
Rivals of Rebirth

There is always such a person in the world, his family background is better than yours, his status is higher than yours, while you work hard and think all the way up, but with just a wave of his hand, you are wiped out. What is even more sad is that he doesn’t even know who you are. Zheng Jue met Han Jin like this but he didn’t realize this truth until he died. In the end, he had found the wrong opponent and ultimately lost his life.

supadmo_soro · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 24 Awkward

After Han Jin heard what he said, he only curled up his lips into a smile, "Between you and me, there's no need for you to say this. It's me who came early."

When Han Jin said these words, the gazes upon Zheng Jue became more and more complicated. Even a veteran like Lu Yunxing couldn't help but pause for a bit before he spoke again with a dry smile, "I didn't know that the relationship between Young Master Han and Aaron is so good."

Han Jin gave Lu Yunxing a meaningful glance and slightly curled up the corners of his mouth, "Aaron, Lenny and I have known each other before. Today, it is because Caltex just has calligraphy and paintings to be auctioned. That's why I asked Aaron to accompany me. Mr. Lu wouldn't mind me robbing someone with you, right?"

Hearing this, Lu Yunxing breathed a sigh of relief. If Han Jin and Zheng Jue really had that kind of relationship, he would have a big head.

"What are you talking about? We're already done here too. Please feel free, both of you," Lu Yunxing turned around and smiled at Zheng Jue.

Zheng Jue raised the corner of his mouth stiffly even though he didn't want to smile. He nodded at the people around him and left with Han Jin. When he went out, Zheng Jue could still detect the intrusive gaze behind him.

As soon as Zheng Jue finally got out, the calmness that he was maintaining collapsed instantly along with his expression, "Young Master Han, what do you mean by this?" Zheng Jue asked in a low voice.

Han Jin smiled lightly, "Come here to find you. What else can it mean?"

Zheng Jue almost turned half-dead with anger, and his face also turned a little blue, "You can find me when you come here, so why do you have to say those misleading words?!"

"What did I say? Didn't I explain it later?" Han Jin still smiled very innocently.

Zheng Jue felt suffocated in his throat as if he couldn't breathe in and out. Although he wanted to eat Han Jin raw, he still had some sense of sanity. In the end, he knew that some words were not good for anyone, so he lessened the tension in his mood and only whispered in a low voice, "Don't do this again!" This sentence was spoken with a gnashing of his teeth.

Han Jin squinted his eyes and smiled in response. However, although his expression looked very sincere, he was actually a little smug in his heart. In his opinion, this Zheng Jue's appearance was a sign of compromise.


It was already nine o'clock when Han Jin and Zheng Jue arrived at Caltex, and the auction was already halfway through. Despite this, Han Jin was not in a hurry. The one he wanted was probably still near the end of the auction. Meanwhile, Zheng Jue took a closer look at the auction list. He had been in the Hong Kong market for so long, but he hadn't paid attention to the antique market. Looking at it today, there are many rich people in Hong Kong, so this business seemed quite profitable.

Zheng Jue watched this auction with this thought in mind and he was not as repulsive as before. On the contrary, he watched a few auctions, and a little interest arose in his heart. A pair of jade bracelets said to have been worn by a certain queen, could be auctioned for more than five times its own price. It's really a worthless deal.

Seeing that Zheng Jue was interested, Han Jin felt flattered and introduced it to him. Zheng Jue had never been in contact with these things before and naturally didn't know as much as Han Jin, who had a very profound background. In addition, although Han Jin had a low EQ, he has a very high IQ for doing business. His words were simple and easy to understand. Zheng Jue became even more interested as he listened to him.

The atmosphere between the two became gentle for a while.

Han Jin secretly peeked at Zheng Jue while talking. Every time he had gotten along with Zheng Jue before, the man was always either polite, indifferent or someone with sparks flying everywhere. They had never been so harmonious. Now, he looked at Zheng Jue's handsome and fair face which had a serious expression. Han Jin suddenly felt his tongue dry, and the hand he was originally holding loosely was clenched suddenly.

When Zheng Jue noticed that Han Jin suddenly stopped talking, he turned his head to look at him with some confusion but suddenly bumped into Han Jin's hot eyes. Their temperature during this time shocked Zheng Jue that he could only feel numbness on his scalp. The surrounding voices suddenly disappeared, and no sound remained. Only those dark eyes stayed in his sight. Zheng Jue became speechless for a while.

"Aaron, you…" Han Jin pursed his dry lips and reached out to grab Zheng Jue's hand.

Zheng Jue was startled that he quickly retreated backward, discreetly dodging away to reject it. In a trance, the sound of the crowd around them came into Zheng Jue's ears again. He glanced at the stage in a facade and whispered in a low voice, "Young Master Han, the calligraphy and painting you want to take are here."

Han Jin looked at his empty hands with a bit of disappointment, then closed his eyes and didn't speak.

After that, there was a strange silence between the two. Zheng Jue looked normal, but Han Jin had a black face from beginning to end. Even though the calligraphy and painting were successfully obtained in the end, he did not see him with a smiling face. The person in charge of the Caltex auction was so scared that he even spoke cautiously, for fear of provoking this evil star.

Although Han Jin lost his face, he didn't dare to express his anger towards Zheng Jue and still sent him to the door of his apartment. Meanwhile, Zheng Jue was dozing on his seat all the way, ignoring Han Jin. It's not that Zheng Jue wanted to be hypocritical but because he felt a little weird in his heart, he felt that he didn't want to face Han Jin anymore at this moment.


Seeing that Zheng Jue entered the apartment, Han Jin drove away. After seeing that it was only after ten o'clock, he called Zhou Chengan and asked if Zhou Chengan was in the Zhou family's mansion. But in the next second, Han Jin didn't want to bother him anymore, so he just drove aimlessly.

His heart felt extremely complicated today. He kept thinking of the way Zheng Jue looked at him over and over again. He seemed a little surprised, but at the same time, he also seemed to have a trace of concentration. He has never seen such a look in Zheng Jue's eyes before. At this time, his heart was a little chaotic.

Han Jin unknowingly drove his car to Lan Kwai Fong, which is the number one place for feasting and drinking in Hong Kong. Han Jin was also a frequent visitor here before, but after getting to know Zheng Jue, Han Jin suddenly realized that he hadn't been to this place for a long time.

Han Jin drove his car to a bar where he used to go and just saw the friends who had been playing with him come out. Han Jin frowned slightly. He wanted to hide, but he didn't expect that one of them would have sharp eyes. He saw Han Jin's car at a glance and hurried up to say hello, "Young Master Han, what a coincidence."

When Han Jin glanced at him, he saw that it was Wen Huaan's nephew, Wen Yize. He originally wanted to leave after dealing with him, but he dispelled this idea. This person is one of the two nephews who can fight against Wen Huaan. He also had some friendships with Han Jin before, though it wasn't that deep. Now that he has come to the door automatically, Han Jin also wants to find out his bottom line.

"It's a coincidence. Are you changing stalls?" Han Jin glanced at the group behind Wen Yize discreetly. They were all the ones who were close to the Wen's. Besides that, there were also a few women mixed in between them. It is estimated that these boys are looking for young ladies.

"I originally wanted to go back. But if Young Master Han is interested, then I will give up my life to accompany the gentleman," Wen Yize originally thought that Han Jin would not pay attention to him at all, but he didn't expect that he would even talk to him, so he hurriedly hit the snake with a stick.

"No, it's not too early, and I should go back too. If there is a chance, let's go out together next time," Although Han Jin wanted to find out about him, his own condition is not good right now, so it really wasn't a suitable time to do this. As soon as his words came out, according to Wen Yize's shrewdness, he would probably come to him in two days with a feather as if a shot arrow.

"Okay, then it's settled. Young Master Han is good to go," Wen Yize didn't bother him further and replied with a smile.

Han Jin nodded casually, then glanced at the group of people behind Wen Yize. Suddenly, his expression became concentrated. His eyebrows became slightly furrowed, but in the next instant, his expression returned to normal as if nothing happened, and then drove the car away.

Watching Han Jin leave, Wen Yize then looked in the direction that made Han Jin change his expression. It turned out to be a relatively conservatively dressed woman with beautiful features. However, for a person like Han Jin, what kind of beauty has he never seen before? It's just simply impossible for him to have a reaction to such a woman.

Wen Yize frowned and looked at her for a long time, and then he whispered to his follower behind him, "Who is this woman?"

That follower was the one who pimped this batch of women this time. When he glanced at him, he smiled a little vulgarly and said, "Does Young Master Wen know? This is Lin Su, Zheng Jue's ex-girlfriend who was making a lot of noise in the newspapers these past few days. As soon as the incident happened, Zheng Jue broke up with her. When they heard that they were not seeing each other anymore, all her jobs were lost, which is why she came to this point."

Wen Yize raised his eyebrows slightly, it turned out to be Zheng Jue. He heard that Zheng Jue and Zhou Chengan had a good relationship, but he didn't expect to have some friendship with Han Jin. It seems that Zheng Jue should not be underestimated.

Wen Yize's mind turned a lot while he still maintained the smile on his face. Seeing that Lin Su was a little embarrassed by him, he smiled and said, "I didn't realize it before, but Ms. Lin is actually here."

Lin Su curled up the corners of her mouth a little embarrassedly, then lowered her head and said nothing.

Wen Yize didn't say any more. He turned his face and whispered to his follower just now, "Investigate her well for me!"

He never believed that there would be such a coincidence in the world. Others didn't know it, but he knew what good his uncle did to Zheng Jue's father back then. This Lin Su came to him after leaving Zheng Jue's front foot. It's probably not that simple.

His follower looked puzzled but did not dare to ask any more questions, and just bowed his head in response.

After Wen Yize ordered this investigation, he left with the rest of the people with a smile on his face.


The author has something to say: Did you notice my Calvin? These days, my Calvin is really dead. I'm afraid that I would accidentally write something and the story would deviate. Hey, today's update will be just a sauce. Mina-san should support me a lot! づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ



1. Big head is a metaphor used to describe dizziness.

2. Lan Kwai Fong is a mid-to-high end area district with large and small bars and restaurants in Hong Kong . It is popular with the younger generation and tourists and is one the landmarks of Hong Kong.

3. Calvin is probably a slang for writer's block.