
River Legends

This light novel tells the story, of Seiji and his friends who seek balance between the four races of their world, having many adventures and discoveries about themselves, so come and have fun with them :)

Sh0to_8019 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter two : The Invasion (part one)

Years after that event in RiverKingdom, the new order of royal knights graduated

Every five years, 2 young people are chosen to protect the royal family at all costs ...

But I hardly knew that after that day my life would change dramatically ...

(Mysterious voice): Seiji wakes up, it's almost time for the test ...

(Seiji): Zzz ..

(Mysterious voice): Son wakes up almost now ...

(Seiji): Just five more minutes ...

(Mysterious voice): You either wake up for good or ill ...

(Seiji): Okay okay, I'm already getting up ...

(Mysterious voice): Get ready, the coffee is already on the table ...

(Seiji): Okay ...

Minutes later...

(Mysterious voice): Good morning son ...

(Seiji): Good morning mom ...

This is my mother called: Hana, she owns a tavern here on RiverKingdom, she tries very hard to see her customers always satisfied and happy, good from time to time she is kind of hardheaded, but that way she makes herself a woman incredible...

(Hana): So are you ready for today?

(Seiji): Yes I am ...

(Hana): I think it's incredible that you are going to audition for royal guard ...

(Seiji): Yes ...

(Hana): Huuum I know this guy, what is it ??

(Seiji): !!

(Seiji): Well, my father was in the royal guard, and he forced me to train from an early age against my will ...

(Hana): ...

(Seiji): I don't want to be like him ...

(Hana): ...

(Hana): But who said you're going to be like him ...

(Seiji): !!

(Hana): You who decide your destiny, no one has the right to decide your path, not even me ...

(Seiji): ...

(Hana): Son, you don't have to do this test if you don't want to ...

(Seiji): ...

(Seiji): Thanks mom, I made up my mind ...

(Hana): !!

(Seiji): I will take this test, and become a knight but I will not be like my father ...

(Hana): Seiji ...

(Seiji): I'll be going mom, I love you bye ...

(Hana): Bye son, I love you too ...

(Seiji thought): I'm going to do my best to become the best, but I won't be like you, even though everyone sees you as a great and heroic knight, I don't see you like that ...

(Seiji thought): I disgust you ...

Meanwhile out of RiverKingdom ...

(Mysterious voice): The plan is as follows, we will enjoy the crowd that will be around the palace because of the test we will go after the king and Groundstone ...

(Mysterious voice): And Naomi will be in the rear, for being more skilled than us ...

(Mysterious voice): Understood ??

(Others): Okay

(Naomi): Right

(Mysterious voice): So let's wait, at dusk and we will attack ...

Going back inside RiverKingdom ...

(Seiji): And to think that this test will be in two stages, day and night ...

(Seiji): What a bag just more work for me ...

(Mysterious voice): Look, look ...

(Mysterious voice): Looks like someone else came to take the test ...


(Seiji): Are you Tatsuo?

(Tatsuo): In the flesh ...

(Tatsuo): Well, I think I'll face you in the test and happily end your race ...

(Tatsuo): Now get out of my way as I'm in a hurry ...

(Seiji): Humpf ...

(Seiji): Whatever ...

This brown boy who just spoke to me is Tatsuo, I have known him since I was a child, his arrogant way always irritated me but nowadays I just ignore it, just like my father, his father was the royal guard, only the only difference is that his father was the king's right hand ...

(Seiji thought): It doesn't matter if he's my opponent, I won't lose ...

Minutes later...

(Royal Squire): Attention all test participants, please compare the kingdom arena ...

(Seiji thought): Okay the time has come ...

In the arena of the kingdom ...

(Royal Squire): Hello everyone, welcome to the test of the royal guard, I hope you have trained a lot for this special day, as 16 of you passed the written test, this will be a knockout ...

(Seiji thought): Interesting it will be very good to see the strength of each one ...

Visa participants will also be able to use their spells and weapons at their discretion ...

(Royal Squire): Fights will be decided by lot ...

(Royal squire): And that's not all, we are also with the glorious presence of King Koji and also his daughter, Princess Emi

(Seiji thought): Damn the princess and the king are here, I didn't expect this, but now I'm really going to have to do my best ...

(Royal Squire): Anyway, without much ado, let's go to the draw ...

Right after the draw ...

(Royal Squire): Let's go to the first fight ...

(Royal Squire): Seiji x Akira ...

(Seiji thought): This guy is really tall I already know what I'm going to do ...

Inside the arena ...

(Akira): Hey boy ??

(Seiji): What do you want ??

(Akira): Let me give you some advice if I were you, I would give up ...

(Seiji): Can I give you some advice too ??

(Akira): !!

(Seiji): Just shut up and fight ...

(Akira): Okay, but don't say that I didn't warn you ...

(Princess Emi): ...

(Rei Koji): What was daughter ??

(Princess Emi): How can that boy stay so calm ??

(King Koji): What ??

(Princess Emi): Look at him, dad, his eyes do not express any reaction of fear or concern ...

(Rei Koji): Now that you spoke, he really isn't expressing any of that ...

(Rei Koji thought): I feel like I've seen the look that this kid is expressing before ...

(Royal Squire): Are you ready ??

(Seiji): Yes

(Akira): Yes

(Royal Squire): So ....

(Royal Squire): 3, 2, 1 and

(Royal Squire): Go ...

(Seiji): Hey the big one ..

(Akira): What is it ??

(Seiji): I'll have a chance to hit me, if you make a mistake this fight will be over ...

(Akira): A lot of courage, young lady ...

(Akira): Then I will finish with this ...

Akira goes towards Seiji ...

(Akira): Goodbye ...

Akira tries to punch Seiji ...

(Seiji): Slow ...

(Seiji): Too much ...

(Akira): What ??

(Akira): Your worm ....

Akira tries to punch him again ...

(Seiji): I told you, now this fight is over ...

(Seiji): And let me tell you something the bigger you are ...

Saiji runs at high speed, and goes after Akira ...

(Seiji): The greater your fall ...

Seiji hits Akira on the leg and leaves him immobilized ...

(Royal squire): The opponent is immobilized, so the winner is: Senji

(King Koji thought): Did this kid know ...

(Princess Emi): Amazing he beat that giant with just one blow ...

(Princess Emi): But what kind of magic did he use to go after the giant ??

(Rei Koji): That wasn't magic ...

(Princess Emi):?!

(Rei Koji): This is a skill that is acquired through a lot of training called "Fast Mobility" ...

(Princess Emi): Fast Mobility ...

(King Koji): This boy is the son of one of my former knights named: Saki ...

(Princess Emi): The knight who is missing today ??

(King Koji): Yes ...

(Rei Koji): That's why I recognized that look of coolness and security ...

(Rei Koji thought): This kid to be with that skill at that level, he must have trained a lot ...

(Princess Emi thought): What an incredible skill, I could barely see his movements ...

(Tatsuo thought): So this worm managed to perfect but his skill ...

(Seiji): What a bag I still gave him a chance ...

(Seiji): Well, I'm going to the stands to see the next fights ...

After a while...

(Seiji thought): It's getting dark, the quarterfinals will start soon ...

(Seiji): Damn I'm really thirsty ...

(Seiji): Excuse me sir, can you tell me where there is water ...

(Guard): Just go to the end of the corridor and there will be a water source ...

(Seiji): Thank you very much sir

(Guard): You're welcome

(Guard): But if I were you, I would go soon because the next phase starts soon ...

(Seiji): Okay

Meanwhile out of the realm ...

(Mysterious voice): Great this evening, let's take our position ...

(Naomi): Leader ??

(Elf Leader): Can you talk Naomi ...

(Naomi): If I find a human what should I do ??

(Elf leader): Our main focus is the king and the stone, but if someone tries to interfere ...

(Naomi): ...

(Elf Leader): Execute, understand ??

(Naomi): Y-Yes

(Elf leader): Well, are you all ready ??

(All): Yes

(Elf Leader): So come on ...

Going back into the realm ...

(Seiji): Damn where is this water source, I'm going to be late ...

(Seiji): Phew I found ...

(Seiji): !!

(Seiji thought): There's a girl right there ...

(Seiji): Excuse me, miss, will you be long ??

(Seiji): It's just that I'm in a bit of a hurry ...

(Princess Emi): Don't worry, I'm finished ...

(Seiji): You are .....

(Seiji): Princess Emi !!

(Princess Emi): It is a pleasure to meet you ...

(Seiji): The pleasure is all mine ...

(Princess Emi): You are that boy who has the "Fast Mobility" aren't you ??

(Princess Emi): Seiji right ??

(Seiji): Y-Yes

(Seiji thought): The princess knows my name, what an honor ...

(Princess Emi): Anyway, you can drink the water ...

(Seiji): Thank you very much ...

(Princess Emi): You look very strong, you train for how long ...

(Seiji): Since I was five years old

(Princess Emi): So since you were little did you like to train ??

(Seiji): Not really ...

(Seiji): My father who forced me to train ...

(Seiji): My skill is so developed ...

(Princess Emi): So you mean you have no power ??

(Seiji): Probably not ...

(Princess Emi): Do you have complete control of your ability ??

(Seiji): I have 50% of the control, if I pass that number I may lose control ...

(Seiji): Against that guy I was using 10% of my mobility ...

(Princess Emi): Wow ...

(Princess Emi): So I mean you have to move faster ...

(Princess Emi): How incredible ...

(Seiji): But what about you princess ??

(Seiji): Do you have any special skills or magic ??

(Princess Emi): Well actually ...

(Guard): We are suffering an invasion, everyone out of the arena !!!!

(Seiji): Invasion ?!

(Seiji): Princess we have to get out of here ...

(Princess Emi): But what about my father ??

(Seiji): The guards must be with him ...

(Seiji): But now let's go that your safety is a priority ...

(Princess Emi): O-okay

Emi and Seiji started running trying to find the way out ...

(Seiji thought): How can this happen today, I'm sure this invasion was planned to be carried out today during the test ...

(Seiji thought): What the hell is the exit ??

(Seiji): I found it !!

(Seiji): Come on princess !!

(Princess Emi): Come on ...

But when they were about to go through the door ...

An elf appears ...

(Naomi): Whoa what do we have here ??

(Naomi): Two helpless young men, thinking they can interfere with the elves' plans ...

(Seiji): Princess stay behind me ...

(Princess Emi): O-okay

(Naomi): Are you the king's daughter ??

(Seiji): It doesn't interest you ...

(Naomi): I think it does interest me ...

(Naomi): In addition to taking the king and Groundstone, we will take the princess too ...

(Seiji): So let's see if you can get past me first ...

(Seiji): I was calm everything will be alright ...

(Princess Emi): Right ...

(Seiji): Fast Mobility 50% go !!

Hey guys if you can evaluate the story I would be very grateful ;)

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