
Risk of Being a Widow

Patriarchal system, making a woman the object of male greed. This story tells the fate of a woman named Intan. She was divorced by her husband because she chose to remarry another woman. Intan raises her own child with the help of a prostitute, Sarah. Sarah is like a night butterfly with a past that is almost similar to Intan. In fact, she left her 11-year-old son and preferred to be a comfort woman, a job that made her feel free to become a woman who had been hurt by a man's sweet promise. Sarah is like a mother to Intan. Intan works in a company as an Office Girl, and is in love with her own CEO—Irwan. However, their relationship is opposed by Irwan's mother and the label as a Temptress is increasingly attached to Intan. Intan decides to go and look for a new job until she meets Arsya, the new CEO. Until one day, Intan had to choose between the two.

Ernest_Nana_03 · Urban
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63 Chs

Hera and Arsya

"Okay, be careful when you drink, Her." Irwin smiled. He said again, "Oh yes. If you guys really like coming here, we can come together sometime. Arsya and I also often come here. From the first even. It's become a legend hangout anyway." Irwan turned to Arsya while elbowing his friend's arm.

"Hmmm." Arsya just cleared her throat and nodded. Confirm Irwan's words.

Sherina and Cici smiled. Both of them felt even more strange with Arsya's attitude.

Cici whispered to Hera. "How come there are people like that? But that cool charisma. Oh, what a mess!"

Hearing Cici's words that impressed Arsya, Hera was surprised. He widened his eyes.

Among him, Cici and Sherina. Indeed, only Hera did not admire Arsya. According to him, Arsya is too much.

Whether it's because there are many fans on campus or because he wants to be someone different from the others. Arsya's character could also be a form of arrogance. It's ingrained, and Hera's type is not someone like Arsya.

Hera prefers men who are friendly, mature, with good manners. And an image like that, according to Hera... she could get from a figure named Irwan. Hera really liked him from the first time he met her.

Irwan could hear Cici's small words just now because Irwan was sitting near Cici. He just smiled while watching Hera and Arsya take turns.

"Ish, that's not cool. But arrogant," Hera commented on Cici.

Ivan laughed even more. But he kept Cici and Hera from getting suspicious if he could hear their small talk.

With enthusiasm, Sherina responded to Irwan's words earlier.

"That's true, sis. Just invite us. Ready to go, really." Sherina is happy.

Cici also agreed. "Ready sis Irwan. So when can we meet again?" he asked very confidently.

Hera pinched the thighs of her two best friends.

Sherina and Cici both looked at each other. There was a look on their faces of embarrassment mixed with annoyance because Hera's pinching of his hand made their thighs hurt a little.

Sherina and Cici almost screamed. But fortunately, they can hold out.

"Hehehe." Hera smiled. "You can, next time sis." Hera felt bad.

Irwan understood that Hera must be busy. He was really busy too. But Irwan thinks that if he often hangs out later, his mind might calm down a bit.

"What do you think, Sis?" asked Irwan and Arsya.

Arsya looked up. He had been staring at his cell phone screen, calm to himself.

"If you're not busy," answered Arsya.

How dirty, thought Hera. But Cici and Sherina disagreed. According to them, it was a really Arsya's response. Make it cool.

Irwan felt embarrassed by Arsya's answer just now. Arsya is indeed very difficult to adjust to new people. But, according to Irwan this is a little strange.

What's wrong with Arsha?

This isn't a movie what's up with Love, right?

Yes, according to Irwan so. Why is Arsya so mean to Hera and her two friends?

Irwan seemed to see Arsya's attitude, who was also very annoyed with Hana. But slowly, they actually became so close.

However, Irwan did not want to ask too many questions. He returned his focus to the continuation of the new conversation with the three women in front of him.

For the next half hour, they both said goodbye.

"You ride a motorcycle too, Her?" asked Irwan after they walked out of the cafe together.

Hera nodded. "Yes bro. I don't use a car. We're back from campus after all."

Irwin smiled. "Yes, you can see it from the big bag you carry." Irwan pointed at the backpack that Hera was wearing. Characteristics of college kids.

Hera grinned.

"I salute you. You are a model whose talent can't be doubted anymore. But if you go to college, you keep on being a college kid, you don't seem too adventurous." Irwin praised.

Hera blushed.

Arsya, who heard their conversation clearly, only smiled with wide eyes.

'Wow, I suspect this. Irwan is really stupid. Having friends is really cool.' Arsya chattered to herself.

"Sis Arsya, if you're on campus, don't be mean to us all the time." Cici tries to tease Arsya to make her more intimate.

"Ah?" Arsya was shocked. He didn't understand at all.

Hera immediately pulled Cici's arm. "You're shy you know," whispered Hera.

Cici stares. "What embarrassment, Her?"

"Don't tell me you're also part of the extravagant girls who adore that dirty guy." Hera sounded threatening in a low voice.

But Arsya could hear it clearly. He looked at Hera with a look of both surprise and annoyance. How could Hera say that, thought Arsya.

Arsya wants to say spicy this second too. However, Sherina hastily diverted this heated atmosphere.

"Um, then let's go first, handsome brothers. hihi." Sherina pushed her two friends towards the place where their motorbike was parked.

Irwan just laughed watching the three of them leave and glanced at his best friend who was now standing beside Irwan.

"I'm so suspicious. Why are you guys not that familiar? Have you ever had a problem?" Irwan was very curious. He clearly asked Arsya without feeling the need to be filtered.

Arsya looked at Irwan with a lazy look.

"You don't see how upset that girl is, huh? As long as you know that Hera is annoying. She's girly but my goodness, she's really fierce, bitchy, fierce, her words are also never filtered." Arsya really shows her annoyance.

Ivan laughed. "Not much different from you, Sya?" He teased Arsya.

Arsya's brows furrowed. "What? like me? It's fine."

Irwin shook his head. "Eh, it turns out that you don't even know how you behave yourself. The specific attitude of Hera that you mentioned earlier, eleven twelve with yourself you know."

"Ha ha ha ha. Inconsequential!" Arsya dodges. He couldn't believe it.

The two of them were still frozen, until the three women passed in front of them on their motorbikes.

Cici and Sherina waved.

"First, brother Irwan, sister Arsya," shouted Cici.

Hera followed. "First… Brothers and Sisters."

Ivan nodded with a smile. He also waved his hand.

"Careful!" Irwan looked very concerned, while Arsya only watched them leave with the addition of a faint smile on her face.

The last to leave was Hera.

"First…." he smiled. But it seems only to Irwan, while to Arsya, he is bitchy.

"Tch!" Arsya smiled wryly. Seeing Hera's behavior, made him very annoyed.

Irwan laughed and then pushed Arsya's body to walk towards their car park, not far away.

"You know what, Wan?" Arsya asked.

"What do you know?" asked Irwan back. Both are still running slowly. Their car is in sight.

"In the past, Hera once slapped me you know. When there is an event on campus. It's crowded, it's a jostle. Understandably, there are guest stars. Such a motivator. The committee isn't right, they can't organize the event."

"Hmm, so what?" Irwan listened carefully.

"When I was about to leave after the event, the three of them walked in front of me. There was a stampede because the exit was one lane, then there was a new event outside. Giveaway like that. So people want to get out quickly. At that time I also wanted to get out quickly, because if I wait until it's finished. Ouch, so many people Bro at that time. I don't know what time I came out if I accidentally came out last." Arsya seemed to remember the events of that time.

"I don't know why, Hera turned around and immediately slapped me casually and said I was being rude to her. He said it was harassment." Arsya laughed at the memory.