
Rivals Of Rings

Felsen, a 21 Year-old boy belonged to a middle-class family. A college boy wakes up in the morning, attends classes, and then came back. A normal middle-class boy living a normal life but... something that was not normal with him was his dreaming of a dream again and again that muddle him... He sees that he has superpowers and is a combatant in a big fight against people who are more potent than him. Being grown up in a middle-class family and living simply, it was something weird for him to dream those kinds of dreams again n again. *Who were those people with whom he was fighting? *Why did he dream of the same dream often? *Who was Felsen?!! * Was he only a normal boy or....?!!!

Sumbal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

Felsen's ability sheet.

He was quick otherwise one of the pieces was about to hit his head. He fought with the one and then with the second and then the third. The time came when the wooden pieces took the form of sharp glass needles and they traveled to Felsen from everywhere.

Brick became afraid when he saw that the master did. The master also had worried ness in him for Felsen but Brick's and master's fear changed into stunned facial expressions when Felsen vanished all the glass needles at the same time.

"Did you do that?" the master keeping his sight on Felsen, inquired from Brick.

"No, I thought you did it," Brick replied shockingly.

"So, what should I have to do now?" Felsen walked to them and smiled.

"It is enough for today," said the master. "Let's go home," the master added further and strode his hand towards. 

Felsen nodded and then Brick and Felsen pursued the master and said and laid their hand on his and they drifted back.

"Felsen...! how did you do that? It was amazing!!" Brick talked with Felsen when they were walking inside.

"Mmm! Brick thank you so much but, even I don't know how it happened. I was amazed as you," Felsen continued his steps inside and replied.

They both (Felsen and Brick) were happy for Felsen. Brick, when they just stepped inside of the castle stopped there. Felsen when found Brick has stopped turned around and questioned him with a questioning face. "What happens? Why do you stop?" Felsen said?

"We are sorry?" Brick while looking into Felsen's eyes and maintaining a little smile on his face talked.

Brick's words brought Felsen thinking of so many things at the same time. "Sorry?!!" Felsen walked to him.

"Yes, we are sorry. I am sorry for showing you those things. We showed you that bad dream, you got so anxious for them but we had to do that," Brick's voice was just painful.

"Exactly! you had to do that so don't feel sorry. This is a good thing that that was imaginary," Felsen talked by raising his eyebrows and opening his eyes wider to clarify things going on in Brick's head that were making him feel hurt.

Brick nodded and they continued their way to their rooms.

"Huh, so my powers are activated now!!" Felsen threw himself on his bed and sighed while looking at the ceiling.

"So..., it would be better if someone would tell me what kind of powers I have. I mean can I fly with the help of my powers or can I lift weights without feeling tired and can I just get disappear well if I can then that's very cool in the case I can hide from the master?

Aaa! I am getting curious to know about my powers, I want to know?" Felsen while lying on the bed said these words.

He was lying with both hands under his head and eyes closed, with a little sweet smile. His smiling lips turned into a pout and his closed eyes enclose and questioning, when felt something upon him.

[ Name: Felsen ]

[ Full Name: Felsen Medorn ]

[ Age: A hundred and five ]

[ Identity: Son of King Medorn and Queen Hella ]

[ Abilities: Unexpected supernatural powers ]

[ Likes: Staring at Lenna ]

[ Desire: Wants to grow a family with Lenna and kill Vicatan ]

[Allergy: Flower anthers ]

a screen appeared upon him on which these were written. Felsen after reading all the things again rolled his sight from all over and the thing that seized his sight was his identity and his full name. "Felsen Medorn," he uttered in a very low voice. And then he recollected the thing that invaded his vision before he got faint when his power overcame him.

"They were mom and dad, yes they were. But who was the third one there," Felsen with intense eyes talked in his mind while lying on the bed when the screen was still upon him.

"Master, you called me?" Brick went to the master's room.

"Yes, I called you. Today, Felsen did very well. It is appreciable. Well, this is not really really shocking what and how he did because after all, he is the son of the King.

King Medorn kind, powerful, daring man, an unbelievable man, and Felsen has his shadow in him," the master while prowling around Brick talked with him.

"Yes, master there is no doubt in it and we have believe that he will bring happiness to this land again."

"Yes, there is no doubt but this is not the thing I called you here."

"Yes, what is it?"

"Brick I want you to take him to the people to the land if he will be away from the castle and from me then...I hope you are understanding what am I saying," said the master.

"Yes master, I am understanding but I don't think it will be worth it as I went many times but..."

"I know but our little mistake will impact much so we have to be very careful."

"Yea, you are right. I will take him tomorrow as you said," Brick said and when they were done chatting Brick came out of his room.

"Yes, mom dad was not alone. Who was that third person? No, this is not true. Brick and master made that view. They did it on purpose," staring at the screen with focused eyes Felsen was surrounded by numerous thoughts.

"So, it appeared," Brick reached Felsen's room and saw the screen.

Felsen did not answer because he was lost in deep thoughts.

"What happened?" Brick smiled a very little when he saw him lying on the bed lost in his own world. He went to him and laid beside him on the bed.

"What are you thinking?" Brick inquired looking at the screen.

"Nothing just...!" Felsen did not say anything about what he saw when his vision got blurry before his eyes closed.

"You wanna grow a family with Lenna," Brick talked when he read his desires. "Lenna is a great girl I guess. You like staring at Lenna and you even want to get older with her. You want to grow a family with her."

"Yes, she is just unbelievable. She can tell a story without uttering out words. When I look at her I always feel she is missing her halo. Her eyes are the most attractive part of her face. Deep thoughts and a lot of emotions that her eyes have in them, one can hardly exist before her," Felsen talked in a lovely voice as if she is in front of him and he is living his moments with her.

"Just look at you, you are so in love with her," Brick talked at Felsen's way of talking.

"You are allergic to flower anthers. Hmm!! this is not alarming because our king was also allergic to anthers."

"Brick," Felsen sat on his seat on the bed and addresses Brick by calling his name.

"Yes," Brick staying lying on the bed answered.

"Brick..how were my mom and dad," Felsen let out his words slowly.

"Yes, they were good people. They grew you and as you often talk about them you know better than me then why are you asking me?"

"No, I am not talking about my earthly parents who grow me. I am talking about my biological parents. I am talking about King Medorn and Queen Hella. How were they?" Felsen set his both arm on the bed, bend his upper body forwards, and glancing at the floor he asked in a low voice as if he was in so much pain.

Brick felt a strange inner happiness because this is the first time Felsen called their King and queen as his mother and father.

"Well, I didn't live with them because I was born the day when your mother gave birth to you but master often tells me about them. They were so kind and so pure. Their kindness shines through their behavior towards their people. They loved their people so much that they lost themselves to protect them."

"Medorn and Hella," Felsen sighed and mumbled.

After hearing what he mumbled, Brick took his hand near him and placed it on his lap. Felsen turned his head towards him and when he saw Brick, Brick smiled at him and he also smiled back.

"Are you fine? What suddenly happened?" Brick finally felt that he is feeling something low and he inquired him the reason.

"Brick," Felsen talked in a faint voice.


"When will all this end? Why did it happen? I was so happy with my parents. Our last meet and my dad's words are like a storm inside me. I am dying inside. I wish I could take the time back. I hope that was never happening. My college life with my parents was heavenly compared to this one. I was not happy but I was happy," Felsen came into tears when he was explaining the feeling lurking around inside him.