
Rising to rule a ruined world

The world met it's end not once but twice, and seemed hell bent on its true final destruction without even realizing it. Well kingdoms, robots, superhumans and demi humans fought one another a looming doom was slowly creeping it's way to the world. Jace our protagonist was one of those sent back in a final attempt to stop it, to unite everyone to stand up to the coming threat and beat it once it comes by fostering a unity between everyone, bringing a peace and helping everyone. "yeah right, screw that! You want the world kept safe and to face that threat? Fine I'll do it but it will be with the world in my hands and under my rule. And why the hell not, I'll see about trying to snag a harem well I'm at it along with as much wealth and person power as I can handle! " "I can not agree with this course of action. Please ensure the survival of all bei-" "shut it you obsolete peice of scrap. Stand not in his way that will ensure I can taste blood once more!!!" If you like it share a stone, I'll even give a shout out every Monday as thanks in the author note to everyone who does :-)

Coronis_Nocturn · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Picking himself up and dusting himself off the figure looked at a weird metal glove running up his left arm. "Vail, status report." He said, the glove making some sizzling sounds before a crisp female voice replied.

"Body condition stable. Vitals are stable. Equipment destroyed. Location. Northern most point of the Abara Kingdom. Date. 57 years 11 months before arrival of the death bringer colonies. Return was a success, Lord Jace."

Rolling his shoulders and cracking his various joints. "List for me the current course of actions I can take?" he asks

"Reporting. There are multiple avenues currently available. 1. Using knowledge to create various machines to facilitate the creation of an empire and waging war against the rest of the world with an endless supply of machines that would be under your control. Risks. Hacking and control being taken from you by the machine races. Assassination before completion due to foreseen risk brought about your actions. 2. Infiltration of an existing power. Working upwards till full control is gained and using them to expand and control the world. Risks. Time required to climb to the top could take far to long. Chosen power collapses before managing to reach the top alternatively collapse and destruction of chosen power by other forces once expansion begins. 3. Creation of own power base using knowledge of future events and my library to create a strong foundation for expansion. Risks. Attention will be drawn towards you and various existing powers will attempt to assimilate or eliminate you. 4. Take control of the machine race, hacking into there systems and systematically taking control of all of there existences bit by bit till you are in full control of there entire race. Risks. Rebellion of machine race in attempts to eliminate perceived viral threat. If successful in taking control of machine race future upgrades and evolution will be completely cut off. 5. Bring the coming threat to various leaders' attention to band together and face the coming threat. Risk. Being seen as a madman. Ignorance of the existing powers." Vail reports to him, causing his face to pucker as if he had bitten into something really sour.

"What of taking control of a power well creating a shadow group to gain control over the various other groups? Creating puppets under my control, as for the machine race, is it possible to upload a virus to cause subservience towards me bring them under my control?" he asked, liking only small parts of what Vail had presented but not the majority of them.

"Processing. Possibility of virus implantation into the machine race carries a success rate of 7.324%. Proposal for taking control of a power and creating a shadow group through various resources and knowledge. Success rate 83% to 26% depending on chosen target of operations. Risks. Various powers uncovering the plot and working together to eliminate you. Destruction and division of chosen power. Control of various groups through puppet control. Success rate 69%. Risks. Puppet choosing to ignore orders and seize control themselves. Discovery of puppets resulting in action being taken towards you." Vail states.

Thinking it over Jace decided to follow through with this chosen plan. "Give me all the information about the Abara kingdom along with the success rate of choosing them as my base of operations." He asks as he cleans himself up in the river, removing the remains of his shredded cloths.

"Abara kingdom. Came into being when the world changed due to the explosion of the reality bridging device. Existed for over 300 years in their own reality. Made a solid foundation when dragged over to this reality. Strengths. 6 Armored squadrons of soldiers specializing in close combat numbering 400 in each squad. Leading each lead by a powerful Knight equipped with a rune blade and armor specially crafted for them. A elite knights force of 50 members. All orphans taken and trained since childhood to ensure loyalty to the rulers. all equipped with stronger rune blades and runic armor, trained in body strengthening magic they are considered the cream of the crop. A 10-man mage siege group specialized in wide area destruction and army elimination. 26 Women stealth unit also consisting of trained orphans who specialized in infiltration, espionage, and assassination. Rulers are a sick King and Queen with a young daughter and a son who is the reason for their illness. Various lands ruled by lords they have personally assigned under the premise of receiving a certain amount of tribute each year. If the timeline remains as recorded it shall fall in 3 years and 5 months. Cause. Following the death of the king, queen, and princess their son takes to the throne in 7 months' time. After accension his ruthless nature was shown to all. His first action as king involved increasing of Taxes and tributes along with the deaths of all those who voiced any and all opposition towards him. 5 months later the various lords unable to keep up with the increasing costs rebelled with their hidden armies plunging the entire land into a bloody war that lasted an entire year with massive destruction on both sides. With both forces exhausted the various other powers swooped in and began to fight using the entire land of Abara as their war zone as they fought and divided the land in accordance of who was stronger. No one was willing to back down resulting in death and destruction of all those who once made up the Abara kingdom. The survivors taken as captives and slaves. Success rate of using the Abara kingdom as base of operations 66% if actions are taken to alter the course of current events. Risks. Death befo- "

"Enough. I don't need to know the risks, tell me what the fastest way to generate some currency in order to buy some cloths." Jace says cutting Vail off, not wanting to hear the possible risks as he began to formulate his next moves.

"The fastest way to obtain currency in the Abara would be to 1. Hunt down a large magical beast and have it dismantled; its various parts sold for money. 2. Create some inventions to be sold for money. 3. Rob a lord of there funds for your own use. 4. Dig up valuable ore or materials for sale for money." Vail says as Jace dries himself with the craps of his cloths.

"And how pray tell would I hunt down a beast with no weapon, create an invention from thin air, dig up an ore or material when I have no tools to do so or even rob a lord without any weapons?" He asks in frustration.

"Calculating. Physical strength should be manageable to hunt down a lower-level magic beast without too much injury. Parts can be dismantled and used to hunt a larger and more valuable beast to be traded in. inventions currently not viable due to lack of materials. A lord can be robbed by infiltrating their castle and slowly stealing their valuables to be sold on the black-market establishment of connections to the underground can be obtained through this method. Some beast dens and tunnels unknowingly cross ore veins thus once cleaned out there would be easy access to the ore veins." Vail says causing Jace to growl.

"Really? Ugh I thought you were supposed to be smart but any of those suggestions could easily lead me to my death."

"Correction, each has a success rate about 45% indicating you would be injured or lose a limb at most. Nothing Life threatening." Vail countered causing Jace to wish he could punch or destroy this infernal device that was grafted into his arm.

"Just direct me to a small, isolated village." He finally says with a sigh. "Calculating. The nearest village meeting your specifications on record is 2 hours south, southeast. Kindly follow the outlined arrow that will be visible in your retina." Vail says as Jace sees a faint mostly see threw arrow hovering infront of him pointing to his right.

"Great, so your even in my head and can effect my sight, you sure as hell better be hack proof." He grounds out slowly following the arrow.

"I integrated into your cerebral cortex to ensure the most efficient aid in your endeavor and the preservation of this world's existence. Furthermore, I can assure you my programming makes it so I am impervious to outside infiltration methods. The advanced adaptability software also ensures that should any attempts come close to succeeding I would change and grow stronger to counter it well still ensuring all shackles and locks remain in place." Vail says causing Jace to sigh and shake his head, realizing talking to the infernal contraption would just cause him more headaches than its worth.