
Rivals Of Rings

Felsen, a 21 Year-old boy belonged to a middle-class family. A college boy wakes up in the morning, attends classes, and then came back. A normal middle-class boy living a normal life but... something that was not normal with him was his dreaming of a dream again and again that muddle him... He sees that he has superpowers and is a combatant in a big fight against people who are more potent than him. Being grown up in a middle-class family and living simply, it was something weird for him to dream those kinds of dreams again n again. *Who were those people with whom he was fighting? *Why did he dream of the same dream often? *Who was Felsen?!! * Was he only a normal boy or....?!!!

Sumbal · Fantasy
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51 Chs

A little chat with the master.

"So, they have gone," the master conversed in a deep voice while observing his surrounding.

'Felsen,' Felsen's thought came into his mind. 'I have to make sure if he is fine or not,' the master talked.

Felsen, waiting patiently, pressing his anger behind his intense silence, sitting in his same position, was again trying to fishing because if he will return without any fish, don't know how will the master react. He was apprehensive that the master will send him back to bring the fish,, so he assumed it would be better if he wait a little more for the fish.

"Have you caught any fish yet? Master" a screen appeared on the right side of Felsen and these words by the master were written on it.

"Haaa!! just look at this mean person. He is worried about fish. Can he not ask if I am fine, just for formality, but no, he wants fish? I mean, I know that it's very cold, and he sends me to this lake. Its water is so freezing. I am all wet, my ears have frozen, and my hands are frozen but he is worried about these fish. Amazing!!" Felsen discussed irritatingly in his mind.

"Why is he not answering? Is he fine? Should I fly to him?" the master got apprehensive for Felsen.

"Those bad souls...!! they came here. If they can reach here, they could reach there." the master's heartbeat starts running fast and with worried eyes, he peeks his way. He was so afraid that for a second he felt like his pulse had stopped.

"Wh-what is that?" Felsen babbled loudly when he again sensed a fuss. The time he took the rope out of the water, there were two fish. Two small baby fish. 'I catch two fish in one attempt, wao!'

"No, not this time. I will not let you go," Felsen talked in his mind and sprinted towards the water when they fell into it.

"Wh-what is that? Felsen" a screen appeared in front of the master on which those words were written.

"What!! what is that? Felsen, what is that? Felsen, are you fine?" the master got so worried and his heart started thudding in his chest that he could hear his heartbeat. He then, without wasting time, flew to Felsen and reach there within a jiffy.

He landed far behind him and what he saw was that he was fine and picking up something from the water. The master then looked here and there and sensed that there was no black soul and at that time he got relaxed.

"Thank God he is fine," the master closed his eyes and inhale a deep breath.

"Yes, finally I catch you," Felsen was grabbing both the fishes in both hands. He was so happy that he, finally can return but his smile got dim when he looked at their size. Both fish were baby fishes and were long to the size of the index finger.

"Are not they too small?" Felsen smiled, confusingly. Then he let it go by thinking that at least he is not empty-handed and the master will not send him back. He then stood up while grabbing the fish tighten.

"So, finally you catch them," the master talked in a heavy, serious voice when Felsen turned around.

Felsen, who turned while assuring that his both hands are closed tightly, got afraid of the presence of a strange voice.

"Huh!" Felsen, because got afraid of the sudden voice, fell into the water. The time he fell into the water, a few drops of water flew up and landed on the master's face.

"Are you a ghost or something?" Felsen chatted when saw that it is master. After, he stood up and looked into his eyes with a lot of wrath.

"Did you catch the fish?" the master talked while examining if he was fine. He was not really concerned about if he caught the fish or not.

"I get wet three times in this freezing water and you are worried about these fish. How can you be so mean?" While Felsen was complaining, the master was observing him all around.

"Thank God he is fine," said the master in his mind.

"Why is he not saying anything? So he just wants fish," Said Felsen in his mind and then show him the fishes he caught.

"See, I caught two. You happy now," said Felsen.

The master looked at the fishes he was showing and then realize that he was shivering, so he settled his hand on his shoulder, and when his hand touches Felsen, all the water drained out of his clothes, and his body heated up.

"How did you do that?" Felsen talked, shockingly.

"Be careful!" the master said and pressed his hand on his shoulder. Master's this act flew them back to the chateau.

"Woo! it was so fast," Felsen balanced his standing after landing.

"Are you fine?" the master asked, on which Felsen nodded.

"Let's get in then," the master gossiped and take a step in.

When they get in, Felsen noticed that Brick was nowhere,, so he interrogated the master about him.

"Where is Brick?" Felsen spoke.

The master ceased at his position. 'He is in his room.'

"In his room! Is he alright?!!"

"No, he is not. But no need to worry, he will be fine soon. If you want, you can visit," the master turned to him.

Then he shows him a map of the castle on the screen and tells him that he could go to him by following the map.

Felsen thanked the master, and then the master continued his way.

Felsen, with the help of the map, reached Brick's room. There he saw that Brick was sleeping peacefully so he thinks it better not to disturb him.

"What is that?" Felsen spoke after feeling something in his hands.

"Aa! these are the fishes, I caught them by myself," Felsen smiled at those little fishes.

After he looked at Brick, who was sleeping peacefully on his bed and then at the fishes.

"What about cooking something before he wakes up? Yes, I should cook something for him like he did when I was not feeling well," Felsen giggle and then searched for the way to the kitchen on the screen.

"Yea, this is it," Felsen, after founding, made his way to the kitchen. He, there, searched for the book and because he has two fish, he found a good recipe to cook them.

"Yes, here is it," he started cooking after finding the recipe.

"Your son has reached here and Vicatan has acknowledged that he is alive and is here. Today, he sends his army to destroy him because he is the only one who can beat him. His name is Felsen. Felsen means stone, strong. He is like you both. Today, somehow, I saved him, we saved him. I should have to make him a fighter as soon. Well, you will be glad to know that he is strong enough without his powers. He faces that four koras. He is brilliant and also a little immature, but it's fine," the master talked while standing in front of the big portrait of his "King and Queen."

"But... what is he doing right now?" the master searched him on the screen. 'Royal kitchen!! what is he doing there?!!" the master frowned.

"Sometimes I feel like I behave a bit more rude with him but I have to do this to train him well because there is so much danger in his future," the master again talked while looking at their portrait.

"But don't worry, king, don't worry queen I will protect him. You hand over him to me. I will do anything to protect him," said the master and came out of the room.

"Yea, I think it is ready now," Felsen sniff the fragrant of the dish and smiled. "Now it just needs plating," Felsen takes off his dish from the stove.

"What are you doing here?" the master suddenly appeared beside Felsen.

"Haaa!!!" Felsen shouted when the master suddenly occurred beside him.

"You scared me?" continuing his plating, Felsen said.

The master was silent at his words. Felsen steals a glance at the silent master.

"Is he behaving differently today or is only I am feeling like this?" Felsen talked in his mind.

"What are you doing this?" the master again asked.

"Yea, Mmm!! I cook food for Brick. Yeah! because I guessed he will feel good."

"So, you know cooking. I didn't know that you cook too," the master chatted and show some politeness.

"No, I don't know cooking. This is my first time," Felsen turned to the master and with big innocent eyes, he smiled a very little at him.

The master felt inner peace after seeing his puppy's innocent eyes. Well, the master was not able to see his dish because the bowl in which the dish was, was covered with its lid.

"This book assists me. It has decent recipes," Felsen showed the master that book.

The master peeked at it and said, "Well, no doubt that this book has great recipes in it. Of course, it belongs to a very kind and powerful and nice person."

Felsen grimaces at the master's words because he didn't comprehend his words. "Means!!!"

"Did not you read the name on the back side of the book? There mention a person's name and that person is behind these recipes."

Hearing his words, Felsen whirled the book and read out the name. "Hella," he uttered through his teeth. He unexpectedly got sad after reading the name.

"Yes, Hella. It's her personal recipe. Our Queen Hella. Your..."

"My mom, Hella...!" a drop of tear fashioned in Felsen's right eye.