
Risk of Being a Widow

Patriarchal system, making a woman the object of male greed. This story tells the fate of a woman named Intan. She was divorced by her husband because she chose to remarry another woman. Intan raises her own child with the help of a prostitute, Sarah. Sarah is like a night butterfly with a past that is almost similar to Intan. In fact, she left her 11-year-old son and preferred to be a comfort woman, a job that made her feel free to become a woman who had been hurt by a man's sweet promise. Sarah is like a mother to Intan. Intan works in a company as an Office Girl, and is in love with her own CEO—Irwan. However, their relationship is opposed by Irwan's mother and the label as a Temptress is increasingly attached to Intan. Intan decides to go and look for a new job until she meets Arsya, the new CEO. Until one day, Intan had to choose between the two.

Ernest_Nana_03 · Urban
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63 Chs

Sarah’s Advice Before Dinner

According to Sarah, women should have self-respect and not be too low-key so as not to be secretly cheated on by their husbands, if the woman is smarter, she will know which men really love her or just make it a formality as a wife.

Because Sarah really understands that a woman is hard at first, after a long time if they are seduced they are the soft ones so that later it is easy for men to form themselves, rule over everything and when women have made a man the main support for their footing, that day men destroy the foundation of that trust until the building of feeling shatters to pieces.

The woman will chase back the man, asking for the attention that he had been given in the first place, hoping that he can become the man's idol again.

That is, women can easily give hearts when the key is obtained.

Women must be able to show the light in themselves so that their husbands think twice about choosing another woman.

"He sees you from your heart Intan, where is the CEO willing to marry a widow? At a time when he had the power to choose girls and even bought women who were willing to exchange nights for money. Mr. Amir also said that the CEO is very good, you must be lucky," replied Sarah with a very supportive face.

But Intan still has doubts, she does feel the attention of Irwan who really cares for her.

Even though Intan also couldn't believe what she was going through.

Abandoned by her husband because he chose another woman and worked hard to support herself and her only child, now Allah has sent a man who can raise his status.

"I have no doubts about his, Ma'am, but I'm only afraid of Irwan's family. There's no way they can be so heartless as to accept me who isn't at his level." Intan was very doubtful, her face bent sadly.

Sarah also understands. "Don't su'udzon, the two of you will be running the household, the two of you will be sleeping in the same room," said Sarah, and Intan laughed. "Just say, Widow is now at the forefront… times have changed."

"Ah, Ma'am, I can do it," replied Intan, her nose blowing and holding back laughter.

Sarah stood up, she patted Intan's shoulder. "Alright, I'm going to take a shower." Sarah went sauntering to the bathroom near the kitchen.

That brief conversation made Intan confident, but not because of the slogan 'Wanded Out', which Sarah had just said, but Intan believed that Irwan was sincere to her.

After all, Intan will face it.

But now it's not that easy, even though Intan's face has been made up at the salon, already resembles the elite class with nude color dresses and pictures of flowers from the fabric, it still won't change her status, which will never be on par with the family of her future fiancé, who is currently in a relationship. focus on driving.

Even now, Intan doesn't think that Irwan, her own boss, likes her who only attacks office girls.

He has a lot of power to choose a girl with a bachelor's degree and a prettier face than Intan, but he prefers Intan who is nothing special, Intan thought dreamily.

"Alright, don't be tensed!" said Irwan while glancing at his lover who was now silent like a statue.

Intan was surprised, she smiled shyly at Irwan's words just now.

"I'm afraid that your family won't accept me," said Intan worriedly.

Irwan then held Intan's hand with his left hand because his right hand was holding the steering wheel.

"I'm here, you don't worry. We face it together. I love you Intan, I don't want to be separated from you. I'm willing to leave the company and elope with you, instead of becoming a Director and getting married to a woman I don't love at all." Irwan's face looked serious and his grip was very tight.

Intan also held his hand with both Intan's hands and stroked it. Irwan then took Intan's hand and kissed it.

It was as if he was in love with Intan to death. Intan was very moved, she had never been treated like this by her ex-husband before. She smiled happily, hoping everything would be okay.

After they arrived at Irwan's house, which was very grand, Irwan told Intan to stay in the car seat and let Irwan open the car door.

Welcoming a princess who is very beautiful today.

Intan doesn't look like she's had a child, her body proportioned like a model doesn't show any signs of pregnancy.

Intan's stomach is also not distended, her skin is smooth brown, and her face is sweet.

If Intan's skin is white, she is very similar to a Barbie doll with round eyes. But even so, she has a face that can make anyone feel at ease looking at her.

Intan's words every time she gives a cup of coffee to Irwan's room is what makes his hypnotized, so melodious, and has a warm smile, Intan is also very innocent, whenever Irwan jokes… she always responds genuine and that makes Irwan laugh alone every day.

"You don't have to overdo it like this," said Intan as her long legs stepped out of the car.

"Excessive how? This is romantic, Intan," replied Irwan with a smile, teasing his girlfriend.

The two of them entered the house, Intan holding Irwan's arm in a circle. "See, my mother already welcomed us," said Irwan after his mother came to welcome the child and his fiancée.

"Finally you guys arrived too, come on! The others are already waiting," said Laura to her son--Irwan and his girlfriend--Intan.

Intan is so nervous, tonight Laura's face—Irwan's mother looks very happy and welcomes Intan sincerely, unlike when Irwan first introduced Intan at the office as his girlfriend.

Laura's face was red that day, her lips seemed to want to say something harsh but she didn't say anything because at that time they were in the office, she just left without a word.

Seeing Laura's response at that time, Intan did not expect much from her relationship with Irwan, but Irwan continued to convince Intan until an offer of dinner came from Laura's lips to ask Intan to come today.

Laura held Intan's hand and said, "You are very beautiful today, Intan."

Intan smiled, she looked at Irwan. Irwan smiled back at Intan as if to justify his own words that his mother, Laura, had approved of their relationship.

So, Intan no longer has to worry about being side by side with him.

However, in reality it is not like that.

Laura was just pretending, deep down she was smiling because tonight she had presented a surprise for Intan.

A surprise that will make Intan realize that she will never be on the same level as Syahrir Indagiri's family.

'No matter how beautiful you are, Intan, I will not let my son marry you. Never,' she said in a heart that was very ready to see Intan's reaction tonight.

They went into the special dinner banquet room that had been prepared.

The conversation that had been overheard suddenly stopped.

There were several pairs of eyes staring at the arrival of the three of them, Irwan was so shocked.

Rachel and her parents were already sitting with her father -- Syahrir at the long, shiny teak wood dining table with the high back of his chair, adding to the elegant atmosphere.

But not as elegant as her mother's impoliteness, who now intends to intentionally embarrass Intan.

"Mom!" said Irwan in a high voice to his mother.

He gripped Intan's hand so tightly, the woman could only bow because she knew that Rachel was Laura's chosen fiancée.

Intan's heart is restless because now Rachel and her parents are also present at the mini-night funeral which Intan thinks it's just her and Irwan's family.