
Are you sure Zackiria isn't trying to kill us?

Much later, in the dining area of Rising Star. The trainees sit at a long table all being served a lumberjack breakfast. Three eggs, any style, sausage, bacon and ham, toast and a pancake. Matthew takes his knife and fork. Zackiria places a hand on Matthew’s shoulder, he looks back. “Tell me, Mr. Silverstone, what is it that you fear?” the man behind him asked. Matthew blinks as if nervous. You? “Well, I don’t know about fear but I’m not too comfortable with heights.” Matthew said. Zackira gives a mischievous smile. Moments later, Zackiria has Matthew by the collar, leaning him over the edge of the roof. Matthew flails his arms around in a panic. “I don’t think this is helping!” Matthew exclaimed. Matthew continues to flail his arms, Zackiria is still as stoic as ever.