
Rivals Of Rings

Felsen, a 21 Year-old boy belonged to a middle-class family. A college boy wakes up in the morning, attends classes, and then came back. A normal middle-class boy living a normal life but... something that was not normal with him was his dreaming of a dream again and again that muddle him... He sees that he has superpowers and is a combatant in a big fight against people who are more potent than him. Being grown up in a middle-class family and living simply, it was something weird for him to dream those kinds of dreams again n again. *Who were those people with whom he was fighting? *Why did he dream of the same dream often? *Who was Felsen?!! * Was he only a normal boy or....?!!!

Sumbal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

Words fight between Felsen and master.

"How did you even take the second spoon of it?" Felsen talked when he and Brick were resting on Brick's bed after passing through a hard time.

"I don't know," Brick sighs. "You sure? That recipe was from the book."

"Yes, it was from the book. I guess it was because of those fish, well I am not sure. Maybe it tastes like that."


"It is night now. I should go to my room," Felsen came to his feet.

"Ok," Brick lying on the bed, talked with closed eyes.

"Brick," Felsen thought that he can now ask him the way by which he can see his parents.

"Yes," Brick again with closed eyes, answered.

"No, it is not the right time. He is not fine yet. I can ask some other time," Felsen thought.

"Nothing good night."

The next morning, Felsen, Brick, and the master gathered outside of the castle.

"As usual, yesterday once again you proved that you belong to the land of Felicity because only people of this land can survive in that freezing water. Not even you survived, but ran into the water many times and did your chore," the master endorses Felsen.

"Your body vitality and its immune system, your presence of mind and way of thinking is the symbol that you are ready now," the master prolonged his chatting.

"Thank you, master. I am amused to know this. I eagerly was waiting for this time. Now is the time when I will face Vicatan."

"I can understand what you are saying. But this is not the right time."

"Not the right time?! You said I am ready then why are we waiting?!!" Felsen got angry because that one person has changed his whole life with one action. He assassinated his parents and then he found that he is not even near his beloved ones.

While he was chatting, the master using his powers attacks him from the back.

Felsen, with his sword and skills that the master taught him, fights back.

"What did you think? I will not sense this attack? I said I am ready," Felsen, looking in the master's eyes, talked.

"What do you think you can defeat Vicatan by learning fencing sword and martial arts? He is "Vicatan" "God of evils". It is not this easy to defeat him."

"But you said I am ready."

"Yes, I indicated you are ready, but not for the fight, but training."

"Training!? Then what was that all that I did in the past days?" Felsen frowns and asserted in dissatisfaction in his mind.

"I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that what was that all. Felsen, that is not your real powers. What do you think a son of a King was born without any magical powers? Yes, you grew up on the earth but it down not mean that you are one of them. The things you did in the past days were not a waste of time. They are also meaningful but those are not your strengths," the master explained.

"Magical powers!!" Felsen spoke to the master.

"Yes, magical powers. It is the time to introduce you to your magical powers after you have substantiated that you are convenient for them."

"I swear this man is crazy. Why did he waste my time if those were not the real powers. Master, I hate you!!" Felsen talked in his mind aggressively.

Felsen, who still seems aggrieved with the master's words, peeks at Brick.

Brick shook his head a little, as if he was telling him to trust them.

"Ok, I am ready for it. What should I have to do? Where are my powers?"

"Those are within you. Your powers are in you."

"In me?!"

"Yes, you just need to consolidate. Behind you!!"

"Again behind me...!!" Felsen mumbled in his mind because whenever the master said these words, it always brings difficulties for him.

"Behind you, there is a thick big shot of the tree. The thing you have to do is to do anything with it. Now come beside me and try to do anything with it."

As the master told Felsen walked to him and stood beside him on his left side.

"Look at the shoot and try to do anything with it. Anything you want. You can move it or cut it into pieces or bring it into the air. Come on, now do it."

Felsen was perplexed by the master's words and was just staring at the master.

"What happened? Come on, give it a try. It will happen," the master talked.

"Ok," Felsen nodded. He was still perplexed and then he took a step towards it.

Seeing him, a question arose in the master's mind "where is he going?"

"Stop! where are you going?" the question that the master had in his mind took the form of words.

"Near the tree. You told me that I have to cut it or I could move it or bring it in the air."


"So, I am going."

"And what do you think, how will you do?" the master narrowed his eyes.

"With the martial art that you taught me."

"No, not like this," Brick talked in his head.

"By the martial art that you taught me."

"No, I didn't mean that. I talked about your magical powers. Come back," the master alludes to standing beside him, and following the master's hand movement, Felsen went back and stood beside him.

"Now try to do something from here. While staying here," the master binding his hands behind talked with Felsen.

"While staying here!!" Felsen was so confused. "How!!?" Felsen talked with troubled eyes while looking at the shoot.

"Come on, raise your hands toward it and try to concentrate," the master seeing him disturb, guide him a little.

Felsen, following the master's advice, took his hand in the air. "Now what?! How will I do this?" holding his breath with troubled eyes, he talked in his mind. "Do I have to say anything?!!" Felsen licks his lips in confusion. He was peeking at the master and Brick second after second. The master when noticed him some disturb, he again encourages him. "It's all about concentration. Once you did, then it will not be hard."

Felsen then nodded and wet his dry lips by licking. He took a deep breath, and holds it for a second. Raising his hand in the air toward the shoot with focused eyes, he finally gave it a try.

"Aabra k Debra," Felsen shouts out.

"What did he just say?" Brick was stunned and speechless at his words.

And of course, the master was as well. He gazed at Brick after what he had just said.

"What was that?" the master inquired by turning at him.

"You said magic powers."

"Yeah! but what was that?" with a questioning face the master asked him.

"Aabra k debra?!!! these are magical words. I have seen it in movies. But, don't know why it didn't work? "

The master sighed and starts again. "Ok, listen, this is not the way, okay!! Are you understanding these words, aabra k debra? The magic, the powers are in you, so try to focus and forget these words."

"Ok," Felsen again nodded and tried again. After five minutes, nothing happened.

"What happened? Come on, concentrate," the master spoke.

'I am trying, but it is not happening," Felsen's emotions were somewhere between moaning and outrage.

Felsen, Brick, and the master were at their position for the past hour. There was a lot of anxiety on Felsen because he has been struggling to do a little movement but nothing was occurring. The master and Brick were patiently waiting for him to do a little movement.

"I am doing it. I am attempting but nothing is happening." Felsen threw his arm down and was upset.

"What do you mean by nothing is happening? I guess you are not concentrating," the master got furious.

"Master let it go, he is a kid for these things," Brick strived to calm down the master.

Felsen, who was standing while throwing his arm and head down, glimpsed at the master on his words. 

"How can you say this?" Felsen also got angry.

"I said I am trying," being within limits, controlling his anger, Felsen talked.

"Felsen, keep quiet," Brick conversed when noticed the fight between them.

The master, when seeing the anger in his eyes, he while looking into his eyes raised his right hand in the air and then a light appeared out of his hand and that light broke the thick tree shoot into three pieces.

And without saying anything, left from there. After he left, Brick walked to Felsen.

"It's ok, it is fine relax," Brick aimed to calm down angry Felsen.

Felsen, who was gazing at the broken pieces, when Brick talked to him, closed his eyes and swallowed his anger. "Seriously, I was struggling. I am not lying."

"I know, relax!! "Brick patted his shoulder.

"But how can he?!" Felsen was about to cry.

"He is troubled about the future of this land. He is so serious about this land. He is not wrong, he is just worried," Brick talked.

"Ok, let me teach you, come on," Brick again shook his shoulder.

As Brick said, Felsen, followed him.

"Come on now, raise your hand and try to focus," Brick took one of the pieces in the air.

"Once you do, then it will not be difficult."

Felsen also took his hand in the air and attempted to accomplish a little movement, but again nothing happened. He again got furious.

"I don't think I even belong here. I think King's son is someone else. See, I have been attempting for an hour but nothing is occurring, not even a tiny action," Felsen was upset from the depth of his heart.