
Risk of Being a Widow

Patriarchal system, making a woman the object of male greed. This story tells the fate of a woman named Intan. She was divorced by her husband because she chose to remarry another woman. Intan raises her own child with the help of a prostitute, Sarah. Sarah is like a night butterfly with a past that is almost similar to Intan. In fact, she left her 11-year-old son and preferred to be a comfort woman, a job that made her feel free to become a woman who had been hurt by a man's sweet promise. Sarah is like a mother to Intan. Intan works in a company as an Office Girl, and is in love with her own CEO—Irwan. However, their relationship is opposed by Irwan's mother and the label as a Temptress is increasingly attached to Intan. Intan decides to go and look for a new job until she meets Arsya, the new CEO. Until one day, Intan had to choose between the two.

Ernest_Nana_03 · Urban
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63 Chs

Rage in The Office

"No, I don't want to have anything to do with you and your family anymore. We broke up!" Intan's heart was so broken that she broke her relationship with Irwan.

Irwan looked at Intan in disbelief. Even Sarah couldn't interfere and she just kept quiet.

Luckily Karin was already asleep, so the child wouldn't see the argument between her mother and Irwan, whom Karin considered her own father.

Irwan tried to hold Intan's hand, but the woman kept pushing him away.

Seeing Intan getting more and more rebellious and crying, Irwan wanted to hug Intan and take her away to elope.

But still persuaded like anything Intan is very stubborn. Irwan thought, Intan was more concerned about their differences in status and what other people said and the disagreements of Irwan's family than Irwan's love for her.

"I don't want to break up Intan, I love you. Let's go, I'll take you out of the country." Irwan persuaded.

His eyes were full of hope for a Intan. Sweat and tears were already mingling with their skin.

The emotions of anger and sadness have also been mixed well. Irwan with his strength as a man managed to hold Intan's wrist tightly and force her to come along.

Sarah, who saw Irwan being so aggressive, also intervened.

"Release Intan!" she said.

Intan immediately hugged Sarah, she was in the arms of a woman who was no longer young but still looked beautiful.

Irwan also couldn't resist, he released his grip after Sarah tried to let him go. "This is not Irwan's solution. Trust me, you better go home and talk about it tomorrow. Intan is still in shock over what happened. Give Intan time to think about your invitation."

Irwan was silent and he looked at Intan carefully. There was a feeling of pity to see his lover who had been crying and was now hugging Sarah tightly, who he considered her own mother.

Irwan knows that everything is not easy for Intan. Irwan realized that instead of making Intan calmer, he forced his ego because he loved Intan so much.

Irwan pondered. He gave up tonight.

He also approached Intan who was still in Sarah's arms.

"Intan, I'm sorry. I'll be honest, I didn't know my Mom planned this for you. I swear!"

"Enough! I don't want to talk about it anymore," replied Intan in a high voice mixed with sobs.

Sarah stroked her hair. Sarah also really understands what Intan is feeling.

Irwan sighed heavily with his hands resting on his waist.

Turned his face to the street before speaking again because they were now on the terrace of the house.

"I'll be here again tomorrow to take you away," said Irwan. Intan did not answer. "I hope you are still willing to marry me. I love you." Irwan wiped his face and said goodbye.

The roar of Irwan's car diminished as the car drove away. Intan cried again, pouring out the pain in her chest that seemed to be hurt deeper than before.

"Yes, Intan. Let's go inside, let's go!" asked Sarah, Intan obeyed.

Sarah invited Intan to sit on the sofa first and she made tea for Intan.

Intan's skin was so cold, Sarah was afraid that the woman she had considered as a child would catch a cold.

Intan is still crying, she really loves Irwan but fate is not on their side.

"Drink it while it's warm." Sarah came with hot tea and gave it to Intan.

He took a sip of the sweet, lukewarm tea right away, indeed Sarah was very understanding, she wanted to involve herself with the misery of Intan's life.

Intan is very hard to leave Sarah because she has not had time to return the favor.

"Thank you Ma'am. You're very good to me."

"Ah, ah, Ma'am, I'm tired of hearing it."

"Haha." Intan laughed seeing Sarah's annoyed expression. But Sarah is also happier to see Intan laughing now.

"So, how is it?" Sarah began.

"What, Ma'am?" Intan understood enough, but she didn't want to rush to answer and went back to sipping her hot tea.

"Are you going to-"

Intan's eyes stared absentmindedly at the floor, and immediately looked back at Sarah. She didn't want to keep Sarah waiting.

Intan shook her head, making Sarah finally startle.

"No Ma'am. Intan will find another job."

"Where else? You know it's hard to find work." Sarah disagreed.

"But there is no other choice, Ma'am." Intan's eyes sparkled. "Intan will also look for rent again," she continued.

"I don't agree. If you go, who are you with?" Sarah looked worried. It's not that Intan wants to leave her alone again, but Intan also has no other choice.

Her life seems to be a dead end, the only way now is to get away from Irwan, Sarah thought.

"Ma'am," Intan exclaimed while holding Sarah's hands, "Intan is very grateful to Ma'am," she said, causing Sarah to shed tears, "sorry if Intan has not been able to repay Sarah's kindness to Intan."

"Susttt, Ma'am sincerely help you. You also often help Ms. Alright, let's not talk about it anymore."

Intan smiled, already memorized Sarah's response when she thanked her.

"Intan's determination is unanimous, Intan is sure that Intan can do it. Ma'am don't have to worry. Quickly accept Mr. Amiruddin who wants to stop it." Intan teases her, Sarah is made to laugh because she talks about her loyal customer Sarah who often asks Sarah to marry.

"Emch, you are," Sarah chuckled, "but are you sure you can release Irwan, Intan?" she asked doubtfully of the woman who planned to run away from her house tomorrow.

Intan smiled with a sigh that was so heavy. "God willing, Ma'am. Instead of Intan marrying Irwan but not being considered in his family? Because of Intan too, Irwan often fights his mother. Intan doesn't want to, Ma'am."

Sarah then hugged Intan again. Express empathy.

"Be patient, Ma'am, I pray that you will get more from Irwan and his family who can accept you."

"Amen, Ma'am. Thank you."


In his office, a man who can be said to be the main heir of his father's company is now lashing out at his employees for incorrectly inputting data on exported goods and has harmed the company.

He threw the file in the face of one of his employees in charge of the final check.

All employees were affected, but because he was the one closest to the owner of the company, he was the one who was hit by the file.

Luckily, he was a man because if the employee who had the file thrown in his face was a woman, he would have been crying from pain and shame.

"Are you blind, huh?" asked Arsya, the owner of the company with his lips pursed together, jaw tensed and his eyes bulging with anger. "Not good! Graduates only have a bachelor's degree, while the concentration is lower than the vocational students who did an internship yesterday," he added, questioning the certificates of his employees, who on average had graduated from bachelor's degree.

His right hand man could not even speak up to defend the employees. He also reported again about a client who protested because in one of the exported goods there was a needle piece that had escaped detection.

"What?" asked Arsya getting more emotional, "You take care of it again, Bram. I don't want to know, and you guys…" Arsya ordered Bram and pointed at the other employees. "I will cut your salary for compensation," he said.

The employees are well aware of Arsya's attitude who always threatens them with salary cuts.

Since his stepmother who always participate in company affairs. Arsya did apply the rules according to Nia's orders, who also took control of Arsya's every decision.

"Okay sir," replied everyone including Bram.

Everyone then left, Arsya took a small vase on her desk and was about to throw it to the door. But, someone came to open the door and was surprised to see Arsya who seemed to want to attack his.

"Eh… you want to finish me off?" asked Hannah.

Her tomboyish friend Arsya who has changed her form becomes more girly after getting rejected by her high school friend.