
Rivals of Rebirth

There is always such a person in the world, his family background is better than yours, his status is higher than yours, while you work hard and think all the way up, but with just a wave of his hand, you are wiped out. What is even more sad is that he doesn’t even know who you are. Zheng Jue met Han Jin like this but he didn’t realize this truth until he died. In the end, he had found the wrong opponent and ultimately lost his life.

supadmo_soro · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 9 Perfunctory

Zheng Jue noticed the change in her emotions and couldn't help but sneer in his heart. Lin Su is originally a person who can judge people with a look of eyes, but now it seems that she is still a little tender in the end.

"Aaron, what have you been busy with lately?" Lin Su raised her head slightly and looked at Zheng Jue. Although there were still tears in the corners of her eyes, the expression on her face had long since returned to her usual gentleness and grace.

Zheng Jue bowed her head and smiled softly at her, then half hugged her up to the living room, sat down on the sofa, and picked up the whisky that had just been poured. He said with a smile, "What else could it be? The company has just turned back on track recently. There are a lot of things to do there."

Lin Su sat next to Zheng Jue, looking at him with a burning expression, and the ambition in her eyes almost jumped out, "Aaron, I heard that you have invested in a lot of movies and TV shows?"

Zheng Jue took a sip of wine, heartbroken. He really wanted her to finally get to the point, "Yeah, I invest for fun, and I don't know if I can make money."

"Yes, I can, I read the news of your investment in the newspaper, and they are all highly anticipated film and television works. Aaron, you are amazing," Speaking of this, her expression suddenly brightened as she looked at him with admiration.

Zheng Jue had a smile on his lips, pinched the tip of Lin Su's nose dotingly, and said softly, "How can it be so powerful? It's all the reporter's exaggeration," He didn't mention the casting issue anyway.

Lin Su felt that Zheng Jue slipped and couldn't help but feel resentment in her heart even though she still had a soft look on her face, "Aaron, don't let me go, I know you don't like my acting, but this has always been my dream. You will definitely help me, right?"

Her eyes were filled with water, like a sea that accommodates all things, rippling with soft ripples, and the whole person exudes the brilliance of motherhood. She looked at Zheng Jue with a tolerant expression and gave him goosebumps, thinking to himself when he stopped liking her acting. When he thought about it again, in his last life, he really didn't like Lin Su wandering in the entertainment industry, and just wanted to keep her under his own wings, carefully taking and sheltering her properly. However, in the end, he couldn't bear Lin Su to give up her dreams, so he let her go up and down in that industry while he did his best to protect her behind her back.

Thinking of this, Zheng Jue's heart suddenly became agitated and complex emotions suddenly flooded into his heart. There was a wave of undeniable anger towards the self who was unrecognized in his previous life, and there was anger towards himself who was sincere but was ruthlessly trampled on.

In order to suppress his restlessness, he drank a glass of whisky in his hand and tried to put on a peaceful smile on his face, then said solemnly, "Really? It's my fault. If you like it, play it well. How was the last audition?"

Lin Su watched Zheng Jue finally get to the point and couldn't help but sighed in relief. She tried her best to put on a melancholy look, "I don't know, it's been two days, and there has been no phone call."

Zheng Jue didn't understand, thinking to himself that it was strange for Wei Mingwei to like her acting skills, but he said with some regret, "Really? Director Wei has always been strict. Although I am an investor, it's not easy to interfere in his work. Besides, he told me yesterday that the role has been selected. If you want to act in his play, then it would be a little bit difficult to do so. Why don't we do this? In a few days, a movie that Mr. Lu and I are working on is about to start. I'll tell Mr. Lu to show your face."

A few days ago, the big boss who was in charge of Lu Yunxing a few days ago suddenly stepped down, so Huaxing's atmosphere was relieved. Even Huaxing's big drama this year "Assassin" has begun to gain attention again and several bigwigs in the entertainment industry have cast olive branches to Lu Yunxing. Although Lu Yunxing is annoyed that these people see the wind, Lu Yunxing is not stupid and naturally he will not really offend these people. He would still be as good as ever with them. As for the little people who stepped on him at that time, I'm afraid they wouldn't be so lucky.

In this way, "Assassin" has become the biggest reversal drama of the year. From the beginning, it was not favored by the outside world and it was all supported by Lu Yunxing's many years of status in the rivers and lakes. Now it is highly anticipated, which is really embarrassing.

It's just that although this drama has a huge lineup and a lot of things in it, it has not yet started. Zhuang Yi and Liu Feng have coordinated the schedule several times, the director's group meeting has been held three times, and the dinner between investors is also Zheng Jue's scalp was numb after eating. However, there was no news about turning it on.

According to the gossip from Susie, Lu Yunxing temporarily wanted to get his son in to play a supporting role, but he still had to wait for his son's time to be free. There were also disagreements between the several director groups.

But even so, Zheng Jue also knew very well that the furthest end of the month could not be delayed, everyone was in business, and the money invested could not wait indefinitely. Lu Yunxing will be responsible to the investors no matter how mixed up he is in his intention.

Lin Su's eyes lit up when she heard the name "Assassin", but when she heard that she could only show her face, she was a little discouraged. If she could only show her face, it would not be worth it. Who can remember her for such a big star production?

"I don't want it anymore, I'm so sorry, I don't want it to be difficult for you," Lin Su pursed her lips somewhat reservedly.

Zheng Jue knew her thoughts when she saw her expression and said in his heart that she was a smart one.

"Hmm? What's so embarrassing about this? Mr. Lu is familiar with me and this can still be done," Zheng Jue said with a light smile.

Lin Su can't let her get out of his control easily, otherwise, he doesn't know what she will do with Wen Huaan since he has really had a good relationship with Lu Yunxing recently. Although Lu Yunxing is very popular in the rivers and lakes, it is true that he is very loyal. Back then, he supported him with 30 million yuan. Later, although countless bigwigs also invested money, he was most grateful to Zheng Jue. Because of this, Zheng Jue also invested a lot of money to ensure his status as the largest investor.

Lin Su's face stiffened when she heard this, and she didn't know if Zheng Jue really didn't understand it or if it was fake.

"That's not what I mean. The Assassin is good, but if I just show up, it's not worth it. I don't want you to bow your head to Mr. Lu," Lin Su said tentatively.

Zheng Jue slightly curled up the corners of his mouth, and his expression suddenly softened, "Don't worry, if I really just show one side, I don't need to bow my head with Mr. Lu. The director told me a few days ago that there is another third female lead role missing, I will not wrong you."

For people like Lin Su, an appropriate soft-hearted approach is a must. Since if he is really allowed to be true to herself, it means that Lin Su's position with him has greatly declined, and Wen Huaan, the old fox, may have to do something else. Although Zheng Jue's status is improving day by day, he still has no chance of winning against him.

Hearing that it was the third female lead role, Lin Su's face suddenly softened, and there was a bit of smile in her eyes, "So that's it. I have shallow qualifications and am a newcomer, so it's not bad to be able to play the third female lead role. Aaron, thank you very much."

Zheng Jue looked at Lin Su's smiling face and suddenly felt a little interested. Lin Su did not have the elegant demeanor of the future in the present, and Wen Huaan was probably just using her to test himself. It wasn't until he was finally fighting Han Jin because of Lin Su that she was picked up by Wen Huaan and used her to stab him in his heart.

"You and I don't need to say thank you. If there is anything else in the future, just tell me. If I'm busy, tell Susie. I can't accompany you on weekdays. You have to be obedient."

Lin Su blushed slightly and nodded obediently, "I know, it's my fault this time. I just miss you so much."

"Okay, I won't blame you," Zheng Jue said with a smile, then he raised his hand to look at the time and said again, "It's getting late, you go back first. I have something to do tonight."

Now that the play was over, Zheng Jue was really in no mood to deal with her anymore.

Lin Su glanced at Zheng Jue in surprise. Is there anyone who let go of the fat in their mouth? However, she is indeed playing the role of an innocent beauty now. But while she was playing with one hand to refuse and welcome him, she did not expect that he will eventually turn his back. She has made a lot of mistakes in the past few days, and she can't do it again now.

Lin Su said goodbye to Zheng Jue with a smile. Then Zheng Jue also took her downstairs in a gentlemanly manner and called a taxi for her. He kept watching the taxi disappear in front of his eyes and then the elegant smile on his face disappeared.

It was like a retreating tide that disappeared in an instant. Zheng Jue calmly pinched his index finger with a sullen face and looked at Lin Su's departure direction in a daze. Why is it that when he sees Lin Su today, all his original love and hatred have faded away and the only thing left is a deep calculation? Sure enough, in addition to actors, there are also businessmen who can be the most capable of acting in the world.

Zheng Jue went to the company early the next morning. He didn't sleep well last night because of Lin Su, so he looked a little tired this morning. When Susie came in early in the morning to report to work, she saw his pale face and became a little worried, then said, "Mr. Zheng, you look a little bad. Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Zheng Jue raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, "No need, just call Mr. Lu. I have something to tell him."

Susie immediately called to Lu Yunxing's office and explained her intentions, and within three minutes, she received Lu Yunxing's line.

Zheng Jue took the phone. He first chatted around with Lu Yunxing for a long time before the conversation turned into the real business, "Mr. Lu, I heard Director Wen a few days ago that the "Assassin" still lacks a third female lead. I wonder if I can find it now?"

Lu Yunxing first smiled when he heard it, "I really thought you were Liu Xiahui and didn't touch anything. If the others speak about this third female lead to me, I will definitely not listen, but if it's Aaron, I will listen. Which company are you looking for? Has she ever played any roles?"

Zheng Jue was slightly startled when he heard this, but he really forgot about it, so he raised his head and glanced at Susie. Sure enough, she lived up to the title of perfect secretary and hurriedly whispered, "Ms. Lin did not sign with the company. She is a newcomer. She has played very good roles and is not very famous."

Zheng Jue repeated Susie's words to Lu Yunxing. He pondered for a moment after he heard it, "It turns out to be a newcomer… If it can catch Mr. Zheng's eyes, it is estimated that she looks very good. You can bring her to Huaxing another day. If the quality is good, then sign up for Huaxing. This role depends on Mr. Zheng's face, so you can also let her try."

Zheng Jue's heart moved when he heard this. Lu Yunxing really deserved to be an old fox at the top. Not only did he sell his face but also included Lin Su in Huaxing's bag. No matter what he wouldn't lose.


The author has something to say: I was really tired today and cried today, so when I came back and saw this, I lost it. My heart is so tired_(:з」∠)_



1. Liu Xiahui (柳下惠) is the name of a historically famous man who is known for "sitting without chaos" (甘德霜, 2013). When he met a woman who had no place to live, he was afraid that she would be cold, so he hugged her, wrapped her in clothes, and sat all night without any indecent behavior.