
Rising of the Shield and Spirit Hero

The country descarded me and my brother, treat as like we are scum, a supposed 'rapist' and his brother, the thief. They say whatever the fuck they want and, want us to act docile? Fuck them. We will survive and we WILL make them regret crossing us, the Iwatami brothers. (MC's Naofumi's brother, class cards, harem undecided, lots of swearing and profanity, and much needed bitch slaps)

kingCH · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

chapter 2

As Kaito waited for his release, there wasn't really all that much he could do. If he could, then he would have started playing some games but he got the feeling that wouldn't be a good choice to do in current times. Especially with the Guards nearby who would likely try to pull some damn funny business. He loved his phone too much for that to happen. Thus, he could only play with his new Cane and wonder what he should do next. The young man didn't really have any real idea about how this world worked on a technical level, something telling him it wasn't like earth (stating the obvious there) and while he was pretty sure magic existed, Kaito didn't know to what extent it did. Information was power, and he needed more of it.

Sadly, he couldn't get much so he had to remain at a complete loss, and by extension he'd have to suck it up and deal with it when he eventually got his ass out of this place. He hoped his brother had better luck than his shit self did right now...

One interesting thing that Kaito took GREAT pleasure in, however, was how this cane apparently. The reason being, how he had once tried taping on the things around the cell he currently resided in and it absorbed a few of the things inside.

Steel Cane 1 - Conditions Unlocked

Atck +2; Def +3; Dex -4

Ability Unlocked - Minor Steel Wall

Mastery level - 100%


Rock Cane - Conditions Unlocked

Atck +2; Def +3; Dex -4

Ability Unlocked - Rocky Impact

Mastery level - 100%


Wood Cane 1 - Conditions Unlocked

Atck +1; Def +2; Dex -1

Ability Unlocked - Minor Nature Control

Mastery level - 100%

This meant a few things: Kaito had somehow managed to get these three types of Cane after he had touched the prison door that was made of the three materials with said weapon. Needless to say, the guards almost came in to kill his ass and had his sentence extended five more days, but yeah he digressed.

The abilities are what are important, and BOY were they cool. Minor Steel Wall created a wall of steel in front of him, though it remained only an inch thick and lasted only for about twenty seconds. Second, Rocky Impact raised the impact of the cane so it seemed like some sort of CQC ability, quite useful if he wanted to bash someone's head in (he had a FEW people on that list already, and he felt it would grow QUITE quickly). And lastly, the minor nature control allowed him to control plants, just that nothing that great since he can only make it grow OR control it's movements and even then it is nothing as absurd as Hashirama can.

The fact that these Canes have the number 1 in them might mean they can reach higher levels, let's hope for the best.

The Mastery for them was just Kaito having the cane turned into these forms for a few hours while training in how to use the weapon. It really helped in training when one imagines that every swing is on the head of that trash on the throne that called him a thief... yeah, suffice to say Kaito hated liars with a burning passion.

Excluding that, when he got the chance Kaito sometimes focused on playing on his smartphone (by chance he meant between guard shift changes so he didn't have to worry about it getting stolen). Aside from that, Kaito did not even DARE to touch the Class Cards as he didn't trust these fuckers to not try and take them away out of spite from him 'stealing' the King's Cane.


Kaito had once looked into the Help Menu on this shit (he'd figured that out himself after a while) and it was written how any of the Vassal Weapons could and would change owners when they considered the current wielder unworthy of them and someone better presented himself, it might even outright summon someone just to be freed from its current user. The teen had the opinion that this was probably what has happened to him, the king was so much of a pile of trash and those around him being so equally shitty that the weapon actually summoned HIM of all people just to have someone decent to use it.

It must sting the king's pride to see and understand this. Knowing he cannot be considered as worthy as someone who has just shown up, it must really suck to be him.

Oh well, fuck him anyway. Kaito would go and get out of this nation the first chance he got, only an idiot would remain in a place where its leader actively wants his hide and head on a spike. he could only hope that his brother didn't go and decide that he actually like this fucking place, he, of course, didn't want to get separated from him but Kaito also REALLY didn't want to die. Not to mention how that king acted like the idiots who usually go out of their way to kill him out of sheer spite.

… Hopefully, in the event of an emergency, those Class Cards can help him out.


When the day came that Kaito FINALLY got his ass released from his shitty prison cell, he immediately wanted to look for his brother. Since he had bee put in here without as much as a fair trial, Kaito hadn't heard a SPEC of news about him, thus obviously had no small amount of concern for his safety. He didn't trust this place to not try to fuck him over somehow, and since he was currently HERE instead of by his side, chances were something bad might have happened. This had usually been the case whenever they got separated during their childhood, with bullies going after his brother to get to him, only to get their asses handed to them on silver platters for even THINKING about touching his family.

As such, Kaito had immediately asked the guard, but...

"I don't know or care about that rapist son of a bitch. Look for him on the trash bin where he belongs." Was the answer.

Needless to say, Kaito almost punched his face in when he heard him say that. He'd been REAL close to doing so, but instead Kaito focused on more important objectives: such as getting the FUCK out of this place faster than that cartoonish rabbit in that show filled with weird, wacky cartoon characters.

"Hey, what is your name again?" Kaito asked afterwards, faking innocence.

"Humph, I don't have anything to say for thieving trash like you but my name is Klein."

'Klein, I will remember you and I WILL put you on my shit list.' the teen thought, mentally fuming. Thinking that, the teen moved out as fast as he could without appearing so to the naked eye, but later things would grow much, MUCH worse.

The reason why he got pissed right now, more than when he had been before back in that damned cell?


"Looks like that damned Shield Hero left the city this morning. Good riddance for what he did..."

"That man never seemed the okay-type, I noticed the moment I saw him, he just looked like an evil creep."

"How dare he do what he did to our beloved princess, if he ever dares show up around here again I'll not make his life ANY easier. Princess Malty must have been so shocked and traumatized by what happened."

"Don't worry, we'll give her all the support she needs if we see her..."

Yeah, apparently things had changed REAL quick since Kaito got put into jail, and not on the fun way. All around him, dozens of people mixed and mingled whilst badmouthing his big brother like he was the sole scum of the earth. There was nothing but hate and disgust when mentioning his name that it even surprised him initially... although, that didn't really last very long either. Initially, Kato wanted to beat up the ones saying these things about his brother but instead chose to stay my hand until he learned more.

He could always put this whole city to the torch later, after all.

Apparently, according to what he'd had overheard from passing by citizens, his brother Naofumi had been charged with nearly raping the daughter of that bastard King who had his Cane 'stolen' by himself, which was total BS anyway. The King had only kept Aniki alive due to his status as one of the four heroes, but it appeared the news had spread across the entire Kingdom at this point with as much words of how he was the 'devil' as possible, something he felt SURE the King himself, probably with the help of his bitch of a daughter, did.

It's funny, really is, how an accusation of rape with NO physical evidence whatsoever could be considered true so easily and it is considered worse than the two dozen petty crimes he saw just by walking on the streets, one of which he felt pretty sure was a group of the guards of the city violently raping a girl with cat ears who looked just about 14.

Yeah, this nation would burn if Kaito had his way with it.

Now, he knew for a FACT that the charge had been bullshit, even if there were pieces of evidence telling otherwise besides some bitch words. The thing was, his brother never really did have much popularity with girls back in their world, mostly kept to himself even whenever Kaito had called him to go to a party together. Naofumi had the common sense to go through life thinking with his brain and not his dick, unlike a majority of the male population (especially youths) tended to do. He would not do something THAT braindead, there are always hookers if you want to release and if memory served him right, he did have a bit of a lolicon tendency, if his anime collection had been anything to go by.

Throughout the rest of the walk, Kaito's opinion of this country kept plummeting down to new lows, especially when he noticed some people with animal-like traits such as dog ears, whiskers etc, get hauled around with collars and chains whilst being beaten for seemingly no reason, whilst some onlookers gave looks of APPROVAL of this behavior. Some of them looked to be even 4 or 5 years old for gods' sake! Kaito had heard from several sources by now how the humans were said to be the fairest race of the Kingdom, but right now he definitely felt like it was the damn opposite!

This place, he didn't want to be here for even a second more than needed.

'Grrrrr…! That fucking BITCH! Her and her damn father! If it weren't for me needing to see my brother right now, I'd fucking yank their gobs open and spit down their necks! Shit! Fuck! Grr...!'


Eventually, Kaito just couldn't stand staying in that damned city a second longer, so he decided to head outside to see if he could find some monsters to slay. For one, part of that bastard king's speech included that there were monsters in this world, which meant that he could find something to vent his stress on till he could think with a level head again. In his gaming experience, it had been hammered into his skull that going in without a plan would be equivalent to committing suicide IRL. His current mood would have even ruined his gaming reputation, that's just how much he felt livid at the moment.

Another thing would be the Class Card he'd been given for some reason. According to what he had learned about them, these Class Cards were meant to act like these mediums for these things called 'Heroic Spirits'. Whatever the fuck those were, he didn't really give a damn but apparently they were like these super OP beings who were shaped by the mumbo jumbo shit humanity made up about them. The more well-known, the stronger the heroic spirit, and all that jazz. Kaito honestly found it kinda neat, but he didn't know how strong they really were. Hence, a test would be needed.

So, here he stood, inside a vast field surrounded by these small orange slime-looking motherfuckers.

"Okay, let's hope for the best shall we." Kaito said as he took out one of the cards at random. It looked like a man carrying a beast like men with the head of a monster the body of a human and a big sword in his hand. With the card in hand, he remembered the words that were on his cellphone.

'To use the card you will need a catalyst until you are level 40, the catalyst will help in the duration of the INCLUDE as the better the quality of the catalyst the longer the INCLUDE will last. Remember that using the Class Cards spend MP as well so it will be costly.'

'Fine, let's try it out shall we.' With that, he said the words. "INCLUDE - Berserker Card."

As he said that the world stopped for a moment and Kaito looked at a screen in front of him. There were many cards in it, all with the appearance of different people in them and all looking very dangerous with some straight out carrying him.

"Do I select here?" He wondered before shrugging since he has no real idea on what those cards meant so he simply chooses one of them. It looked like an extremely muscular and tall man with black skin, many golden ornaments, tattoos, and very expensive pants as his upper body was bare. Overall he looks dangerous and outright like a monster, exactly what he wanted right now.

As he touched at the card time returned moving and the cane in his hand changed shape. It now was a pair of golden axes with gems in them and looking menacing. Let's test out how strong these babies are, shall we?

Berserker Class Card Cane Equip - Darius III (INCLUDE version)

Atk +100

Dex +30

Def + 30

Mastery 0%

Ability Unlocked - Madness Enhancement E- (Madness Enhancement improves upon an increase in Mastery)

Looking upwards, the teen saw that the orange slimes jumped in fright as they looked at him, but he did not give them time to run not when he didn't feel any weight from these babies. Therefore, he'd DEFINITELY start using them to the fullest.

Raising one of the axes, Kaito swung it at the nearest slime, normally on RPGs a character on level 1 does about 20, maybe 30 damage on an attack at these slimes, especially since they are all level 3 or 4 from what he had seen, but the numbers that registered in his eyes are completely absurd for his level.

-478 HP

-469 HP

-432 HP

-499 HP

And so on so forth.

This was WAAAAY too OP in Kaito's standards. But, just as things were starting to look good, he glanced at his practical HUD and quickly noticed a... well, major problem.

His MP was originally 400 before he had started the combat, but once he had used INCLUDE, the MP spiraled down to 100 faster than a kangaroo, not only that but Kaito soon realized he had been spending 1 MP every one and a half seconds. Therefore, at most he predicted that he could only use this for a bit over 2 and a half minutes before he became unable to use this weapon and lose all of his MP. As the teen had no idea how having no MP would play out physically, he mentally made a note to stop before that happens.

Lv up 1 - 2

And with that, his MP went back to full and it is now at 500 MP, meaning that Kaito could now use those axes for the next 10 minutes. Now he had to wonder if he should keep on this area or if he should go to higher level areas. 'I guess that for that I will need an actual party as I will need someone to cover for me while I recover my MP. Yep, I'll do that. Let's grind here for a while more and after that let's go look for Aniki, he probably is on a higher difficulty training ground anyway. I can only hope he is for me, Aniki, I am coming for you and together we will be unbeatable!' Kaito thought, determination burning in his eyes as he once more resumed his Killing Spree.

Later he would find out that he only had MP regen when not using a Class Card, but when not equipping one he would get MP regen so there was not that big of a problem as he restored 1 MP every 2 seconds.


Right now, in her private suite, Princess Malty found herself to be in an almost euphoric high right about now.

It wasn't hard to imagine why that was, if they had realized the situation of the past events which she had a major role instigating. Her plans for the Four Heroes had begun splendidly, with the help of her dear old daddy who tended to her every need like a good father did. He had believed her story all too easily, and with him, as respected by the rest of the kingdom as he was, the rest of the politicians obviously followed his lead. It was easily apparent that if the King decided something to be done, the politicians would easily follow suit in a desire to curry favor with him, the game of politics was just like that these days.

Right now, Malty was currently straddling the waist of the Spear Hero whom she had joined after her successful framing of the Shield Hero, that moron. She currently had most of her clothes remaining on (as she had demanded, with this foolish oaf obeying like he should), with his crotch in hers for a good session of stress relief. The Spear Hero had complied simply due to her saying I was a way to 'forget about the experience' as she had told him, which resulted in hi becoming her sex toy to use as she so wished. If anything, him being the Spear Hero had its merits in bed at least, his 'spear' being much larger than any other limp dick man she'd had over the years. It was a full 4 inches long and one inch wide, it was ENORMOUS.

It was much better than the half a dozen ministers, two dozen guards, and about 40 or 50 nobles she fucked the last two or so years. She was only happy that she had that much experience before the summoning as otherwise, she would not have been able to deal with this 'mighty spear' (Author's Note: I am giving the nobles and guards of this country pinky sized dicks because they don't deserve to be called true men)

The moans of servitude that he exuded only heightened her already high euphoria.

Whilst she rode her new toy for all he was worth, relishing in the squeaks of the bed that followed her rutting, Malty reflected on how things had gone so well for her. Upon the completion of the summoning ritual, her plans had begun, the first target being the easiest in her eyes. How the Shield Hero (she didn't recall his name, since it wasn't worth recalling in her eyes) had been so easily duped by her, and so grandly at that! He had thought she would be on his side when everyone demeaned him for being what he should always be! A stepping stone for others' rise to fame! Hah, the Shield Hero wasn't anything much, she knew that, her daddy knew that, everyone in their right mind would know that. What could a Shield do that a sword, bow or spear could do better? Take hits? The others could do that too and deal just as much damage in return! They were far more useful than some petty shield, it was just common sense!

As such, it was only natural he is at the bottom of the barrel!

Thinking about that foolish moron brought Malty to the subject of his younger brother eventually, causing her to internally frown and increase her riding pace, causing the Spear Hero's moans to grow louder. That so-called 'thief' had to have done some sort of dirty trick, for him to be able to steal her daddy's Cane from him right under his nose like that. It was the only thing that made sense to her, especially if it recognized someone as pathetic and worthless as him as a better owner than her almighty father. She'll think about punishing that bastard later, probably set him up as a scapegoat for one of the waves or something she didn't care. Right now though, she'll enjoy this stress relief for all that it was worth, her newest toy being all too willing to obey her. Who knows, maybe she'll keep him around a bit longer since his stamina got better the more he leveled.