

"stupid " some one said to me. i will kill him who ever it is i look towards the direction where the sudden force come from.

and my heart beat stop. she is women the most beautiful women.

she is looking like an angle, the most simplest, beautiful women i have ever seen. she is bearing simple cartoon printed blue jump suit, reaching her mid thigh and giving perfect view of her long legs. her black color open hair coming in her face because of wind. her cute button type nose. she is about 5'8. her big amber eye looking at me or i can say glaring me. she is saying something i definitely miss.

" are you deaf " she shout and i come back to my senses.

" hey, why are you shouting " i said standing up from ground. and she again give me that angry glare. how dare she first she push me know she is looking at like she is about to kill me.

" you " she again about to shout but i interrupted her.

" shh don't! no one ever talk to me in that way neither in that tone so you better lower you voice " i said waring her.

no one literally no one talk to me in that way and even looking at my eye. i have been kill her that second she push me but i stop my self.

" why are you the son of Ambani, even if you are the prime minister of the state it don't matter, you destroy my house, stupid dog " she again yell last part girting her teath.

she made me fucking angry how dare she talk like that and why would be prime minister, he is the who have to follow my order. i run the government. and i have more money then Ambani.

" wait did you just call me dog " i said controlling me anger.

she crossed her hand in front of her chest and she smirk looking at me. who the fuck she think about her self.

" ohh sorry " she said. ohh better i said to my self.

"... " i about to say something but what she said next make me furious.

" ohh sorry dogs are the most cutest creature in the world, how can i compare them with you such a rude and stupid man its such a same to them " she said with sorry eye but she is not sorry for me she is sorry for dogs like really.

" do you have death wish " i said girting my teath. i am fucking angry on her for some second i though she is beautiful, no she is not at all beautiful she is ugly.

" you know what i don't want to waste my time with stupid girl like you i will forgive you for this time " i said. because i really don't know what to say to this silly women this is first time in my life i don't know what to say.

" ha ha hello Mr. your no one to forgive me, i am the one to forgive you but before that you have to apology to me " she said.

i really don't know what is stopping me to kill her. ahh why i found her cute, did i say cute no she is not cute i said to my self.

" really apology for what, you are the one push me " i said.

" off course your not only deaf, you are blind to, so i again repeat my self you destroy my house so apology for that " she said with full confidence looking into my eye.

" okay so its about money, how much your house cost tell me " i said. but there is expression on her face except anger.

" you.. " she said. " i don't want your money i want an apology " she said, what is wrong with her.

" your not getting any apology " i said.

" okay so cant apology its okay you just have to make my house again exactly like before " she said but this time its more like challenging.

" no problem show me photo of your house " i said its easy to make house i have many people they can make that happen.

" you didn't let me take photo you are standing on it " she said i look down for a second what is she taking about.

" what are you taking about " i said with confusion.

" you destroys my cute little sand house " she said with angry pout.

i don't know what to say this stupid women fight for sand house is she for real. and fit into laughter this is the most stupid reason any buddy to fight with me.

" you " she is about to say something but her phone ring she pike up the call but didn't say much.

" yes babe i will be there in 10 min " she said cutting the call. and start walking but she stop and again look at me.

" and you don't think we are even i will take my revenge " she said. and went away.

"I'll we waiting " i said more like to my own self.

i never met someone like her is such a silly women. i went back towards my car smiling i compose my self looking at my people. Rohan come to start cleaning my clothes and i again remember that she push me.

for the first time i met this entrusting women i will remember her for fighting with me for stupid sand house.

silly women.