
Risk of Being a Widow

Patriarchal system, making a woman the object of male greed. This story tells the fate of a woman named Intan. She was divorced by her husband because she chose to remarry another woman. Intan raises her own child with the help of a prostitute, Sarah. Sarah is like a night butterfly with a past that is almost similar to Intan. In fact, she left her 11-year-old son and preferred to be a comfort woman, a job that made her feel free to become a woman who had been hurt by a man's sweet promise. Sarah is like a mother to Intan. Intan works in a company as an Office Girl, and is in love with her own CEO—Irwan. However, their relationship is opposed by Irwan's mother and the label as a Temptress is increasingly attached to Intan. Intan decides to go and look for a new job until she meets Arsya, the new CEO. Until one day, Intan had to choose between the two.

Ernest_Nana_03 · Urban
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63 Chs

Arsya is Also Looking for Someone

'The Irwan has really gone mad. How beautiful is Intan, to make her go crazy like this?' Arsya's heart murmured again.

"Irwan wake up! Don't be like that!" Sarah wakes up Irwan who is kneeling on her. "It's not that I don't want to help you, but … I really can't. Now it's better if you go home, it's getting late!" Sarah suggested.

Irwan sat back in the correct position.

Covering his face with his palms, holding back the anger in his chest for not being able to make Intan survive with him.

Irwan wanted to throw a tantrum, but that would only cause a commotion in this place.

He might have been kicked by the burly guards outside as well as those standing near the inner doorway or some men who were relaxing.

Because Irwan did not speak again, Sarah said goodbye.

"Sorry Irwan, you have to go upstairs again because there are still customers there." Sarah smiled at Arsya who also smiled back, even though she hesitated.

It seemed strange, Sarah's gaze seemed familiar to him.

Not wanting to waste the opportunity, Arsya prevents Sarah from leaving.

He also dared to open his voice to ask about his own interests because Irwan was still confused with his feelings, which was now plagued with disappointment because the only way was that Sarah did not want to reveal the whereabouts of the woman who was being sought by his friend.

"Sorry, Ma'am Sarah, can you sit down again?" Arsya asked politely.

Sarah turned her head, she didn't know what Arsya meant to stop her from leaving. Does he want to order? Can be.

"Yeah?" Sarah sat back down on her feet, looking at Arsya full of investigation.

Arsya looked at Irwan who was still silent like a madman with a blank stare without a definite aim.

"Actually, I'm here too, there's a need for Ma'am," said Arsya, starting.

"What? Want to order me? Sorry, I have a customer who ordered me until the morning, so –" Sarah's joke was cut off later by Arsya with a small laugh.

"Haha, sorry ma'am. I'm so sorry, that's not what I meant."

"Another woman? What's still fresh? Incidentally, it was said that someone had just joined, would you?" Sarah kept making offers.

Arsya laughed again, but now she was more uncomfortable.

"Hehe, not even Ma'am."

"So what?" Sarah was curious but she also wanted to hurry back to her room upstairs, she was downstairs just wanting to order drinks.

"I actually also want to find someone who has left me." Arsya's face began to be restless and sadness was replayed in her mind.

"Wow, you guys are still young. Why do you have to laugh at one woman? Women have a lot of stock, don't worry! Lost one grows a thousand, especially if you are a businessman, you know. It's easy to get girls, there are a lot of bitches who are willing, "said Sarah.

She didn't really want to talk like that, but seeing Irwan chuckling at Intan and also Arsya's goals, which he thought was the same – really made Sarah shake her head.

She got annoyed, because her husband was like that too.

As if he really craved himself but in the end it's the same whose name a man will always be dissatisfied with one woman in his life.

If you don't have a strong faith, then … cheat on the way.

The path that is always made up of excuses for polygamy follows the sunnah of the apostle.

In fact, it's just a mere mask to disguise his striped lust.

Arsya spat out her hands at chest level, but not to say a dash but to symbolize that Sarah's words just now were wrong.

"No? Then who are you looking for?" Sarah asked again.

"I am looking for -"

Suddenly, Dedi came down and looked for Sarah with a staggering way.

"Dear?" call Dedi.

Sarah was surprised. "Hey Honey, sorry I forgot."

The man then embraced Sarah.

"Hey, you guys …" He pointed at Irwan and Arsya, Irwan still looked indifferent and dreamy. "If you want to order my lover later, it's already settled with me, don't fight over it. Just because he is still young and his manhood is still strong, he just wants to hurry. After all, many have empty schedules." Dedi pointed to the other singers.

Arsya was just silent, she didn't want to be grabbed.

Sarah stroked Dedi's chest. "Shhh, they're not Ded's customers. Okay, now let's go to the room again. Hey Joko!" Sarah shouted at a thin man who had been giving drinks to visitors.

"Yes, Miss Queen?" he said as he approached.

Arsya is getting more and more shaken.

Queen? Arsya had guessed that Sarah was indeed someone in power here.

No wonder Irwan also asked him. The figure of seniority is very visible from Sarah's attitude, which seems powerful.

"I'll bring two bottles to the upstairs room, the room I usually use," said Sarah, handing the thin and short man a roll of money whose nominal amount was unknown, only ten thousand, five thousand and several two thousand bills were visible. visible.

"Sorry I have to go," Sarah said to Arsya with a smile.

Arsya didn't blink. 'That smile? It's like I've seen it before,' Arsya muttered to herself.

Sarah and Dedi also left and went back up the stairs to return to their room.

Dedi even narrowed his eyes so cynically at Arsya who was still watching their steps.

Seeing Irwan still pensive with his eyes starting to water, Arsya woke him up while pulling Irwan's hand to quickly get up and leave the place because everyone was starting to pay attention to them.

I thought both of them were Sarah's fans!

"Brother! Let's go!"

Irwan rubbed his own face and stood up from his seat.

"Again I failed to find out where Intan is." Irwan looks very miserable and Arsya continues to lead him outside.

"Be patient, the time is not right yet. Come on, hurry up! I'm stuffy with the smell of alcohol." Irwan laughed at his friend. "Eh, you're laughing Irwan, I'm serious."

"You don't like to take medicine, do you?"

"It's different," Arsya evaded, glancing cynically at her best friend, who seemed delirious with love.

After they left, they both agreed to go home.

"By The Way, thank you for accompanying me," said Irwan to Arsya.

Arsya also patted the back of the man who still looked lethargic. "Yes, you're welcome even though I haven't got any information about my mother."

Irwan just remembered, he was so thinking about Intan that he forgot that Arsya also had a purpose here.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Let's just go back there, shall we?" invite Irwan.

"It's okay don't, I'm too lazy to go back there. Don't worry about it later." Arya refuses.

"Okay then let's go home, or want to stop by the cafe first? Have a drink? How?"

"Later, Irwan, I want to rest, okay? Okay bro?"

"Ready, let's cap to the cus. Go to the home!"

"It's stupid, ah, just like someone in a daze."

"Haha, yes ...going home and entering the room is the most stressful for me."

"Watch youtube, don't you use a VPN? Ckckck," Arsya teased.

"It's crazy, I've never consumed films like that. Last time off, hahaha."


"You most, pointing at me."

"It's good, you know that my brain is still not washed out of films like that."

"Ah, I don't believe you, single people are more vulnerable, you know."

"Wow, rash!"

"Hahaha, admit it?"



Their conversation stopped as Arsya got into the car first and continued to be accused by Irwan who was still giggling.