
chapter 4

Chapter 4

A few days passed, and life in the palace resumed its usual rhythm. One morning, Wren rose early, feeling refreshed and energized. She strolled down the garden path, humming a soft, melancholic tune. The dew-kissed flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves in the morning breeze accompanied her gentle melody.

As she turned a corner, Rose appeared, resplendent in a stunning white and silver Heziqun. A Heziqun was a traditional garment worn by palace ladies, consisting of a flowing robe with intricate silver embroidery and a matching silver sash. The white and silver hues symbolized elegance and refinement, and Rose wore it with grace and poise, though her amber eyes hinted at a deeper complexity, a sense of secrets and mysteries beneath her polished surface.

"Wren, good morning!" Rose called out, her voice like a gentle chime. "You're up early today. What brings you to the garden so soon?"

Wren smiled, her dark green eyes sparkling in the morning light. "Just enjoying the peace and quiet, Rose. And you, as always, look stunning. That Heziqun suits you perfectly."

Rose's lips curved into a subtle, enigmatic smile, her eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. "Thank you, Wren. I was hoping to find some inspiration for my poetry in the garden. The morning light is always so captivating... and I have a feeling today will be a day of revelations."

As they strolled together, the garden's beauty seemed to fade into the background, replaced by the thrill of each other's company. Their footsteps slowed, their words fewer, yet the silence between them grew more comfortable, more charged. It was as if they both sensed the whisper of something new, something exciting, something that might blossom into a love that would change the course of their lives forever.

Wren and Rose settled onto a bench beside the serene pond, the gentle lapping of the water against the shore creating a soothing melody. The morning sun cast a warm glow, illuminating the delicate features of Rose's face. Wren's heart raced as she gazed into Rose's eyes, her longing to kiss her, to finally admit her feelings, growing unbearable.

Just as Wren summoned the courage to make her move, a shrill voice pierced the tranquility. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Concubine Li, one of the Empress's favorites, sneered, her eyes gleaming with malice. "The little rebel, Wren, cozying up to the favored concubine, Rose."

Wren's face flushed as Concubine Li sauntered closer, her silken robes rustling. "How quaint, how touching. The palace's resident wild child, enamored with the Empress's prized possession." Her voice dripped with venom. "You really are as foolish as you look, Wren. Thinking you could ever be worthy of Rose's attention."

Rose's eyes flashed with anger, but she remained silent, her gaze fixed on Wren with a quiet support. Wren's heart swelled with gratitude, but Concubine Li's taunts cut deep, echoing the Empress's constant belittling. The haughty concubine's words stirred a familiar ache within Wren, the feeling of being an outcast, a rebel, a threat to the palace's rigid hierarchy.

As Concubine Li continued to mock her, Wren's courage faltered, her longing to kiss Rose replaced by the familiar shield of defiance. She stood, her eyes locked with Rose's, a silent understanding passing between them. The moment was lost, but Wren vowed to find another chance to reveal her true feelings, to shatter the barriers that kept them apart.

Wren's patience finally snapped, her anger boiling over like a pot left unattended. "Enough, Li!" she spat, her voice low and menacing. "Your venomous tongue may have power over the Empress, but it won't silence me!"

Concubine Li's eyes widened, taken aback by Wren's sudden ferocity. "How dare you—"

Wren's hand shot out, her palm aimed at Li's smirking face. But before she could make contact, a deafening boom shook the air, causing them all to stumble. The sky darkened, as if night had fallen in an instant. A thunderstorm, unlike any they had seen before, raged in the distance, thousands of miles away. Flames seemed to dance on the horizon, consuming one of the old camps in a fiery inferno.

Rose gasped, her eyes fixed on the distant destruction. "What in the world...?"

Concubine Li's face paled, her taunts forgotten. "It can't be... The ancient ruins... They're burning!"

Wren's anger dissipated, replaced by a sense of awe and trepidation. The storm's fury was unlike anything she had ever witnessed, even from a distance. The winds howled, the thunder boomed, and the flames... they seemed to be alive, twisting and writhing like serpents.

As they watched, transfixed, the storm's power seemed to reverberate through the air, a reminder of the ancient magic that lay beyond the palace walls.

Rose's grip on Wren's arm tightened. "This is no natural storm. Something has been unleashed."

Wren nodded, her mind racing. The storm may have been far away, but its implications were far closer to home.

Concubine Li snorted, her interest in taunting Wren suddenly waning. "How quaint, the rebel and the favored concubine, enthralled by a distant storm. How...beneath me." With a flick of her silken robes, she turned and walked away, leaving the two alone.

Wren grasped Rose's hand, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh, Rose, can you believe it? A storm like that, so powerful, so magical! We have to see it, we have to go there!"

Rose's face flickered with excitement, her eyes shining with a hint of adventure. But she quickly regained her composure, her expression smoothing into serenity. "Wren, my dear, we can't just leave the palace. We have our duties, our roles to fulfill."

Wren's grip on her hand tightened. "But think of it, Rose! A storm that defies the natural order! We could learn so much, discover secrets beyond our wildest dreams!"

Rose's voice took on a hint of melancholy. "Secrets, yes, but at what cost? That storm, Wren, it's a reminder of the war that ravages our world. A war that has made us servants and concubines, forced to serve the Empress while our real servants, our friends and family, were sent to fight and die on the front lines."

Wren's enthusiasm faltered, her eyes widening in understanding. "You mean, the Empress sent them as fake soldiers, to their deaths?"

Rose nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, Wren. And now, we're all that's left. The remnants of a once-great kingdom, reduced to mere ornaments for the Empress's pleasure."

Wren's grip on Rose's hand loosened, her mind reeling with the weight of their reality. But her excitement still simmered, her desire for adventure and discovery burning bright. She knew that she and Rose had to find a way, had to see that storm, no matter the cost.