
Risk of Being a Widow

Patriarchal system, making a woman the object of male greed. This story tells the fate of a woman named Intan. She was divorced by her husband because she chose to remarry another woman. Intan raises her own child with the help of a prostitute, Sarah. Sarah is like a night butterfly with a past that is almost similar to Intan. In fact, she left her 11-year-old son and preferred to be a comfort woman, a job that made her feel free to become a woman who had been hurt by a man's sweet promise. Sarah is like a mother to Intan. Intan works in a company as an Office Girl, and is in love with her own CEO—Irwan. However, their relationship is opposed by Irwan's mother and the label as a Temptress is increasingly attached to Intan. Intan decides to go and look for a new job until she meets Arsya, the new CEO. Until one day, Intan had to choose between the two.

Ernest_Nana_03 · Urban
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63 Chs

The Coupler

'Damn, she called me 'Sir'. Do I look like you guys? This cute is thought to be old," Arsya mumbled in his heart.

"Hey," he said loudly. But Arsya didn't launch his protest at Intan when his tear-filled eyes turned to his. "Hmm, I didn't mean anything bad. This drink is safe, I bought more."

Arsya sat beside Intan, he kept the drink beside her because Intan never received it.

"What are you upset about? Decided? Cheated on?" asked Arsya, throwing questions and taking another sip of his drink. Intan is still silent, Arsya is a foreigner and there is no obligation for Intan to tell his. "Divorced?" asked Arsya again after he drank her drink and it was still running down his throat.

"No," replied Intan, immediately dismissing some of his suspicions. The word 'divorce' again reminds old wounds that Intan should not be able to remember how much it hurts.

"Continue?" asked Arsya again, Intan was silent again. Arsya's glance made Intan even more awkward. Until her took the offer of a drink from Arsya who had just been sitting beside her.

"Does this still apply to me?" asked Intan shyly.

Arsya smiled, cynical but the laughter in his heart could not be contained.

"Refused. Now you want to," Arsya quipped before allowing it. "Just pretend, I'm not going to bring it again, how come it's a drink."

"Thank you," replied Intan, although with a bit of embarrassment she immediately drank it after pulling the hole punch. It's so fresh and helps cool Intan's feelings that are not going well.

"If you break up, don't worry too much. It's no use, instead, it helps remind you that this world is only temporary. Everything will be answered by time, passing with time and ending with time. So, why cry on the side of the road? Instead of looking for God's sympathy in prostration, he puts his forehead on his prayer rug and asks for forgiveness while praying for patience, instead is grumpy on the side of the road looking for opportunities to be thugs," said Arsya casually.

Intan also seemed to be hypnotized by the words that had just been spoken from the lips of a foreign man whose name only Intan did not know now. Moreover, he meant to lecture with words that hit Intan's heart. It's true what he said, thought Intan. But in a situation like this, Intan really can't go home. But Intan was also wrong, she should have gone to the mosque now instead of being alone at the bus stop.

Even though it was in the form of a transparent room, it was still night, and Intan herself could have opened a crime slit for other people.

Intan smiled while shaking the canned drink that was still half left. Seeing Intan's expression starting to improve, even though they didn't talk much … Arsya felt that she had played a human role. Although in his heart he was laughing. He can give quotes to other people while he himself is a mess. He also came here to reflect after he had prayed Isha.

"Come back at night!" said Arsya again as she stood up.

He then put on the black sweater headgear he was wearing and then left without saying goodbye. Intan also didn't want to stop his steps, her eyes continued to follow where Arsya was going. Arsya got out of the bus stop, after she got out she threw her drink cans into the trash can properly. Looks original, but hits the mark.

Intan daydreams, unconsciously her smile even expands and has not fallen.

"Ugh, why me? Smiling alone, people will think I'm crazy," Intan muttered.

She then glanced at the street that was still bustling with night residents. Her mind flashed remembering Irwan who might have left Sarah's house by now. It's been a long time, he thought –Intan was crying there, and hearing advice from a stranger who was quite handsome according Intan. He is like a cold-faced angel sent by God to calm her restless heart. The piercing cold was so fresh, it eased the heat in Intan's chest that was burning with humiliation.

Intan then stood up, walked three steps forward and glanced at the remaining traces of Arsya who had turned the corner.

"Does he live near here?" she asked in the silence of the night that would not be able to answer Intan's question.

Her breath rose slightly, and he exhaled slowly. Then, Intan opened her small bag and took out her cellphone, intending to turn it on after being forcibly turned off by her. In just a few seconds, the cellphone started to light up and the wallpaper - photos of Intan and her child Karin when their child was four years old, appeared.

Intan's heart was scratched again, just now she was able to feel love again and wanted to put Irwan in her life ... everything was broken before the wedding. In fact the pain is almost the same as divorce, both separated. Intan's tears did not feel dripping down her cheeks and spread to her lips, chin ... and dripped. Fall.

"I'm sorry, Karin…." After wiping her eyes, Intan then dismissed all her thoughts, her guilt as a mother who she thought she still couldn't make her child Karin live properly.

Next week Karin enters elementary school, while Intan has to re-apply to a new job, and looks for a cheap rent to live more independently without relying on Sarah anymore and also more precisely so that Irwan can't meet her.

Intan's intentions are unanimous, she doesn't want to go back to dealing with Irwan and his family. Let his heart be broken into pieces again, instead of having to risk her life-fighting Laura who will never agree to her relationship with Irwan.

She typed Sarah's name in the phone search, and then put the phone to her right ear. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down to prepare to speak to Sarah in a tone she managed to sound casual. There isn't anything.

"Intan, where have you been? It's late, last night Irwan was here looking for you. How's dinner?" Sarah asked hoarsely on the other end of the phone before Intan could ask about Irwan's arrival.

"So Irwan has gone home, Ma'am?" asked Intan, Sarah was silent. For almost three minutes Intan waited for an answer from her. Suddenly what was heard was Karin's voice calling out to her.

"Mommy, Mommy come home soon! Where is the mother?" Karin's small voice sounded worried.

Intan's tears fell again, the child's voice made Intan helpless. She is so devastated, Karin is a victim of her husband and also the unfortunate fate of being cared for by Intan who can't give Karin a decent life. Intan keeps blaming herself.

"Yes, honey … Mommy is on the way. Mommy will be home," Intan replied to Karin and kept her sobs from being heard.

"Intan you be careful, come home soon," Sarah said.

Tutttt… Tuuutttt….

Sarah suddenly hung up the phone. Intan was confused because Sarah wasn't usually like that.

'Is Ma'am Sarah … angry?' Intan's heart wondered. She immediately rushed home. Intan also shouldn't have made Sarah wait for her to come home late and let Sarah take care of her child—Karin.
