
Rising to rule a ruined world

The world met it's end not once but twice, and seemed hell bent on its true final destruction without even realizing it. Well kingdoms, robots, superhumans and demi humans fought one another a looming doom was slowly creeping it's way to the world. Jace our protagonist was one of those sent back in a final attempt to stop it, to unite everyone to stand up to the coming threat and beat it once it comes by fostering a unity between everyone, bringing a peace and helping everyone. "yeah right, screw that! You want the world kept safe and to face that threat? Fine I'll do it but it will be with the world in my hands and under my rule. And why the hell not, I'll see about trying to snag a harem well I'm at it along with as much wealth and person power as I can handle! " "I can not agree with this course of action. Please ensure the survival of all bei-" "shut it you obsolete peice of scrap. Stand not in his way that will ensure I can taste blood once more!!!" If you like it share a stone, I'll even give a shout out every Monday as thanks in the author note to everyone who does :-)

Coronis_Nocturn · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Analyzing. Sword is not made of natural materials. Dormant nano machines seem to make up the entire composition and form of the blade. Handle shows signs of unknown technological processing and has traces of biological compounds mixed with unidentified alchemical reagents. Sheath created from fiber and a nonidentifiable mix of metals. Possibility of blood required for activation and binding to host 64%." Vail says to Jace as he examines the blade.

"So you want me to bleed onto the blade to somehow make me its master? What is some kind of arcane mysticism involved in this thing?" He couldn't help but joke.

"Unknown. Records indicate that well suck items where rare they had proven to exist from what I am able to find within my records. Although this blade does not exist within them besides its existence in this small village before the fall of Abara." Vail informs him.

"And you're sure it's a matter of just using some of my blood to try and bind it to myself? It won't try to eat or destroy me or release some kind of horrible virus? Or worse mutate me or latch on in a similar way as to how you were forced onto me?" Jace couldn't help but ask in a frown.

"Unknown. The reaction of the blade and what effects may result are beyond what I am currently able to calculate with the data I currently have. Risks are within acceptable limits. After your genetic material through the medium of blood is dripped onto the handle more information can be obtained by observing its reaction. Note. Weapon would be beneficial for current goals. Recording reaction and attempting the binding."

With a soft growl and considering his options Jace asked one final question. "Would you be able to handle anything this blade may try towards me if I use blood from the arm your latched onto?"

"Processing. It would not be possible to do so with the arm I am currently fused with due to the alterations made. It would require untainted blood. It is Advised to use the other hand with pure blood. Prevention of Sword causing harm or negative effects towards the host will be top priority." Vail says causing Jace to sigh.

"Well no pain no gain and no reward without risk I suppose." He couldn't help but say getting a kitchen knife and slicing his finger, letting the blood flow onto the handle of the blade.

What followed was a strange almost screaming noise in his head, the handle of the blade seemed to begin to glow a faint green and the blade itself seemed to come alive and both squirm like a mass of worms and chitter as if millions of insects where all coming awake at the same time.

"What the hell is going on vail!" Jace almost screamed as he grabbed his head. "Analysis. It appears the blade has woken from its dormant state as predicted and is trying to communicate or impart something onto you."

"And what the absolute fuck is it trying to impart or whatever? levels of mental torture? How it can hurt me and I can do jack shit back? And I thought you said you would keep it from causing any harm or negative effects!" He ground out.

"Analysis shows there is no negative effects from this. Harm currently received is equivalent to a bad headache and thus not worth the gains that may result from it." Vail exclaims and before Jace could even say more the pain seemed to increase a level, the glow getting a bit brighter and his hand subconsciously grabbing the handle of the blade as if it had a mind of its own.

Suddenly the strange screaming noises stopped. "Huuummmaaaan." A deep guttural voice finally ground out in his mind, its way of speaking making it seem as if this was the first time it had ever properly spoken.

"Yeah, I'm human, and what or who in the hell are you?" Jace retorted, glad the screaming noises had finally stopped.

The light of the blades handle seemed to change repeatedly at that, between green, red, black and white before settling back on. "What is your name and designation." It once more ground out but sounding a bit clearer now, less guttural but still clearly unused to using words.

"Oh? What did your brain probing not work enough to find out something so basic?" He couldn't help but sarcastically reply to the question.

"Host. Who is it you are currently conversing with? I detect no other beings in the vicinity and your readings seem to be fluctuating slightly." Vail exclaims getting a confused look from him.

"Your connected to my nervous system and senses and everything but you cant hear this thing talking at all?" He couldn't help but ask in confusion.

"Negative. There has been no audible or visual reactions from the blade other than the glowing of the handle since you proceeded to allow blood to come into contact with the handle. Data shows the blade has no doubt bonded to you and will act as a suitable weapon." Vail tells him making Jace even more confused, somewhat frustrated and a little worried.

"The simple machine is to primitive to be aware or responsive to our conversation, I very much prefer it this way as well it is bound to your flesh, I'm talking threw the soul to you. Now what is your name and designation human." The Blade once more asks causing his frown to deepen.

"My name is Jace, no last name as for designation I have no idea, care to elaborate?" He couldn't help but be cheeky to cover up his worries, slowly putting the sword back in its sheath before sneaking out the house.

"Does host wish to receive a designation?"

"Interesting, a designation would be what some call a title, what you are known for or even skilled at. Something to be used to differentiate you from another besides the name you are called." The blade finally says.

"Vail be quiet for a moment, I will tell you when I am talking to you, right now you aren't exactly a help, the damn blade is talking to me in my mind or rather soul or something, I don't really understand it or care but it's something I need to deal with now, just keep eyes for me on the perimeter and area and give me any warnings if you detect any threats or people, oh and plan out the next route for us to take, preferably towards 1 of those monsters you spoke about well also ensuring its close proximity to a town or city I can sell its parts to. And as for you, were going to have a proper talk soon, since I don't have this designation thing you're speaking about, clearly your also not from around here and I have a lot to tell you and catch you up on, if you're willing to tell me your story as well." He says to them both as he makes his way through the village's shadows, being careful to avoid anyone as he leaves.