
Rivals of Rebirth

There is always such a person in the world, his family background is better than yours, his status is higher than yours, while you work hard and think all the way up, but with just a wave of his hand, you are wiped out. What is even more sad is that he doesn’t even know who you are. Zheng Jue met Han Jin like this but he didn’t realize this truth until he died. In the end, he had found the wrong opponent and ultimately lost his life.

supadmo_soro · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 17 Tricks

In the end, Han Jin still left even though Zheng Jue hadn't given him the answer. He actually couldn't know what the man was thinking, but whenever he remembered the gaze Han Jin gave him before he left, Zheng Jue felt a chill on his back. There is always an indescribable feeling in his heart that made him a little uneasy and agitated.

Since that day, Zheng Jue's daily life has returned to its former dullness. The news in the entertainment industry has always changed one after another. Lin Su is not a particularly famous person at this time, not to mention that she had only vaguely implicated Zheng Jue, a rising businessman. The reporters of the entertainment tabloids are very aware of current affairs and don't dare to offend Zheng Jue. Hence, within a week or two, the vigorous scandal about him has vanished and not even a single ripple remains.

During this process, Lin Su kept trying to contact Zheng Jue, but Zheng Jue completely ignored her. At this point, there was no point in acting anymore. Wen Huaan was not a fool. If he acted too much, he would probably make people suspicious.

It's just that Zheng Jue didn't dare to relax his attention to Wen Huaan at all. He already abandoned Lin Su's line, so he didn't know what Wen Huaan would do.

Zheng Jue didn't wait long for his move. He was just two weeks before his birthday when an uninvited guest came to the door.

The visitor claimed to be Lin Su's younger sister, Lin Ai, and begged Zheng Jue to save her sister. Her tone was so poignant and sincere that no man would be able to refuse, not to mention that she was gentle and lovely, which also made people feel a strong desire to protect her.

"Mr. Zheng," Lin Ai frowned slightly. Her appearance was five-point similar to Lin Su's, but her temperament was completely different. Unlike Lin Su's generosity and gentleness, Lin Ai's appearance was soft and delicate, with a touch of sadness. If judged according to the aesthetics of Zheng Jue's previous life, with Lin Ai being like this, then she's probably not worth seeing.

"My sister has been overwhelmed by the public opinion now. Please help her even for the sake of your past affection," Lin Ai looked at Zheng Jue with a pair of limpid autumn water eyes.

Zheng Jue raised his eyebrows slightly. If he remembered correctly, this Miss Lin Ai was also a socialite in the social circle in his last life and had an inextricable relationship with Zhou Chengan's cousin Zhou Chengyuan. He only met her once after Lin Su betrayed him, but in this life, she turned around and met him in advance.

It would be strange if Wen Huaan wasn't involved in this matter.

"Since your sister did those things, then she will be responsible. My relationship with her is too shallow to withstand such a toss," Zheng Jue did not buy it with a cold face.

Lin Ai's expression froze as she became slightly embarrassed, and then there was a bit of determination on her face. She solemnly said, " Mr. Zheng is too ruthless to say this. My sister has a close relationship with you, while the whole city of Hong Kong knows that now my sister is being slandered like this. Will you just stay and look at it like this?"

Zheng Jue almost laughed out loud as she was really eloquent, and her way to confuse black and white was not bad. In the end, this was his own fault. Seeing the gentle and dignified line not going well, did he want to take the weak and stubborn line? Not to mention, Wen Huaan really has a good hand. He was not like this in his previous life, holding him back and going backward.

"Ms. Lin's words are a bit rude. What is slander? Isn't the person in the photo your sister? I used to like her very much, but when she does such a thing, do you still expect me to continue wearing a green hat?" Zheng Jue stared at Lin Ai with interest.

Lin Ai noticed Zheng Jue's gaze. She couldn't help blushing as she lowered her head, "I… I know my sister did something wrong this time, but… but she was also deceived at that time. She hadn't contacted that person since she was with you. You… Please help her even if it's just for pity! Now the company wants to terminate the contract with her, and the movie also wants to replace her. She really has no way to go," As she spoke, there was a trace of tears in her eyes.

Zheng Jue frowned slightly. Lu Yunxing's movements were really fast. It was only just a few days, but he already wanted to get out.

"She did those things for sure, so whatever happens, she deserves it. I didn't act ruthlessly on her. I'm already showing mercy. You still want to beg me to save her. Ms. Lin, are you confused?" Zheng Jue acted like an angry young man, having such three points into the wood(1).

Lin Ai's face flushed because of Zheng Jue's rebuttal. She bit her lower lip and couldn't say a word.

Zheng Jue sneered in his heart while still making an angry expression on his face. Since Lin Ai came here at this time, it's probably because she had come with the intention to seduce him. Wen Huaan was also very amazing. The two sisters of the family were both held in the palm of his hand. In his previous life, one killed Zheng Jue, and the other one messed up the Zhou family. He couldn't really guess what the ending of this life might be.

"Okay, let's go. This matter will subside soon, but I will never see your sister again. From now on, I have nothing to do with her," Zheng Jue said with a cold face. Although Zheng Jue in his previous life was arrogant, he also had a heart of pity and cherished jades. Naturally, he wanted to cooperate with Wen Huaan's painstaking efforts.

When Lin Ai heard this, she calmed down. Her flushed face could not help but soften a lot. After hesitating for a long time, she said, "Thank you, Mr. Zheng. My sister asked me to apologize to you."

Zheng Jue only snorted coldly when he heard it and waved to Lin Ai to leave. Because of this, Lin Ai no longer bothered, turned, and soon left.

Looking at Lin Ai's back, Zheng Jue suddenly remembered Lin Su's expression when she talked about Lin Ai in his previous life. Lin Su and Lin Ai are half-sisters and had a bad relationship since childhood. The two have been competing with each other since they were children, wishing that her enemy's brain would turn into a dog's brain. Lin Su talked about Lin Ai with a sense of disdain and resentment, but now Lin Ai came here to intercede with Lin Su. To think that there was nothing else in it, Zheng Jue would never believe it.

When Lin Ai was finally gone, Zheng Jue picked up the internal phone line on the table. Susie picked it up as soon as it rang, "Mr. Zheng?"

"Call Zhou Chengan for me," What happened to make Lin Ai appear today was strange. At this time in his last life, she should have also already made her way too far on Zhou Chengyuan, leaving the Zhou family in bad debt. Therefore, he still needed to find Zhou Chengan to check out the sound of the wind(2) first.

When Zhou Chengan's line was connected, Zhou Chengan himself also became very surprised, "Mr. Zheng has been busy these days. It's been a long time."

Zheng Jue heard the teasing in Zhou Chengan's tone, but he didn't take it seriously. The eyes of these big family sons were always above the top. Even though Zhou Chengan looked gentle, in fact, he was arrogant at heart. He had slapped his face a few times recently, so it is normal for him to stab him a few times also.

"I'm really sorry for not being able to make an appointment these few days. I'm busy with the company after a few investments have gone wrong. Please forgive me, Young Master Zhou," Zheng Jue didn't lie. In the past few days, there were indeed some financial problems in the company.

Zhou Chengan is not an unreasonable person, so he also smiled and said, "I know you are a busy person, so you don't have to be so polite. The previous cooperation with Mr. Zheng was very pleasant, and we will get along more in the future."

After hearing Zhou Chengan say this, Zheng Jue knew that he had no grudges with him, so he followed his words, "Young Master Zhou is generous, it's that I was being rude. Why don't I invite Young Master Zhou to drink tea tomorrow?"

As soon as he heard it, Zhou Chengan knew that Zheng Jue had something to say, but he didn't mind that very much because first, Zheng Jue was indeed a friend worth making friends with, and second, there was also Han Jin caught in the middle. Zhou Chengan knew the details about Han Jin, who was probably going to use his heart this time.

"Since Mr Zheng said this, that's fine. Tomorrow, Mr. Zheng must definitely come to the Le'An Teahouse," Anyway, he will help Han Jin again. This time, Zheng Jue obviously wanted something, so it's probably not good to slap his face right now.

Zheng Jue didn't think much of it after listening to it and immediately agreed. Lin Ai and the Zhou family were already implicated, which would hinder Zhou Chengan's ambitions. He had already probably noticed that Wen Huaan would be difficult to deal with alone, so it is better to find another strong support. After all, according to Wen Huaan's series of arrangements till the present, his ambition is probably not small. As one of the old families, the Zhou family would definitely not sit still.

Zheng Jue thought so very well, but sometimes things were different from what one had imagined. For example, now, looking at Han Jin's dark expression, Zheng Jue felt a little bad.

Since that time, Zheng Jue had avoided seeing Han Jin again. Instead of blatantly disappearing like before, he had subconsciously avoided him. Whenever he thought of seeing him, Zheng Jue would feel very uncomfortable, not because he felt physical discomfort with him, but rather because he felt psychologically awkward with him.

Now that he suddenly saw his face, Zheng Jue was still unable to accept it. He glanced at the bright and smiling Zhou Chengan speechlessly while feeling very helpless in his heart. He never imagined that Zhou Chengan still had the hobby of being a matchmaker.

"Why is Mr. Zheng unhappy? Vi just happened to be fine today, so I called him over. Mr. Zheng wouldn't mind, right?" Zhou Chengan smiled innocently.

Even though Zheng Jue wanted to kill him directly in his heart, he still wore a polite smile on his face, "If anything, it's my honor for Young Master Han to come here."

Han Jin gave Zheng Jue a cold look, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

On the other hand, Zhou Chengan was very active. Seeing that Zheng Jue didn't get angry on the spot, he felt relieved and began to talk with Zheng Jue. Although he looked gentle and elegant, he was actually very knowledgeable. This so-called knowledge is especially for entertainment activities. In terms of this knowledge, Zheng Jue is as pure as a blank piece of paper compared to him.

Zhou Chengan spoke without restraint and began to introduce Zheng Jue to the entertainment industry in Hong Kong. Although Zheng Jue had already experienced it before, he did not know as much as Zhou Chengan who is a native of Hong Kong. He listened to it for a while as he taught Han Jin beside him, whose face flushed black and red.

Zhou Chengan looked at him amusingly on his side but didn't dare to provoke Han Jin's lower limit, so he quickly stopped the topic in a timely manner. He could also see that Zheng Jue was not really interested and didn't want to talk about Han Jin anymore. It's just that there seemed to be something seriously going on today, so Zhou Chengan wouldn't delay the topic any further.

"Mr. Zheng invited us out so leisurely this time, but what's the matter?" Zhou Chengan smiled gently.


1. Three points into the wood is a Chinese idiom originally used to describe the powerful strength of strokes used in calligraphy, but now, it became a metaphor used for describing profoundness, and penetrating or believable acting .

2. Check out the sound of the wind means acquiring about information or observing the situation (Cchatty).

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