He somehow blamed himself for not being able to do anything.

When the human he must protect was hurt, that's the time a spirit guide like him would feel so unworthy. 

Drake tried to run so fast in the dark passage. The bleed on his shoulder was forcing him to bite his lips. He definitely, never should faint in this forest. 

Stopping his steps, he smelled something rotten. The pungent was terrible so he closed his nose. "Damn! This must be coming from those monsters!" 

Not just their sound that pierced the ears. The stench was so unbearable. 

Those terrible voices were getting near. "Hora, hide!"

In the darkness, Drake threw two others bottles of poison. It did make them sleep, since that piercing sound started to calm.

Drake could imagine, with this much blood coming out of his ripped skin, how much monster would come after him. This mission became a dreadful idea somehow. 

They were finally getting out. And just like what he thought, a lot of monsters were waiting for him outside. The number of them was crazily increase every second. 

He gritted his teeth, "Fuck! This blood would definitely invite more of them." 

Looking around, Drake said, "Hey bunny. Show me the right way to get out of this forest or I'll snap your neck!"

"Kiikkk kikkk kikk…" The bunny reluctantly showed him the tinny road behind the cave.

This time, Hora appeared and started his move. He didn't want to be something useless.

A blast of fire came out from this little dragon, burning some of the monster nearby. The fire is not as big and powerful as his dad made, but at least, he could protect his human from some monsters.

"Drake, use your poison gas, I will fly above and try to avoid it." Hora said from above. "And you, red eyes! lead the way, I'm gonna clear the path."

Hora then, grabbing the bunny away with his foot. He couldn't let this interesting monster getting sleep.

Leaving only one bottle of poison, Drake threw two bottles of them. 

He then boosted up his mana to run faster, following his dragon Above.

Hora already cleared the path for him using his fire blast. Drake never felt so thankful for having a capable companion.

As he ran, Drake grabbed the only one left of green poison. Though many monsters were chasing him, he couldn't use it. Not yet. The end of the road was still not seen.