
RM's Shadowed Desire

Female readers x Kim Namjoon Namjoon rescues Y/N from kidnapping, but keeps her captive in his dark world of secrets. As Y/N navigates his treacherous landscape, she must decide: surrender to his all-consuming desires or risk everything to unravel his mysteries and change him forever. But when Namjoon's icy heart begins to thaw, and he starts to succumb to his own forbidden feelings, the lines between captor and captive blur. Will their twisted bond survive the secrets and lies that surround them, or will it become the very thing that destroys them both?

Leo_TheEmperor · Others
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26 Chs

Chapter 13 : Foiled Escape

I tried to run, but Namjoon was too quick. He caught me in just a few strides, his arms wrapping around me like a vice. I struggled and kicked, but he was too strong. He dragged me back inside, his grip on me unyielding. As we entered the mansion, I saw the maids and guards watching us, their faces expressionless. They didn't try to intervene, and I knew I was on my own.

Namjoon pulled me through the hallways, his pace fast and furious. I stumbled, but he didn't slow down. We finally reached his room, and he threw me onto the bed. "You think you can escape me?" he spat, his eyes blazing with anger. "You think you can just leave me?"

I cowered, knowing I was in trouble. Namjoon's face was twisted in rage, and I feared what he might do next. "You're mine," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "And you'll never leave me again."

And with that, he reached for me, his hands grasping for me like claws. I knew I was trapped, and my heart sank in despair. He sank his fangs into my neck, and I felt a searing pain as he began to suck my blood. I felt my strength fading, my vision blurring.

Nam-ju rushed forward, her eyes flashing with anger. "Namjoon, stop! You're hurting her!"

But Namjoon just growled, his eyes never leaving mine. "We might be twins, Nam-ju," he sneered, "but I'm the oldest. And don't forget it."

Nam-ju's face paled slightly, and I knew she was afraid. She noticed my weakening state and shouted, "Namjoon, stop! You're going to kill her!"

But Namjoon just pulled back, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light. "Escort them to the hospital," he ordered the guards. "Make sure she gets the care she needs. And Nam-ju, make sure she doesn't try to escape again."

The guards moved forward, their faces expressionless. Nam-ju helped me up, and we were flanked by the guards as we left the mansion. I knew I was trapped, and my only hope was to find a way to escape from the hospital before Namjoon's men could stop me.

As we walked out of the mansion, I couldn't help but feel a sense of despair wash over me. I was trapped, and I didn't know how to escape. Namjoon's grip on me was too strong, and I knew I had to think fast if I wanted to survive.

The guards escorted us to the hospital, their eyes watchful and unyielding. Nam-ju tried to reassure me, but I could see the fear in her eyes. She knew her brother's wrath, and she knew I was in grave danger.

As we arrived at the hospital, I was whisked away to a private room. Nam-ju stayed by my side, her eyes never leaving mine. I knew she was trying to protect me, but I also knew she was afraid of her brother's power.

The doctors and nurses came and went, their faces expressionless. I knew they were under Namjoon's control, and I couldn't trust them. I was trapped, and I didn't know how to escape.

As the night wore on, I felt my strength returning. I knew I had to think fast, come up with a plan to escape. But as I looked around the room, I realized I was surrounded by Namjoon's men. They were watching me, waiting for me to try and escape. And when I finally made my move, they were ready. My escape was foiled, and I was left feeling defeated and trapped.