
Rising to Fame (Pokemon fic)

Lots of people aim to be famous. Ordinary people, entrepreneurs, models, influencers, etc. It's a struggle where everybody competes for the love and admiration of the world. A competition where you'll meet fake friends, betrayals, criticisms and suffering. The path to fame is faced with a lot of negatives but Andrew doesn't care and he will rise through it all. _____________________________________ What to expect? -Progression -Training -Awesome fights -Nice bonding moments -Smug MC -Spoiled pokemon

_Shylo_ · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 3- Am I spoiled?

"Here we see, a Wingull in its natural habitat"

The bird in question, hopped forward and stared directly at a passenger on board who was holding a piece of bread

"It appears to be hunting for prey, staring down at its chosen target from its blindspot"

I zoomed the camera on the bird's face and I saw its eyes narrowed

"It is now calculating its distance from the prey and its odds of capturing it, is it worth it? Or would it be better to search for another one?"

The Wingull pondered it's decision carefully but after a while they came to a conclusion

Wingull leapt from its platform to another, moving closer and closer to its target

"So it has chosen to risk it" I said

Wingull kept on hopping, avoiding using its wings in fear of alarming it's prey I assume

After a while of hopping, Wingull came very close to it's prey, standing behind its back

"Would it choose to strike now? Or does it want to move closer" I asked no one in particular

I didn't have to wait long for my answer though as Wingull answered it for me

They jumped and flapped it's wing, alerting its prey as predicted

The passenger had turned their head back to look at the source of the sound and came face to face with Wingull who chose to use that moment to squawk at them and take the bread off their hands

Its hunt was a

"Success" I stopped recording before the poor passenger saw me and thought I was the culprit and sent my own pokemon to steal its bread

A funny scenario but not one I would like to deal with

A loud laughter came from my right and It was Ralts laughing at the poor guy

I laughed a little myself too, having been infected by Ralts laughter but I soon forced Ralts and myself to stop

That dude really might find us suspicious if we really just laughed at him after what just happened

"Announcing to all passengers on board! We will soon arrive at Lilycove so please prepare to leave and gather all your things" Someone had announced through a speaker

I looked towards the seaside and sure enough, Lilycove was there, sitting at the very edge of my vision

On the front of Lilycove at the right is an enormous mountain that seemed to be as tall as the sky is

That would be Mt. Pyre right?

This would be the first time I've seen a mountain, I wonder if I can hike it? Is it allowed?

Maybe I'd explore it? I snapped a pic of the mountain

Ralts tugged at my shirt and pointed at the other passengers that were returning back to their rooms

"Oh sorry, yeah let's go get our stuff "

I followed the other passengers and went back to my own room to grab my things

Soon enough, an announcement is made again and the boat had arrived at Lilycove

I make it off the ship easy enough and I immediately went to find a Pokemon center

It was a bit hard to navigate through the crowd of passengers and locals but not before long I found a Pokemon Center

It had been a few weeks since I won a gym battle and now, I can finally put my gym badge to use

"You wanna go in your pokeball for a minute to rest bud?" I glanced at Ralts and he nodded at me, giving me a pleased emotion before I returned him to his ball

After that, I went inside the Pokemon Center and the cold air greeted me as the doors opened

There were a lot of people inside the Center and I had to squeeze through and navigate through the crowd yet again. After a few more tight squeezes, I finally got in front of the reception desk and greeted the person there

"Good morning sir how can I help you today?" A browned haired woman asked me

"Good morning! Can I get a room here please?"

"Of course, just hand me your trainer's license and your most recent gym badge for verification"

I complied with her and showed her my badge and my license, after checking it for any trickery she handed it to me again and handed me a key with words that were engraved on it 'Room 54'

Rushing to the room, I dumped my stuff inside, took some cash and went out of the Pokemon Center

Time for some shopping

It's a new place. New people. New foods. New sceneries

It would be a shame to just lock myself inside the Pokemon Center and not enjoy what this place has to offer

Quickly going through some crowds, I asked some directions from a nearby person on where the Lilycove department store is—the largest department store there is

I ended up having to ride a taxi to get to the mall but the ride was smooth and fast

Staring right at the department store, it looked to be bigger than any stores I've seen but then again, I hadn't seen a lot of stores myself either

I entered it without much fuss and a catchy sounding music entered my ears as I did

A red bright sign quickly caught my eyes and it displayed the words 'Trainer gear and goods here with a discounted price of 30% off' on it

Discounted? I looked around and saw a bunch of other people in trainer gear, moving all around the place

The Evergrande conference had just ended and after a few months the circuit reopened again for trainers to earn badges for a chance to fight at the conference

New trainers decided to join as well so I guess they were taking advantage of that fact and discounted some stuff to get more sales

Truly it was the correct decision to go here when the discount is still going on

I grinned and ran towards the trainer's section and bought some goods before they all ran out

With the prize money I got after defeating Wallace, I earned 1,600 pokedollars and plus the money that I currently have, I have about 22,600 pokedollars

"Mine" I spotted a special orange belt that can hold some tools and pokeballs and immediately pounced on it

Do I really need it? No, but it's orange so it's mine

Other than the belt, they had bags with an unbelievable amount of pockets, a flashlight that can somehow be used as a spray repellant, a tent that can be easily be prepared with a push of a button and so much more

And so expensive as well even with the discounts

I stared at the belt I had just claimed and looked at the price tag that came along with it

"8,000 pokedollars for a belt!? Ok back you go" I returned the item without hesitation and decided to carefully look at the prices now

"Ok 22,600 pokedollars, I think we're a bit low on money so let's try to get the essentials first" I mumbled, giving one last look to the belt before moving on

Let's make a list of essentials first

Food for Ralts

Food for me

Camping tools

Survival kit

And anything that seemed useful

I ingrained the list in my head and started in the food section first

Rations and mysterious nutritious pellets filled the entire section and I looked for the cheapest ones

"Poke bits, a healthy food for all kinds of pokemon..." I read the label of one of the bags of pokemon food

I can't believe they actually named their product Poke bits, totally a very good name for pokemon food

I wonder what the ingredients are?

Moving on to the next brand, I found a more welcoming name for a product

"Joel's Organic Pokemon Food, generic name but better" I looked for the price and let out a sigh of relief as I saw it

500 pokedollars, not too bad and it's in a huge bag, I'll take it

I carried the bag into my hands and I groaned from the strain, it was a bit too heavy for me to carry

My eyes moved wildly, trying to find a cart to put the bag in and I spotted a group of carts, lined perfectly at the side

Rushing towards there, I put the bag in before it slipped in my hands

I honestly should've searched for a cart first

I grumbled at myself and took 1 more bag of the same poke food before taking the cart and pushing it to an new direction, now to the human food

Looking for human food was super easy, I just got some rations that can last for about a month for the price of 5,040 pokedollars

Seems like a lot of money but there's a discount and its a month of food so it's fine

Now I have to go back to that camping tools section where I found the belt for some tents and camping necessities

I pushed the cart to that area and looked for a good tent that seemed comfortable

The cheapest one seemed to cost 3,000 pokedollars and the most expensive one is the one I saw earlier that can be easily prepared with a push of a button costs around 55,000 pokedollars

I can't even afford to buy it and it's not even close

So I got the cheapest one without complaint, along with a basic survival kit that contained a fire starter, bandages, a flashlight and some weird tools I don't know the name of which cost 1,500 pokedollars

In total all of my expenses are now 10,540 which is most of my money

With a 30% discount on all of the items it...

I grabbed my phone and opened the calculator, solving what's 30% off of each of the things I've bought

So with 30% off on all the products, the final price is

7,378 pokedollars

From 10,000 down to 7,000. Subtracting my money to the costs, I have 15,222 pokedollars left to spend

Discounts are awesome

I strolled my cart, wanting to find just one more thing to complete my purchases and get out of here

Perhaps I should take a look at some Tms? Ralts could use some new moves....

Wait, what is that!?

Tucked in a box, in the corner of the store, I couldn't have noticed it if my eyes hadn't even wandered there for a second there

The corner where no one is paying attention to despite the ridiculous amount of people roaming around the store

A single brown box had somehow caught my eyes and it was partly because of a sign on it that said 'Used items 60% off discount'

But that discount wasn't the one that actually interests me but one of the contents on the box that is currently poking out

A notebook

And it wasn't just any notebook, it was titled as 'Move experiments and training routines'

Basically a notebook filled with either the experience and knowledge of a very skilled trainer or just some random kid's that tried to compete in the circuit but ended up failing and they sold all their trainer items, giving up on training completely

Could be both of them but the chances of it being some pro trainers notes is quite high

And the risks of buying it to find out which is which is pretty low with the discount on it

I must have it!

My body moved towards the corner, not too fast to attract attention and not to slow that somebody would took it before me

Eyes darting out everywhere, I closely observed everyone's faces if they noticed the notebook in the box

No one so far

I took a deep breath and continued to walk steadily, moving closer and closer to the notebook

It's only a few more steps and I can finally grab it

I wondered what kind of moves are they experimenting? Did I really find something so good?

I really just want to snatch it now, run towards it and hug it while hissing at people that came close to i—

"Oof" I came to a stop and felt pain spread across my body, my feet almost stumbled if not for a hand that kept me up right

Someone cursed and the hand that held me alright pushed me a couple of steps back

"Watch where you're going!" A girl glared at me and she muttered another curse under her breath

"S-sorry" I quickly said and took a quick glance at the box

She's blocking my sight of the notebook, what if someone took it!?

"What are you looking at? That's not how you say a proper sorry" The girl shot me a glare again and she followed my gaze towards the corner

Please don't notice the notebook!

She stood still, unresponsive for a few seconds, then she looked back at me, just staring at my face

We stared to what seemed to be a couple of seconds and I had to keep my breathing stable or she knows something is up

I tried to take another glance at the notebook but that's when things exploded into action

She moved instantly and rushed towards the box in the corner

I reacted a second too late and rushed after here

I jumped and slid across the floor and came in contact with the box but before I could take the notebook for myself

She grabbed it and held it as far away from me as possible

"Give that back!" I shouted at her

"Hmph I got it first" She smirked

"I found it first"

"Well you bumped into me"

I narrowed my eyes at her but it's hurts that she was right. I wasn't about to let her take it away from me though, what's mine is mine

Like lightning, my hand went straight towards the book and took hold of it

"Hey!" The girl yelped and tried her best to keep the book in her hands

"It's mine!" I said

"What a spoiled brat you are! It's not yours when you haven't paid for it yet!"

"Me!? A spoiled brat? I'll have you know I lived in a floating town in the middle of the ocean where people don't even know what soap i—" I started to shout at her but then a voice interrupted us

"Excuse me what seems to be a problem here?"

Both of us stopped in our tracks

A man had appeared, furrowing their brows at us. I looked at their clothes and saw the store's logo displayed on top

This is bad. No wait, with the man distracting the girl, I can yank the notebook out of her hands

...No, she's still holding it in tight

The girl glanced at me for a second and I could see her lips forming into a smirk

The man that interrupted us sighed and asked us again with more authority to their words

"What seems to be the problem here?"

"This girl was stea—" I wanted to explain first but the girl cut me off

"Sir! This guy just pushed me to the side and wanted to take away my note book" The girl yanked the notebook out of my hands when I least expected it and showed it to the man

"It was something my grandfather had mistakenly gave to the store and it was supposed to be his gift for me...." She hugged the notebook close to her and brought her head down while she trembled slightly

At the man's angle he could onl see a girl shivering and tearing up a bit as her bangs covered here eyes

But at my angle. The girl perfectly placed herself where I could see her laughing silently and using it to act as if she was crying

She's gonna play that card huh?

"But sir she's lying! My own grandfather gave that to me! Sh-She w-was" I stuttered mid sentence for more realism "jealous of my gift and gave it to the store and when I wanted to buy it back she stopped me"

I looked at the man right in the eyes and willed for tears to erupt but no matter how hard I tried to cry, only the slightest of moisture left my eyes

The man looked at both of us and he furrowed his brows further at me

I cursed in my head, I shouldn't have tried something so advanced

"Go and take the notebook to the counter ma'am, I'll handle this" He finally said after standing in silence

"T-thank you Sir" She nodded at the man and walked aways as fast as she could

Darn it!

"Now Sir, could you please not disturb any of our customers any further and stop lying or we'll have to forcefully kick you out of the store"

It took me a while to respond and I still wanted to complain about the unfairness of the situation but I also didn't want to get kicked out so without a choice, I said yes to his words

"Thank you for your cooperation" The man walked away after saying

I stood there for some moments, clenching my fist before sighing

Some people just don't get you

I looked towards the box and kneeled on the floor as I searched the inside of it, hoping for something equally as rare to show up

But I was simply dreaming, most of the stuff was just some spare pokeballs and some repellants and stuff with some toys for pokemon mixed in as well

I sighed and gripped the edge of the box hard and scrambled the items around more

I kept at it until I reached the very bottom and I came in contact to something heavy

My hands paused, and shook the other items off so I could get a good look at the thing

It was a camera

I held it in my hands and looked at the price stickered on it

"1,200 pokedollars"

For a used camera, I guess the price is ok for it. I took the camera out of the box and sighed again

This would do I guess