
RM's Shadowed Desire

Female readers x Kim Namjoon Namjoon rescues Y/N from kidnapping, but keeps her captive in his dark world of secrets. As Y/N navigates his treacherous landscape, she must decide: surrender to his all-consuming desires or risk everything to unravel his mysteries and change him forever. But when Namjoon's icy heart begins to thaw, and he starts to succumb to his own forbidden feelings, the lines between captor and captive blur. Will their twisted bond survive the secrets and lies that surround them, or will it become the very thing that destroys them both?

Leo_TheEmperor · Others
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26 Chs

Chapter 25 : The Magic Within

Hoseok and Yoongi looked at each other, grinning mischievously. "Well, I guess we have a new student to teach!" Hoseok exclaimed. Yoongi nodded, his eyes shining with excitement. "We'll have to start with the basics, of course. But I have a feeling you'll pick it up quickly."

They led me to a secluded clearing deep in the garden, surrounded by tall trees and filled with a soft, ethereal glow. "This is our training ground," Yoongi explained. "Here, we can practice magic without worrying about accidentally setting anything on fire."

Hoseok chuckled. "Well, most of the time, anyway."

Yoongi playfully rolled his eyes. "Hey, that was one time, okay?"

I laughed, feeling a sense of excitement and wonder. "So, what's the first lesson?"

Hoseok rubbed his hands together. "Let's start with something simple. We'll teach you how to conjure a small orb of light."

Yoongi nodded. "Just remember, magic is all about focus and intent. You have to want it to happen."

I nodded, taking a deep breath. "I'm ready. Let's do this!"

As I continued to practice, my magic grew stronger. The orb of light danced in the air, responding to my every thought. I felt a sense of exhilaration, like I was tapping into a deep well of power within myself.

Just then, Namjoon appeared at the edge of the clearing, his eyes fixed on me with an intense gaze. I felt a flutter in my chest, my heart racing with excitement.

But in my enthusiasm, I lost control of the orb for a split second. It shot a small blast of energy in Namjoon's direction, striking him with a soft "zap".

He glared at me, his eyes flashing with annoyance. "Watch what you're doing," he growled.

I felt a pang of embarrassment and worry. "Oh no, I'm so sorry!" I called out, but he didn't turn back.

Hoseok and Yoongi exchanged a knowing look. "Sorry about that you know how he is," Hoseok said with a grin.

Yoongi nodded. "Yeah, he'll get over it. But maybe we should work on your control a bit more, huh?"

I nodded, feeling a bit deflated but determined to improve. As we continued to practice, I couldn't help sneaking glances at Namjoon, who was now standing at the edge of the garden, his back turned to us.

Namjoon's eyes narrowed as he watched me practice magic. He seemed surprised, and a hint of disbelief crossed his face.

"How is this possible?" he thought to himself. "She's a human, and yet...she's wielding magic?"

Yoongi noticed Namjoon's expression and stepped forward. "Ah, Namjoon, you're surprised, aren't you?" he said with a knowing smile. "You see, since you've been spending time with her, especially...intimately," Yoongi's eyes sparkled with mischief, "magic has started to flow into her body. It's only natural, given the connection you two share."

Namjoon's gaze never left mine, his eyes burning with intensity. "Be careful what kind of magic you teach her," he growled, his voice low and warning. "Not every magic is good for a human."

I felt a shiver run down my spine as Namjoon's words hung in the air. Yoongi and Hoseok exchanged a glance, their faces serious.

"Don't worry, Namjoon," Yoongi said. "We'll be careful. We promise."

But Namjoon just glared at me, his eyes flashing with a mix of concern and warning. I felt like he was trying to convey a message, but I wasn't sure what it was.

"Let's just focus on the lesson, shall we?" Hoseok suggested, breaking the tension.

I nodded, still feeling Namjoon's gaze on me. As we continued to practice, I couldn't help but wonder what Namjoon was thinking, and what secrets he was hiding.