
Risk of Being a Widow

Patriarchal system, making a woman the object of male greed. This story tells the fate of a woman named Intan. She was divorced by her husband because she chose to remarry another woman. Intan raises her own child with the help of a prostitute, Sarah. Sarah is like a night butterfly with a past that is almost similar to Intan. In fact, she left her 11-year-old son and preferred to be a comfort woman, a job that made her feel free to become a woman who had been hurt by a man's sweet promise. Sarah is like a mother to Intan. Intan works in a company as an Office Girl, and is in love with her own CEO—Irwan. However, their relationship is opposed by Irwan's mother and the label as a Temptress is increasingly attached to Intan. Intan decides to go and look for a new job until she meets Arsya, the new CEO. Until one day, Intan had to choose between the two.

Ernest_Nana_03 · Urban
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63 Chs

Radit Enters Arsya’s Room

The 'squeezing' sound from the door being opened was quite loud because everyone had entered their respective rooms.

It was also very quiet in the living room, but that wasn't the reason Radit didn't dare to leave the room.

He is not similar to the timid Arsya, Radit is braver as a gentle man who loves books, anime and mystical stories … making him a fun male character, who can chat with various types of women too – with their various topics of conversation.

Although Anime lovers are often referred to as wibu in quotation marks of illusory passion, aka they like taboo things in the world of adult romance, Radit is not like that.

He just likes ordinary comics, the movies and also Anime pictures even though his male passion is clearly there.

Radit is still normal, but the reason he likes Anime is not because of the free stories.

He is quite selective in choosing spectacles and readings. He doesn't brush everything, it's just that Radit likes it.

Radit approached Arsya who was lying on her back and holding a cellphone in her hand.

Play games while sleeping. Radit could already guess that Arsya was really not feeling well.

If he's serious, at this hour he must be reading a book, writing words even though he also often writes words when his mood is down, and sometimes he's busy with his work.

Radit, who knows that his brother is a true single, he already knows for sure that Arsya doesn't have the opposite sex to chat with. Arsya is too abnormal, according to Radit.

But Radit understands his stepbrother's attitude.

The first reason is because they have different parents, the second is because Arsya hasn't found someone who can make her fall in love.

Radit sat on the edge of the bed and then lay on his stomach beside Arsya who was very focused on the game on her cellphone screen. It is common.

"Brother, I'm sorry. Earlier, Dad –" said Radit, but was immediately cut off by Arsya.

"Why do you have to apologize? There's no need, I'd be happy if you work tomorrow." Arsya confirmed her position, he sat facing Radit. "My work is light, isn't it?" Arsya's twinkling eyes showed a suspicious plan according to Radit.

Even though he was focused, his ears still functioned well to hear sounds other than the sound of his game play.

"Oh yeah, I have a new comic book. Do you want to read it?" bargain Radit.

Arsya immediately turned and turned off the game.

"Don't offer me so-and-so comics, I don't like them anymore," said Arsya.

He accused Radit of giving him adult comics. But it's just an accusation of humor between men.

Radit responded with wide eyes. What a vile accusation he thought.

Even though Radit likes to read comics, he doesn't eat comics like that.

But Radit did read it once or twice and he considered it to be legal if only occasionally.

Science right? He also has to know how to deviate from comics examples. Yes, that's according to Radit.

"No, this is motivation for you! Tells about people who are traumatized, and then they rise from their trauma. It's suitable, especially for those of you who are chronically single," Radit quipped.

Arsya looks contemplative, hearing the word trauma … Arsya feels reminded.

How long do you want Arsya to be like this?

Until he got his singles title by Unesco?

It's impossible, the only healing for that trauma is to find the person who made the trauma exist, and she is his own mother. Arsya never seriously looked for his mother's whereabouts.

Especially when he heard the news that it was his mother who cheated on him and chose to leave the house and now he said that his life was not clear.

Whether it's true or not and whether Arsya should believe it or not, that's what makes him confused.

His longing, the pain of being left by his mother is what makes Arsya feel like he is standing but not feeling it. Floating as if it had no legs to rest on.

"According to the books I read, the biggest motivation is within myself. Not from other people, it's useless for me to read motivational books if there is no intention in me to change. It will be difficult." Arsya daydreamed, he then stretched him body back. He still has his cell phone.

"Well, it knows. But at least by reading a book, you will be a little enlightened, right? And the cause of the lack of motivation is the effect of your single status, Bro!"

"Ah you, so you asked me to date. You're still alone!"

"Eh, but at least I've been in a relationship, even though ... it finally ran aground in the middle of the road," replied Radit, he laughed.

But then his gaze drifted to the small vial containing medicinal pills.

Radit got up from his stomach and approached the table where the medicine was, Arsya didn't pay attention to Radit.

He calmly looked up at the ceiling, saw the light shining as if the Sun God was speaking to him poetically.

This is what he said, "Radit is right, you only need happiness from an Eve so that your chest feels what is called warmth, given the link of a tempestuous feeling, of course, you will forget that feeling of loss. Come on, give it a try!" But, suddenly the shadow of the Sun God turned out to be girly, amused and spoiled.

It made Arsya's brain amused by imagining it. Though his own brain that creates the illusion of God. Horror!

When Arsya grimaced, he saw Radit inspecting his medicine.

"Why you? Seriously, look at the drug. If you want to try, try it!" Arsya teases Radit.

But Radit didn't want to try the sedative. He actually felt sorry for Arsya, who was still stupid and cheated by her stepmother, Radit's own mother.

"Bro, you should stop taking this medicine. It's better for you to take herbal medicine. Like eating healthy drinking, praying, dhikr, refreshing with friends and others. I'm sure you'll recover. Don't depend on drugs, do you want to die if you consume this?" Radit raises a little emotional tone.

Arsya also felt strange with her step sister's advice.

"What the hell, you!" He snatched the medicine bottle from Radit's hand.

"I'm serious, you'll get better without the medicine. The drug makes you addicted." Radit tried to explain without telling the reason his mother gave the drug to Arsya.

"You're not a doctor, Radit. This is an effective medicine from the Doctor, which can make me calm when there are a lot of complications."

"Yeah, but only temporarily right? The proof is that you are addicted to it."

Radit's words are true, Arsya thought, but she still wouldn't fulfill it because the drug had been the savior of his life amidst the madness that embraced Arsya.

Arsya is like a human in the guise of being admired by many people for his poetic words but far from her real life, which requires a lot of motivation from people.

Arsya himself is a creature who needs attention, but his habit of giving people's attention is through writing.

Arsya himself is a person who needs entertainment, but he is also someone who always gives his friends advice that is packed with jokes.

Arysa himself doesn't even know clearly what his purpose in life is, but he always advises people to fight for what they aspire to.

That's Arsya, the name Black Magic that is associated with him also seems to be a symbol that he is a darkness full of magic.

Making other people get up, sometimes he can't even crawl in the middle of him, and it's the drugs that help him calm down even for a while.


Mandar and Asri were already asleep. Maybe in the house only Intan is the one who is still glaring.