
Chapter 5: SouthSide High School

-Southside High School-

-Pov Ivon-

On my motorcycle, I parked near the school. The Southside students didn't take their eyes off me. I got off the bike to head to the school entrance. I had to carry my helmet in my hand to avoid theft, Southside is not very safe, to say the least.

"Ivon Laurent?". A woman waiting for me at the school entrance called out.

"It's me, who are you?". I had never seen this woman before, I assumed she must be a teacher.

"I'm Maria, guidance counselor". She introduced herself only to glance at me, studying me.

Since this place is different from the north side, I decided on normal attire. Black pants, a red shirt, a black jacket, and dark leather boots. She counselor didn't wait long to guide me to the entrance, as soon as I entered, a metal sensor was located a few meters away.

"It's just for security.". The teacher looked at me and tried to explain herself...

I had to stand in line with the other students for a few minutes until it was my turn to go through the detector, I dropped my keys in the guard's basket and passed through with no problems.

"A new face, I hope you survive." That was what the guard said as he handed me back my keys.

"Heh, heh, heh. He's just kidding." The teacher grabbed my hand to drag me down the hallway.

Every student in the hallway looked at me as if I were prey, and they were the predators. As I scanned the surroundings with my eyes I noticed that the walls of the place were graffitied with markers and ink, there was no space where I was not.

The teacher took me to the orientation room to hand me my papers as a transfer student, papers with information about my classes and schedule.

"Your class is A-1....". Inside, the teacher sat down as if I didn't exist.

"What should I do now?". I asked only to receive a tired look from the 'kind teacher', now with a more disinterested personality.

"I'm busy, ask any student for a ride, I don't get paid enough!". With a wave of her hand, she dismissed me.

I insisted no more... Outside the room a group of students differed by wearing a dark jacket with a pattern of two-headed green snakes on each end, at the top it said "South Side", and at the bottom "Serpents".

"What are you looking at?". One of them spoke to me in an irritated voice.

The surrounding students stepped aside and left the hallway clear.

"Your jackets are cool. Do you belong to a club or something?" I asked fearlessly, even as they surrounded me.

"We're part of The Southern Serpents." He turned around to show me the stamp on his jacket.

"I've only been living in Riverdale for a few years, I still don't know everything about the place, can you help me figure out where classroom A-1 is?" I asked calmly.

"We are from homeroom A-10 why don't you come in with us? This school is different from wherever you have studied before, you can go into any classroom, and the teachers never say anything." He said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

They were all part of a gang, but on the contrary, they are very nice guys. The best way to get to know the place is to hang out with the juvenile snakes.

"Sounds good to me," I said to following the snake group.

"You can call me Sweet Pea, where do you live?". Sweet Pea introduced herself and also asked where she lived with no problem I answered.

"Before I came to Riverdale, I was born and lived in France for a while. I'm half American and French because of my parents' jobs we had to move here." I said getting his attention.

"France, you're a long way from home. Let's go in here is." We arrived at a classroom that had no door, its interior was something I had already expected. With all, I had seen in the hallway I was not surprised to see damaged, rusted, scrawled desks.

"Who's the new guy?" A female voice spoke to us, she was sitting on the last bench with a group of the same gang, snakes.

"Toni, he's the new guy in town, his family has come from France, can you believe it?". Sweet Pea walked over to where the young girl was and sat down at a nearby desk.

Toni is a young teenage girl about my age? 16 years old. Brown hair with light-pink highlights, dark skin, almond-shaped brown eyes. She wore a necklace and on her right hand, her fingers were adorned with rings.

"New! What's your name?" I let all the snakes sit down so I could sit near the group.

"Ivon Laurent Welton."

It was clear that Toni was a beautiful young woman. If I wasn't in a relationship and didn't like Cheryl I would try to court her. Having a girlfriend didn't get me much attention, and for that reason, I didn't try to carry on a conversation with the pink-haired girl.

"Guys let's start class open your history book to page 30." The teacher who came in after a few minutes when most of the students had arrived was none other than the guidance teacher, Maria.

I noticed that her gaze rested briefly on me, I only responded with a smile. The class was anything but quiet, no one was paying attention during the class.

The strangest thing was that the teacher did not attempt to curb the situation, she gave her class and left. I noticed how everyone was leaving the classroom, someone tapped me on my shoulder, and when I turned around it was Toni.

All the raised snakes looked at me, I confusedly looked at Toni looking for an answer.

"Dude you need a lot to fill me in. You can follow us to the cafeteria, I can give you an introduction to how this place works. On the condition that you buy me a bite to eat, the best dish." With a smile, Toni spoke up.

"That would be very helpful, I'm in," I said to get up and follow her with all the snakes.

It's the first hour and I'm already with a group of criminals.


At the cafeteria, Ivon had to buy food for Toni, as a form of payment for her to share her knowledge with him. The young teenage girl took Ivon to the area where the snakes were gathering.

On the opposite side of the snakes, a different group was still watching Ivon, from her clothing she did not appear to be a snake. Most likely it was another gang.

"In this school two gangs reign the Snakes to which I belong, and the Necrophages which are, the ones that never stop watching you, they are a bunch of misfits. They always bully those who can't protect themselves. We have a great rivalry between them, now that they have seen you with us, they are more likely to be hostile to you." He said by way of introduction.

Seeing that he would not speak until he finished his meal, I followed suit, enjoying my meal. The snakes around us did not disturb the moment. A few minutes later Toni and I finished eating, now it was time to talk.

"The teachers at this school don't care about us. So you can do whatever you want, but remember that if you want to continue studying or go to college you have to keep an eye on them. As for drugs, most of the students use them. I advise you not to follow that path, for now, you can walk with us, but only inside the school..... You are not a snake." Toni clarified for me how the place worked, proactively this is the jungle.

"My name is Antionette Topaz, but you can call me Toni." She said seeing that she still hadn't introduced herself.

"I have one last question, and it's a serious one, can you come closer?". I said quietly so the others wouldn't hear us.

"Say it." Playing along with me he moved his head closer.

"I live in the northern part of Riverdale, and I am part of the student exchange for 5 months. This information if known to your classmates and the school will cause." Ivon felt she could trust the young woman, so far she had shown her civilized behavior.

"What are you, idiot? No one must know that I have no problem, but the others and the whole school deeply hate Northerners. Ivon if you want to survive keep that to yourself." Without another word, he got up to look for his fellow snakes.

Even being the new guy, it's hard for someone to take the initiative to bully him on his first day. Ivon's figure was tall and lean, but through his T-shirt, you could see his toned body.

That's why the snakes seeing him looked at a future member or someone to watch out for until he crossed the line, everyone would treat him neutrally.


-Pov Ivon-

Three weeks studying on the south side. Ivon understood more about the drug business, how it was distributed and which gang was involved. The Snakes only sold marijuana. The Gloulies trafficked and sold cocaine, methamphetamine, LSD, and many other hallucinogens.

Toni, as promised, never mentioned what Ivon had revealed to her. The only thing that changed was that she kept her distance from him. The other snakes began to be more sociable with Ivon.

"Ivon the Gloulies have been outwitted, we will go after them in your parlor. Come give us a hand." Sweet Pea came bounding into the parlor.

Behind him, he was followed by several young snakes among whom he recognized as Toni, Fang, and Sweet Pea.

"...". I said nothing just stood up and nodded my head.

"Let's go." Sweet Pea ordered, as we left the teacher who was our turn was entering the classroom.

As expected he didn't stop us, with them we quickly ran to Gloulies classroom. When we entered, when they saw us they all stood up, and without speaking they began to fight.

Sweet Pea, received a punch in the face that made him fall to the ground. When I saw that his attacker wanted to kick him in the head, I ran and gave him a kick in the chest that sent him flying.

"Fucking scum!". Exclaimed a snake as it struck a Gloulies, who fell to the ground from the blow.

I helped Sweet Pea up he was still dazed from the blow.

"Nice kick". That's what he said, then pushed me back to keep me from getting hit in the face. Sweet Pea, grabbed the attacker's fist and held them to headbutt him.

"Argghh". Moaned the Gloulies as he received the headbutt.

I struggled with another who wanted to approach from behind, grabbed his hand, and spun him around. The Ghoulies, by himself, threw himself to the ground from the pain of his twisted arm, and on the ground I drove my knee into his chest, making him scream in pain.

Another approached, but before he did anything, I threw two blows to his ribs, and then with my elbow, I lashed out at his chin. His brain shook, causing a momentary paralysis. All his strength disappeared, kneeling in front of me I brutally struck his face.

I noticed how one of them who had gone unnoticed tried to hold Toni, who had just finished knocking out a female member of the Gloulies.

"It won't be possible,". I whispered, I ran out towards the pink hair. Without her being able to react I grabbed Gloulies head with one of my hands and slammed it against the wall.

"Watch out!". Toni looked at me scared as she warned me.

I turned only to see, that a Gloulies was wielding a knife intending to stab me in the stomach. Before the knife could reach me, with my hand I struck his hand so hard that his arm bent downwards.

With a victory, we returned to the classroom, when we arrived the teacher was leaving. He didn't even look at us, he looked straight ahead as he left.

"Watch out!". Toni looked at me scared as she warned me.

I turned only to see that still, Gloulies was wielding a knife intending to stab me in the stomach. Before the knife could reach me, with my hand I struck his hand so hard that his arm fell.

"Argghh," then with my elbow I hit him in the face.

We snake won because all the Gloulies present were on the floor groaning in pain, it was a great sight to see. I helped some of the snakes up and gave them support to walk.

With a victory, we walked back to the classroom, as we arrived the teacher was leaving. He didn't even look at us, with his eyes straight ahead he left the classroom. I helped Sweet Pea to sit at one of the desks.

"Thank you, Ivon you saved me." Toni came over to thank me.

"Toni the snakes have taken care of me the least I can do is give you a hand when needed." Shaking my head, and speak sincerely.

If you were to ask me which gang I hate on the Southside, I will say... the Gloulies. They're all scum, the snakes at least have codes, they're family or so they try to be.

"You may not be a snake, but in the future, you may become one." Sweet that I catch my breath I comment, Toni looks at me with a face of not knowing how to react.

When the 5 months of the exchange are over, I will have to tell the boys the whole truth, I just hope they don't get mad.


After the fight that Ivon participated in. The school snakes accepted his presence so that he could participate in their circle. They even invited him to drink at the bar where they frequented 'Whyte's Wyrm' where the members of the Southside Serpents met.

Putting aside, any issues on the side. Ivon was planning to take the next step with Charyl. She was preparing everything to make it unforgettable for her redhead.


-Pov Cheryl-

I am so excited today I have a romantic date at Ivon's house at 7:00 PM, I emptied the closet looking for my best dress I want to look perfect tonight.

After 2 hours I decided to wear a low-cut red dress with a low neckline, I looked so sexy that I'm sure Ivon would have a fit at the sight of me.

For this occasion, I opted for light make-up, some jewelry like necklaces, and silver earrings. Lastly and most importantly red lipstick, my lips should never be without it.

"I'm ready!" I said while looking at myself in the mirror, I looked divine.

If everything goes as I think it would be tonight where I will become a grown woman, today I have to lose my virginity. I had been waiting for this moment, and Ivon had given it to me I will not waste tonight.

"Mommy, Daddy I'm leaving." From the door, I shouted to my parents.

"...". Even though I'm sure they heard, they ignored me. Only Ivon and Jason love me.

To get to Ivon's house I had to ask Mommy's driver to take me.


-Pov Ivon-

"All that's missing is the wine". I walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine.

The table was perfectly decorated with candles, and the bottle of wine was the finishing touch to the decoration.

*Ding Dong*

When I heard the doorbell ring I knew it was Cheryl, I quickly made my way to open it for her as I grabbed the door handle, and opened it, what I found on the other side was dazzling.

Cheryl with a smile on her face let my gaze roam all over her body. She was beautiful in a low-cut red dress that let her pale skin show perfectly.

"You look beautiful!". I said unconsciously just to make Cheryl's smile bigger.

I had to go out and hug her waist to kiss her. Cheryl leaned back a bit to interrupt my action, I looked at her confused.

"Don't look at me like that, I know how you like my lips I don't want my lipstick to stain you." She said in a seductive voice, she moved closer, and just gave me a small kiss. "For now settle for that." That was what he said, he let go of my arms and walked confidently into the house.

Just outside the entrance, I could only see Cheryl's hips swaying seductively. Now I was afraid I wouldn't be able to make it through dinner, if she kept provoking him my plans would be ruined.

"Don't just stand there, come on in. Show me what you have ready." He turned, and as he arranged his hair he spoke to me.

I quickly closed the door and locked it so that no one could enter. In one quick step, I reached the redhead.

When I was close to her she took my hand, I understood what she meant, she wanted me to turn her into the dining room.

A few more steps into the dining room only to stop at the entrance to let Cheryl witness the place.

"It's beautiful and romantic!". Cheryl said looking at the decorations I set up.

"My little Cherry will have to wait a moment until I bring the food. In the meantime, you can wait for me." I said just to open the chair for her.

"I've already waited. Wait a little longer I can take it." He replied as he sat down.

I approached her ear from behind and whispered. "Cheryl no one is as, lovely as you can be. Today will be an immemorial day for both of us." Without waiting for her reply I went out in search of the food.

In the kitchen, I had to prepare all the dishes with the food I had prepared. I have to thank mom for teaching me, thanks to her I was able to make all this dinner.

I put everything on a kitchen cart, the plates had a plate cover to give it more excitement to reveal their contents.

"I hope I didn't take too long". I said to her as I put the cart beside the table.

Cheryl looked at all the contents of the cart with excitement, she was curious about its contents. Maybe part of that excitement was because she had already tasted my food.

I used to live alone in this house, and Cheryl has always come to spend time here. She even currently has her room, where she has clothes, and what she needs to live here.

"For this occasion, we have Ratatouille, a typical dish of French cuisine". I uncovered all the plate lids for the two dishes. I placed them carefully at each end of the table.

"It smells delicious". Cheryl said as she looked at her plate.

"We also have salad, and for dessert let's save that for when it happens," I said as I placed the bowl of salad in the center of the table. I sat down across from her and popped the cork. "And a wine, I know how much you like it," I stated as I filled our glasses.

We both enjoyed our dinner while drinking wine, with what this wine cost I knew its quality would be to our liking. We were both careful not to drink too much, getting drunk was something neither of us wanted to do.

"So how are you doing, with Southside High School". Cheryl thanks to the alcohol felt more confident talking.

"The school is completely different from ours. Most of them have no soul or education, but the snakes are not that bad. During this month I have molded myself into their group". I gladly told him about the situation at Southside High School.

"You have to be careful with snakes they are a dangerous bunch or so I've heard. I trust you if you say they helped you. I can accept that as people". In a serious voice, she said, she was worried about my safety.

"And school, what's new". I was only going to school to attend soccer practice.

Jason became the captain of the team. Another thing is that Cheryl is now captain of the cheerleaders.

"I managed to get the captain's job for the River Vixens....". She said in a disinterested voice. "My brother has started dating Polly Cooper". His voice changed to angry.

That was interesting, I never thought I'd see Jason with a girlfriend. Let alone with a Cooper, at parent meetings I've witnessed the verbal sparring between the Coopers and the Blossoms.

"Polly Cooper, she's part of the River Bitches. There is a history between the Coopers and the Blossoms when she finds out it will be very serious for Jason and Polly". I commented with a frown.

I'm not friends with Polly, I only know of her existence because Cheryl was in the River Bitches. She has a younger sister, Elizabeth Copper, or just Betty to friends.

"I warned her not to go out with her, but she wouldn't listen. When Mom finds out he's dating a Cooper she'll be mad". In an angry voice, he predicted.

We finished eating and waited a few minutes to go get dessert. In the meantime, I told him everything that had happened to me at the new school. He listened attentively and I noticed that when I spoke briefly about Toni he frowned. However, he didn't say it bothered him.

"Now let's see what we have for dessert". Standing up I revealed the dishes, as I took the lid off the plate a wave of icy smoke billowed out and overflowed into the surrounding area.

Everything was planned to make the presentation more interesting, I had to order nitrogen so the date took a while to prepare.

"That was fantastic!". Like a little girl, Cheryl exclaimed, I smiled that the wait had been worth it.

"I made homemade vanilla ice cream". I placed the dish in front of her and then went to my station.

We both ate the dessert in silence as I noticed Cheryl was finishing, I got up from my seat, and walked to stand in front of her. Cheryl looked confused at my action.

Without saying anything I still knelt, took her hands and our eyes met, neither of us blinked. "Cheryl I don't know what the future holds, but I know my feelings for you now are real. It can be crazy...". I told her in a sincere voice as I reached into my purse and grabbed a small box.

"Ivon...". Cheryl was speechless because when she saw the box she knew it contained a ring.

"Cheryl Marjorie Blossom I would like to make you my wife when we graduate.....". I said only to open the box, revealing a ring.

The ring had a platinum band, covered with small diamonds as decorative stones, and as the main stone, a beautiful ruby was held by the shank.

"It's beautiful...". Cheryl said as she saw the ring and looked me straight in the eyes, and with a smile. "I accept... Ivon I love you". She got up from her chair and knelt to hug me.

She might hasten to say we were only 16, but without fear of the future, I declared my love. Cheryl pulled away and I took the opportunity to place the ring on her ring finger.

"I feel the same way. I love you". I responded to her feelings.

Out of the strong emotion of the moment, Cheryl began to kiss me regardless of her red lipstick staining my lips or hers. I agreed, we kissed so passionately that I grabbed the back of her neck to deepen the weight.

Cheryl for the wine, her mouth tasted delicious. We kissed passionately, lingeringly, exploring our mouths endlessly. Shortness of breath caused us to pull apart.

"Cheryl, let's go to my room," I told him hoarsely, I just needed his answer to give way to my wishes.

-Initial R + 18-

"Take me, je suis á toi (I am yours)". With a seductive tone, he broke something inside me.

Without warning. I carried her like a princess up to my room. I carefully laid her body on the bed. I removed all my clothes as Cheryl watched me, her eyes lingering on my friend.

"Do you like what she sees?". I asked her in a teasing voice, her face was covered in blushes.

I took off the gloves I was wearing only to let Cheryl, look at the tattoo on the back of my hand. I didn't comment on anything because I was more focused on continuing to stare at my friend.

Already naked, I walked over to the bed, and got on top of it, only to have Cheryl desperately capture my lips with hers. At that moment, without hesitation, I began to grope her body, as I felt her wrap her arms around my neck.

Her body is so perfect, in my old world a 16-year-old teenager can't have a body like that, in this world teenagers look like college students.

Our tongues intertwined in a wild dance, and only sounds of passionate kissing could be heard in the room. Cheryl's full lips were delicious.

We parted for lack of air, I looked down at an angle, her lips swollen after so much kissing. Her red hair spread all over the pillow, as her chest heaved down and up trying to catch her breath.

With the help of my hands, I removed her dress. I started at her eyes to expose her chest. Her little red lace bra was blocking my view of her, so I removed it. Her pink nipples were now titillated from the excitement I felt.

My hands went to her breasts to see that they didn't fit. I massaged her breasts, her skin was so elastic yet soft, so I couldn't help but suck on her nipples.

"Ah...". Cheryl moaned as I captured her right nipple in my mouth, my tongue attacking her breast. "Icon...aa...ah.". Her hands wrapped around my head and pulled it closer to her breast.

At that moment I started to deftly pull her dress down, only to discover that she was not wearing panties, I could perfectly feel her wet pussy.

I didn't forget about her left breast, I was switching back and forth between the two. Her body was writhing, our actions made our bodies start to sweat. I pulled away from her breasts only to kiss her neck and taste her sweat.

I was on the edge, I pulled away, capturing Charyl's lips again intertwining my tongue with hers this time. I wanted to taste everything about her. So, din stop kissing her, I began to move down, kissing and tasting her slender neck careful not to leave marks, then again I turned my attention to her chest, flat belly until I reached her sacred place.

She was wet, her love juice glistening in the light of the room's spotlight. Showing no resistance, Cheryl spread her legs.

"What are you going to do to me... that place is disgusting... Aa... Ahhh". His love juices kept gushing from their spring. And without thinking, I began to explore her vaginal lips with my tongue, causing her great pleasure.

Cheryl unconsciously close to her first organ closed her legs capturing my head and enjoyed the pressure with her vagina. Feeling her body quiver I captured her little clit in my mouth.

"I'm cummingoooo..... Ahh". Cheryl's juices covered my entire face, I didn't separate my face until I drank all of her nectar.

Her body was spasming, I could still feel the organ even though her eyes wouldn't open. I couldn't hold on any longer, I grabbed my penis with my hand to guide it inside Cheryl's vagina.

"No... I'm... sensitive.... Aa, aah... Mhmm". Before she could finish, her body arched from the fact that I thrust my member in a single onslaught. At that moment, she felt so much pain that

"It hurts! Pulls it out .... Aa-ah...". I reassured her with a kiss. without moving I waited for her to get used to it.

After a few minutes of still kissing her I started to move slowly, her little moans could be heard as our lips were together. Each time I tried to thrust harder, and faster. It felt amazing inside Cheryl, so tight, warm, and slimy. The vaginal walls squeezed my cock to the point that I was having trouble moving.

Soon only moans of pleasure filled the room. It was lucky no one was home because of the noise Cheryl was making...it would draw a lot of attention. We both enjoyed our first time, we let ourselves be carried away by pleasure until Cheryl collapsed from exhaustion.

-End R + 18-