
Rivals of Rebirth

There is always such a person in the world, his family background is better than yours, his status is higher than yours, while you work hard and think all the way up, but with just a wave of his hand, you are wiped out. What is even more sad is that he doesn’t even know who you are. Zheng Jue met Han Jin like this but he didn’t realize this truth until he died. In the end, he had found the wrong opponent and ultimately lost his life.

supadmo_soro · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 29 Reveal

On the contrary, Han Jin was completely different from what Zheng Jue expected. As soon as he came in and saw Zheng Jue sitting there, his pair of eyes instantly lit up. He ignored Wen Yize, who was talking eloquently behind him, and then walked towards Zheng Jue a little eagerly. It's just that halfway through, he seemed to remember something so he stopped abruptly, his face also showing some hesitation.

Zheng Jue also noticed that there was something wrong with Han Jin and frowned slightly. He felt a little weird in his heart.

Zhou Chengan saw that there was something wrong with the two of them, so he smiled and came up to smooth things out, "Vi, why are you here now and even met Young Master Wen? What a coincidence."

Han Jin's eyes were all glued to Zheng Jue, and he didn't even blink when Zhou Chengan said these words. Meanwhile, Wen Yize, who was on the side, saw it and responded with a smile, "No, as soon as I arrived at the door, I saw Young Master Han also coming. Young Master Zhou, thank you for your invitation today."

Zhou Chengan smiled and shook his head, "Young Master Wen's are polite. We are all friends, so what else is there to say?"

When Wen Yize heard him say this, he immediately smiled and said, "What Young Master Zhou said is true."

Since the two smoothened the situation, Zheng Jue also took the opportunity to avoid Han Jin's burning gaze and greeted Wen Yize with a smile. However, he was not a long-sleeved person who was good at dancing, and Han Jin's appearance will not make him a person who could win over Wen Yize directly. Therefore, this matter is naturally done by the well-rounded person, Zhou Chengan.

For Zhou Chengan, it is natural to want to win over Wen Yize. His status is originally higher than that of Wen Yize. With two or three close words, Wen Yize has become closer to Zhou Chengan. However, because he is also a deep-minded person, he didn't really bow his head to him and only mentioned Wen Huaan in a vague way.

"Young Master Zhou, you know that my uncle is now the patriarch of the Wen family. I have neither real power nor manpower. I don't have to do anything except raise my hand on the board of directors, so I have a lot of time," Wen Yize said with a smile on the corner of his mouth as if he was joking.

Zhou Chengan looked surprised when he heard it and raised his eyebrows slightly, "I'm afraid that what Young Master Wen said is serious, right? However, I do know that you and the other young master have a lot of shares in the Wen family. No matter how domineering Mr. Wen is, the equity in your hands is not for nothing."

Wen Yize's eyes moved slightly as he used the word domineering to describe Wen Huaan. He's afraid that Zhou Chengan and Wen Huaan are probably not as harmonious as they seem on the surface.

"Young Master Zhou may not know, but although my eldest brother and I have a lot of shares, there are many people on the board who are uncle's confidants. My brother and I are too young to be recognized by those old people," Wen Yize said with some emotion.

Zhou Chengan curled up the corners of his mouth with some disdain and said in a low voice, "I don't know your situation? Isn't that what I am in the Zhou family now? Though you are better than me. I once heard Mr. Wen say that the momentum of the Wenli Fund and Zhaoyang Real Estate has been very strong recently, which are the properties of you and your brother. If they can be listed on the market at that time, I think they will develop better than the other subsidiaries of the Zhou family."

Wen Yize was shocked and sat up abruptly. His calm smile could no longer be maintained at this time, he clenched his fist nervously but pretended to have a smile on his face, "Young Master Zhou… Did Young Master Zhou really hear this from my uncle?"

Although he has always had a close relationship with Wenli Fund and Zhaoyang Real Estate, no one knows that he and his brother have shares in it. Since Zhou Chengan can say such a thing, could it be that Wen Huaan has already noticed it?

Zhou Chengan sat on the side and watched him, and a few traces of confusion flashed in his eyes. He turned his face and glanced at Zheng Jue who had a cold expression. Seeing him nodding to him discreetly, he couldn't help but smile. It seems that there are still some possibilities to win this young master Wen over.

"Of course. Otherwise, how can I know this? Is there anything wrong with this?" Zhou Chengan made a puzzled look.

Wen Yize became restless in his heart and didn't dare to say more. He just laughed dryly and said, "Although my eldest brother and I have a good relationship with these two companies, these two companies are not our companies. It's my uncle who misunderstood."

Zhou Chengan suddenly realized something when he heard it, then he smiled and nodded, "So that's how it is. However, even though it's not a big deal, Mr. Wen pays special attention to the two of you, so I'm afraid I was mistaken about that."

Wen Yize couldn't help taking a breath after he heard this with cold sweat pouring down his back. He has only been complacent for a few days, but he has lost his mind. He understands Wen Huaan's methods. He is so close to these two companies now, but Wen Huaan does not move at all. This is absolutely abnormal, but he didn't notice it at all until now…

Wen Yize's head suddenly became clear in an instant. He glanced up at the seemingly innocent Zhou Chengan, then at calm-looking Zheng Jue and Han Jin. These three people appeared at such a clever time, and they intentionally or unintentionally brought up this topic. He's afraid it is not probably a coincidence.

He was fooled by Zhou Chengan before, so he didn't realize it for the first time. Now that he thinks about it again, he understands more and more what his status is in the Wen family. Even if others don't know, the heirs of the Zhou family and the Han families, Zhou Chengan and Han Jin, must have seen it clearly. These two people have always been above the top, but now they are friends with him. He's afraid that the goal of these three people has always been Wen Huaan.

It's just that even if he thinks it thoroughly, he can't afford to offend any of these three people at this time. Hence, he can only choose to compromise because he would rather face these three people than face Wen Huaan directly. After all, their goals are still the same.

Wen Yize pursed his somewhat dry lips, forced a smile, and whispered, "I'm afraid it's not my uncle who wants us to go wrong, but it is that did something wrong. I will be asking Young Master Zhou to give me more advice."

Zhou Chengan couldn't help but smile when he heard this, thinking that this Young Master Wen was a sensible person.

"How can I talk about advising you? Although, in my opinion, you and your brother still need to pay more attention to those two companies. Things that can be obtained so easily always have to be checked out. Pie falling from the sky does not happen every day."

Zhou Chengan gave Wen Yize a meaningful look, and regardless of his pale face, he turned around and spoke to Han Jin again.

Wen Yize clenched his fists slightly before his pursed lips drew a sharp arc. Zhou Chengan could say that, but he's afraid that there were problems with those two companies. For a while, Wen Yize was a little scared. He and his brother regarded those two companies as the last trump card. If something really went wrong, he couldn't imagine what would happen to the two of them.

Zhou Chengan is an experienced person. Although he seems to be chatting with Han Jin, he still pays attention to Wen Yize from the corner of his eye. He observed his reaction from the beginning to the end until he saw a firmness in his eyes. This made him relieved in his heart. This wind has finally been sent out. How it develops afterward depends on how it will work in the future.

Zheng Jue also looked at this whole thing, but what he thought in his heart was that he must not offend Zhou Chengan in the future. This person is far more terrible than he looks.

Thinking of this, Zheng Jue turned and glanced at Han Jin, who was talking to Zhou Chengan. Although this person was domineering and arrogant, he did not have such a deep mind as Zhou Chengan, which was a good thing.

Thinking of this, Zheng Jue became suddenly shocked. Well, why did he suddenly think of Han Jin? At this moment, it was only then he did suddenly realize that Han Jin had left an indelible mark in his life.

Facing this conclusion, Zheng Jue's mood was as happy as he also became sad, and for a while, he was a little overwhelmed.


Just as Zheng Jue was at war between heaven and man, Wen Yize over there had already made up his mind. Although these three must have ulterior motives, he was also being attacked on his back. If he couldn't help them defeat Wen Huaan, he's afraid that his end will be even more tragic. For this reason, he might as well give it a try. There is always a way out.

Thinking of this, Wen Yize has no scruples and didn't care that Zhou Chengan was talking with Han Jin. He just said directly, "Young Master Zhou, I do things simply and directly. This time, thanks to your reminder, I can wake up in time. I am very willing to cooperate with you. But there are some things I still have to discuss with my elder brother, please be considerate."

Zhou Chengan never thought that there would be such an unexpected joy, so he looked astonished from the bottom of his heart. He never really thought that this young master Wen would be so straightforward and didn't even check it himself before trusting him.

In fact, no one can blame Zhou Chengan for not expecting this. If anyone knows Wen Huaan's character best, he's afraid that there will be no one else in this world except the Wen brothers. Although Zhou Chengan's remarks were mixed with truth and falsehoods, Zeyi as long as Wen Yize thought about it thoroughly, he was 100% sure that there was indeed a problem with those two companies. Otherwise, with Wen Huaan's methods, it would be impossible for them to have survived until now.

Zhou Chengan organized the words slightly and said with a smile, "Young Master Wen is being too serious. Some things really need to be thought about more because conclusions made in a hurry would be inevitably biased. Young Master Wen should have a good time discussing this with the other young master."

Wen Yize couldn't help but feel a bit of goodwill when he heard it. Speaking of which, Zhou Chengan is not obvious in other places, but this act of getting along with people is very powerful. Not to mention, he speaks appropriate words like a spring breeze. As long as he wants to, he will definitely win someone's favor. Of course, except for Zheng Jue. Facing Zheng Jue, he always has a feeling that he has nowhere to start.

"Young Master Zhou, I will talk well to my eldest brother and check this matter too. I also still have to remind Mr. Zheng and Young Master Han that the Ms. Lin I brought with me that day went to my uncle after being separated from me. According to the news I heard from my insider, there's something between those two, so I'm asking the two of you to be more careful," Wen Yize is also a good person, so the sentence about returning the peach for the plum is still somewhat understandable.

It's just that when he said these words, the whole scene suddenly became embarrassing. Even Zhou Chengan, who had a gentle appearance, has a weird expression at this time. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Zheng Jue and Han Jin who had unpredictable expressions in their eyes.


The author has something to say: Hey, if there is no accident after entering this VIP chapter, I will keep updating it every day. The update time is usually controlled at 6:00 pm or 10:00 pm. If there is any accident that prevents the update, I will ask for leave. Everyone can pay attention.

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That's all I want to say. You little angels, please support me a lot in the future! Mwah! (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ



1. Returning the peach for the plum is an idiom for reciprocation.