
RM's Shadowed Desire

Female readers x Kim Namjoon Namjoon rescues Y/N from kidnapping, but keeps her captive in his dark world of secrets. As Y/N navigates his treacherous landscape, she must decide: surrender to his all-consuming desires or risk everything to unravel his mysteries and change him forever. But when Namjoon's icy heart begins to thaw, and he starts to succumb to his own forbidden feelings, the lines between captor and captive blur. Will their twisted bond survive the secrets and lies that surround them, or will it become the very thing that destroys them both?

Leo_TheEmperor · Others
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26 Chs

Chapter 16 : Tangled Relationships

After an hour, Namjoon left the room, and I was relieved. But then, Nam-ju entered with a stranger, introducing us just before she received a call and hastily left. I was alone with Taehyung, who approached me with an unnerving smile.

He touched my hair, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, his voice low and husky. As he leaned in to kiss me, I refused, and his eyes turned blood red. Enraged, he pinned me against the wall, his grip like a vice.

Just as I thought things couldn't get worse, Namjoon burst into the room, his expression livid. Taehyung's grip loosened, and he took a step back, but his eyes never left mine. Namjoon's anger was palpable as he yelled at Taehyung, "What do you think you're doing?" Taehyung's smirk was unnerving, but he seemed slightly pale and scared for a moment before regaining his composure.

"Is she yours, Namjoon?" he asked, his voice laced with challenge. Namjoon's response was firm and possessive: "Yes, she's mine. And I warn you, Taehyung, don't ever touch her again." His eyes blazed with a fierce intensity, and even Taehyung seemed to shrink back slightly. Namjoon's pat on the head was unexpected, and I felt a mix of emotions. While it was a gentle gesture, it was also possessive, as if he was marking his territory.

Taehyung's words only added to the tension: "Calm down, big bro. I just wanted to play with her a little." Namjoon's anger boiled over, and he yelled at Taehyung, "Get out! Get out of my sight, now!" Taehyung's smile faltered, and he quickly left the room.

A few minutes later, the doctor entered, and I was relieved to hear that I was being discharged. Namjoon took me home that night, and as we arrived at the mansion, I was introduced to his brothers. There was Taehyung, the second child; Jin, the third child; Yoongi and Hoseok, twins and the fourth kids; Jungkook, the fifth child; and Jimin, the sixth child.

When Jin and Hoseok approached me to say hello, I hid behind Namjoon, still shaken by the earlier encounter with Taehyung. Namjoon's protective arm around me was comforting, but I couldn't help feeling like I was trapped in a complex web of family dynamics and secrets.

As his brothers eyed me with curiosity, Namjoon's voice was firm and warning: "Keep your eyes off her. She's mine, and I won't let anyone hurt her." His brothers nodded, but their gazes lingered, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

Jin and Hoseok exchanged a glance, and I saw a flicker of guilt in their eyes. They seemed to realize that I was scared of them, and their faces softened. Jin took a step forward, his voice gentle: "Hey, we're not going to hurt you. We promise." Hoseok nodded in agreement, his eyes apologetic. "We just wanted to say hi. We didn't mean to scare you."

I nodded, feeling a small sense of relief. Maybe not all of Namjoon's brothers were as intimidating as Taehyung. Maybe some of them were even kind. I peeped out from behind Namjoon and waved a little at Jin and Hoseok, trying to smile. Jimin, who had been watching the exchange, complimented me with a warm smile: "You're so cute when you're shy!"

I blushed, feeling a little more at ease. Maybe this family wasn't so bad after all. But as I looked around at the complex web of relationships and secrets, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was trapped in a dangerous game.