
Two : A Happy Birthday Indeed

"Kai! Kai! Don't make me come up there you lazy bag of rotten potatoes! " The high pitched voice that belonged to my foster mom screeched early morning.

"Kai!" She yelled again, this time louder and angrier.

"Put yourself in a fridge will you? I.. am...coming!" I yelled back. Rude much! Yes! That is pretty much all we do around here. It has been like that for as long as I can remember. I remember growing up young and hopeful like almost every kid. And having to have that spirit crushed every time I spoke.

"Mom do you think I will be a billionaire too?" I asked innocently a cute smile plastered on my face while staring away from the T.V that currently was having a Bill Gates interview. It was then my foster dad would roar into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. "For a child dropped by the door! No my child you will not!" My foster mom would nod in agreement and together they would laugh at me. I tried running away. Believe me I tried! But they would always bring me back.

I pull myself out of bed and wear my flipflops. The last thing I wanted was delaying her further.

I run downstairs, put on my apron and enter the kitchen.

They were already sipping tea and eating some yukky looking eggs. I grimaced at the abominations in their plates and more when I saw the dirt flooded sink.

"Clean up the house before you go for college. I want it sparkling clean!"

"Well good morning to you too," I scoff and begin preparing my own breakfast seeing as how no one would carter to that need.

They leave and begin preparing for college. After that I drive to school in my rusty ,old convertible.

I park at my usual spot and ignore the whispers and odd glances people exchange as I walk.

While looking for my books a deep, female voice disturbs the process. I turn around to see my healthy friend, Lora grinning like a fool.

"Hi Kai," She chirped excitedly.

After smiling weakly in response, she immediately begins rambling about this and that.

She continues narrating stuff I don't actually want to know. Half if not all of the time I was not paying attention and would occasionally nod just so she would feel inspired to continue.

"Hey fatty! Had enough to eat this morning," Ian asks cockily to an unexpecting Lora.

He winked and it immediately dawned on me what he actually meant.

"Big attitude for a guy with pea sized balls huh?" I interfered earning myself a cold, deadly glare.

His emerald green eyes threw daggers at me and I shrugged it off dragging a pitiful looking Lora along.

"What's his deal?"

"I kind of slept with him at the party. I was drunk," She said defensively.

"I am not going to scold you for that. I am not your mom. Your body man! Do as you please. Why would you think I would attack you for that?"

"Kai you are anti boy. I have noticed. You are too busy to fall in love and the thought of boys irritates you. I thought if I told you . You would not want to be my friend.. "She trailed off.

I simply chuckled and began walking to my next class. It's not that I was too busy to fall in love but I would not want to add a possible problem to my already available list. We walked over to our social sciences lesson and took our usual seats.

The day went by fast, almost didn't notice it. As we were walking out of school, Jenifer stopped us.

"Female Moses and Lora stop right there!" She said taking slow steps towards us. She calls me Moses because I came in a basket. Instant fame it was but not amusing in any way.

"Lora party at my place tonight." She declared flicking her wrist from left to right. I gave Lora a quick glance and she smiled innocently at me.

If she wanted to go who was I to stop her.

"I would invite you Moses but then again I don't like you very much, " She added to no one's great delight.

Being the mature person I am, I growled and began walking away .The anger in me felt odd. It always did. I would always feel a rush of electricity through me. Ticklish and irritating, making me all the more angry.

I walked away faster. Such anger was unhealthy and I knew it. I've always known it. I hated my life on earth. If people at school were not playing the role of getting on my nerves , my foster parents gladly took over. I went home, prepared dinner and locked myself up in my room not bothering to eat.

Today would have been special if only my real parents loved me enough to keep me. I would be surrounded by radiant smiles and maybe even siblings who cared as they all sang the cheesy birthday song for me. I would be happy. The thoughts made tears trickle gently down my cheeks, like a perennial river they continued to flow. The same tears led me to sleep .

It was a happy birthday indeed.