
Rivals Of Rings

Felsen, a 21 Year-old boy belonged to a middle-class family. A college boy wakes up in the morning, attends classes, and then came back. A normal middle-class boy living a normal life but... something that was not normal with him was his dreaming of a dream again and again that muddle him... He sees that he has superpowers and is a combatant in a big fight against people who are more potent than him. Being grown up in a middle-class family and living simply, it was something weird for him to dream those kinds of dreams again n again. *Who were those people with whom he was fighting? *Why did he dream of the same dream often? *Who was Felsen?!! * Was he only a normal boy or....?!!!

Sumbal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

A screen.

"We understand it is arduous for you to accept, but that is the tangibility," said the master.

"Did my parents and know who am I?" while glaring at the image, governing his tears, Felsen questioned.

"Yes!! they knew about you."

Hearing the master words, Felsen felt shattered from inside, and deep lines became prominent on his forehead, showing how bewildered he was right then.

"They knew everything. They knew that... you are a son of a King from the other orb. They knew that you...are not their son!!"

"Did Vicatan do that? That blue light?! Is he the reason for my mom's and dad's demise?" Felsen asked. His voice sounded deep and fill with revenge.

"Yes!! He came to know that King's son is alive, and he is somewhere on the other earth. And at last, he found you and then he tried to destroy you because you could be a hurdle on his way to that stick," said Brick.

"And also!! He slew my mom and dad," Felsen asserted. Felsen's sentiment was somewhere between nasty and miserable. Sad for his parents, who knew that he was not their son, but still they did a lot for him, and mad at Vicatan, who massacred them.

"Fine, if Vicatan has this fear, then let's show him. Tell me what I should have to do and where can I find him. Because, I want to look into his eyes and tell him that I am alive." Felsen took a few steps toward the master, and chatted.

Brick and the master could see the passion in Felsen that a prince should have in him as his voice was sounding so bossy.

"Okay." said the master with a nod.

"But, you are not ready yet to face him. I will have to train you. I will have to turn you from an earthly boy to a fighter for "the land of Felicity."

"I am all prepared to do anything because I am so eager to see him," said Felsen. Now his tone was sounding calm than previous but the blaze in his eyes was shrieking for a war.

"Be ready tomorrow. We will start training you," the master binding his hand behind his back, talked.

"Let's go, Felsen," Brick said turning to him when the master alludes Brick to bring him into his room. And then Brick took him into the chamber where he was before.

"I know that you are resentful but don't think much," said Brick when he found Felsen lost in intense deliberation. Still, a lot of intense manifestations could be seen on Felsen's face. Brick when noticed, he patted his shoulder and told him to look at him. Felsen, on his conveying, glimpsed into his eyes.

"It is fine, ok. Now, come on, take rest because hereafter could be a formidable day for you," Brick uttered in a polite voice, and smiled at him.

Felsen also smiled at him and before Brick left him in the room, he told Felsen that he will find everything in this room, he needs. Whether these are clothes or anything else. "Everything!" Brick winked and smiled in a naughty way to refresh Felsen's mood. And yes, it is worth.

"Fine," Felsen chuckled, showing his teeth, and then Brick vacated the room. Later, he left, Felsen gets back on his bed with a bunch of distinct introspections. Felsen looked at the coat and tie that his beloved gifted him and beamed in misery.

While on the bed, the things that the master told him, and his sweet moments with his parents, were lurking somewhere in the corner of his mind.

"Vicatan," he mumbled and fell into a profound slumber.

"You are on the land of Felicity...land of felicity...it was not like this...That night was horrible. Vicatan came...he did all this...The land of Felicity.. our king and queen. Our queen handed me his boy...Vicatan ,"God of evil." You are their son," the voice of the master saying these utterances and random incoherent manifestations came off in his dream.

"Don't know when is our last meet," his dad's words plainly enacted through his ears, and he woke up from his siesta as he saw blue light slamming their house.

"Huh!!" he gasped after he walked up abruptly from his slumbering.

"I think it's day now. I should get ready for today." Felsen talked, sitting on the bed with his feet hanging in the air. His tone was a little sleepy.

"So Brick said, I will find everything in this room I need. Mm!! so what about me taking a shower first?" Felsen gets on his feet and talked, wandering around his eyes.

And as he got on his feet, the room starts getting brighter from the area he was standing.

"In-ter-esting," Felsen chuckled, glaring around the room, and then again get back on the bed with his feet on the bed which caused the darkness in the room.

He again gets on his feet, which caused the room to start lightning again, and he again gets back on the bed before it is brighter fully.

He was doing it again n again without knowing, someone, out there, standing with their hand-bound to their back was looking at his childish behavior. It was Brick and the Master. "I have no words," Brick standing behind the master conversed. "Let's go," said the master,, and they left.

Felsen after playing for a while, finally got on his feet and reminisced himself what he was going to do.

"Yes, shower!! So, where is the bathroom?" as Felsen completed his words, some movement occurred in the chamber, and a royal, big, lavatory appeared.

Felsen first got frightened by the movement, but when he saw the lavatory, he gets stunned.

He stepped in and look around. What he saw was an enormous jacuzzi. I was not enough deep otherwise it was no less than a pool. And more, he saw, was a jet shower and then all the things which a bathroom should possess in it.

"Amazing!" with wide, stunning eyes, Felsen muttered. "Royalty with modernity...!" Felsen voiced amazed.

After showering, he ambled out of the bathroom and looked for some apparel, and as he pondered on them again, some movement occurred in the room and a big armoir which was just equal to the one of the room's walls, appeared out from the inside in which he could see so many royal clothes.

"Woo!" Felsen reacted and starts putting on some clothes. "Are not these clothes a bit loose for me?" while putting on, he said.

When he finally put them on, those were fit for his body. "No! how these can...? These were loose!!" Felsen complained to himself.

Wearing white trousers, with a white plain shirt, and a blue coat with some badges and fancy buttons on it and a blue medium size cloak, when he saw himself in the mirror he didn't recognize himself. Of course, Felsen appeared tremendous in that attire, as those were made only for him.

"I think... I am ready," Felsen arranged his sleeves and nodded.

"Where are you?!! Come quickly. Brick." When Felsen turned around to get out of the room, a magical laser screen on his left side appeared in the air on which these words were written by Brick in golden color.

"Yes, I am ready, and I just stepped out of the room. Where do I have to come? Where are you? I don't know the directions," Felsen spoke in the air while looking at the screen.

"This map will guide you? Brick," again a few words, from Brick, emerged on the screen.

"You can hear me...! Can you see me also?" Felsen.

"I can't see you. I can just see your text as you can. Now, come quickly, the master is waiting. Brick."

"Aa! that ancient man. He is something weird. Felsen."

"Felsen...! He could also watch and read all these. Brick."

"Wh...what?! Felsen."

"Follow the map and reach here. Brick."

The master clears his throat. A drop of sweat trekked down from Brick's forehead to his jaw and he just swallowed his words, standing a step behind while looking at him.

The map on the screen materialized, on which Felsen could see the backdrop of Brick and Master and a line drawn on it, which was guiding him to reach them.

The master and Brick could also see Felsen stepping toward them. They could see his steps pursuing the cord.

"I am enthusiastic for today. Don't know what sort of magic they're gonna teach me," while taking lengthy steps, Felsen talked in his mind.

"Aaa! what the...!" Felsen stopped at a position on his way when he again saw a very beautiful way on his way. "This mansion... is a museum in itself," Felsen again talked in his mind.

"Why has he ceased?" Brick talked in his mind and Master just narrowed his eyes to wonder why he halted?

Felsen gazed at the path for one more second, and after, continued his way according to the map. When he resumed his path, Master's narrowed eyes took their normal position, and Brick nodded.

"Just a few more steps," Felsen, ensuring the map, muttered.

"Aa! there they are," Felsen talked when he gawked at them from a little farther.

"Good morning Master, good morning Brick," Felsen bowed.

Brick and Master were standing with their face in the opposing direction to Felsen. Hearing his voice, Brick whirled to him and smiled a bit. His smile took no time to reverse into outraging facial articulation when he look at his clothing.

"Today, you are a bit late," said the master while staying in the same position.

Felsen got confused after seeing Brick's changed expressions.

The master, while turning around, continued his words, "I hope tomor..." master's words seized in his mouth when he saw Felsen's costume.