
Chapter 1:"Life" an "Death"


'Blood....i'm bleeding, ahh...it hurts so bad and also i losing out of breath....'he thought.

"Sir!Hang in there,we've for the amblance so please stay awake."said a lady crouching beside him while trying to cover up his wound.

"Haa haa,I don't think i can lady.....i already feel sleepy now you know"he slowly said while coughing out some more blood.'Ugh.....i don't think i can keep my eyes open.....everything is getting blurry.....and i think i'm starting to lose my senses.'as he thought of this the world right before his eyes slowly darkens,voices around him becoming fuzzy and his whole body becomes numb.

As this slowly goes on his world is becoming dark but all he could think right now is


His name was Lloyd and he was a normal person in a normal place living a normal life.Going about his every day life as a university student and somehow right now everything is going to disappear.His life,his home,his friends,his parent and everything else is now going away from him as he feels himself going to disappear.As his world turns black, he hears a voice in the void of this black world.


--"-at do you wish f-?"--


--"What do you wish for?"--it repeated.

'...A wish...'

"I wish to live"he said.

--Host has wish to "live"--

--Error,host body cannot be revived as it has lost it's vitality and cannot be recovered--

--Searching for solutions--

--Solution found--


*VROOM* Suddenly having a bit of his senses back he feels as if he was spinning.

"What did you do!?"

--System has fulfilled host wishes and has located a body for the host.It is advised that host to hold on as this will cause host to go uncounsious for a few minutes.--


Before getting to ask this mysterious voice he suddenly blanks out into the abyys.

"-id,hey are you ok?"

"Hey kid,wake up"said a voice.

Hearing that, Lloyd opened his eyes to see a middle age man right before his eyes.

"Here kid,have a drink it's free so take it and drink it and also rest up a bit.Then after that leave cause your going to ruin my business."said the man holding a bowl of water.

"Huh....oh ok.Thanks."After saying that he takes the bowl and drinks it, while drinking it he feels his body senses coming back to him but somehow it doesn't feel right.But even if that's strange he could still move his body for the most part.

"So kid, could you tell me why i found you lying on the gound around my stall unconcious?"ask the man.

"Ohh, i guess i was tired from running a bit."he said.But of course this is a lie as he himself doesn't know what happened or where he is.

"What kind of kid would just faint from running,but then again i can't feel your cultivation so give it up kid.If you can't cultivate why bother running,just go and do something else.Well.....just leave after resting up a bit and use the way at the back when you leave."he said as he walked away to his stall up front.

Seeing the man walk away,Lloyd continued to drink up all that special water in the bowl and slowly felt his sense getting better but of course it felt weird to him for the most part but felling that he suddenly gets a surge of pain in his head as flashes of images flash in his mind.

"Urgh....what are these thin-"While bearing the pain the images turn into videos of a persons life and looking at them he felt more confused as to where these things come from but somehow in the end he knew it was him in these video like things.Why?Because at the end of it he sees himself failing to the ground right at the place the middle aged man told him.

And there he knew it, it was him.All of these memories are his or maybe he should say the previous owner of this body.This 14-year-old boy is named Lloyd Fenix,and is the second young master of the Phoenix Clan.Knowing this was something he should feel blissful about but somehow it made it felt like nothing to be proud about because in his case compared to his older and younger brother he is trash in the clan because the problem with him is that he totally can't cultivate.From what he learned in his memories,in this realm the Phoenix Clan were two seperate clans which hated each other and will always fight all the time and the clans are the Fire Phoenix Clan and the Ice Phoenix Clan.

One day somehow the young master of the Fire Phoenix Clan and the young miss of the Ice Phoenix Clan both fell in love with each other and after a lot of arguing and fights they somehow agree to stop all the fighting and end the grudge there and there and the two lover finally got married with the clan merging together.And these two masters of the clan are Alder Fenix and Eslene Fenix who had 3 children with one of them is him.

His older brother,Derek Fenix who is two years older than him is the famous first young master that inherited the most purest Fire Phoenix bloodline within him while the 11-year-old third young master Leland Fenix who is his younger brother had inherited the most purest Ice Phoenix bloodline.While they had those pure bloodline he had no bloodline within him in the end and what's even worse is he also couldn't cultivate.It is known that even without a special bloodline anyone can become a cultivator with some hard work but somehow he couldn't even do it so he ended up being a puny mortal.With both respected clan factions focusing on the the geniuses he is left in the corner and is called trash for his current condition.But even so the previous him was very stuborn and in the end tried to forcefully cultivate which resulted him losing his life but somehow he now occupies his body.

As the pain from his head lessened.

--Beep Beep--



--Good Afternoon Host--

"Wha-Who are you actually and where are you?" Lloyd said as he heard the same voice that granted his wish.

--Greetings Host, I am the System and i will help fulfill all of the Host wishes and needs.And answering Host's second quetion, I am within the host, connected to your soul.--

--Warning!,Host has some irregularities within Host's body-

--Scanning Host 1%--



--100%,Scan completed--

--Results shows that the host is not fully synchronized with the body and remnent soul--

"I kinda understand with me being not fully complete with this body but the soul too and also it's the remnent soul of the previous owner of this body,could you tell me why i am in his body somehow?"

--Answering Host,System has granted Host's wish of wanting to live but as Host previous body was not able to be recovered,the System chose this second solution which is to find the Host a body compatible for Host's soul.And the result is this,the body of Lloyd Fenix has been used to house Host's soul.--

"Ok,so what about the remnent soul,care to explain that?"

--Answering Host,as the system was recovering this body,it also recovered the the soul that was slowly disipating after the previous owner of the body died.Because some time has passed,what remains is only the memories the soul while it's will or consciouseness has been disipated.--

--Does host wish to absorb the soul and also fully sync with the body?--


--Affimative.It is advised that Host find a safe place as it will cause the Host to go unconsciouse for 18 hours.After finding a safe place Host can call out to System to start the sync.--

"Ok."After saying that Lloyd and left the market he was at throught the back and went of to the only place he felt kinda safe,his home.As a powerhouse in this realm,his clan should be the only place he could feel safe.

Walking out there,what he say next was mystical.Every where he see everything looked ancient and medieval.Like how the places decribed in novel from his world, while walking around the market he can see people opening up their stall selling items such as pills,weapons,beast and even something you don't see everyday in his previous world which are human slaves.

While thinking about how pityful they were Lloyd felt the same aching pain in his head again and memories flashing past his eyes again.

--Warning,Host is advised to quickly find a safe place to sync the body lest Host will continue suffering more pain from the soul not being fully sync with the body.--

'Ouch...looks like i really have to hurry back now' he thought as he ran back to his clan.

Arriving at the clan ,he rushed passed the guard and with a quick pace walked quickly to his family courtyard within the clan.While walking pass a lot of clan members,he could he them whispering about his being useless and whatelse,but to the current him...he didn't care as one day he'll get back at them as a wish to fulfill his past self.

Arriving to his family courtyard he rushed to his own house as when his past self was 10,he asked for his parents to let him live alone seperately with the condition that they will always eat together every meal.His small house was quiet with no one there,not even a servent as most of them would give him eyes of pity which he was uncomfortable so he didn't have servants serving him.With that only he himself cleans and maintains the house with the exception of his mother's personal maid coming from time to time to help clean the house when he wasn't at home.

Reaching his bedroom and laying down on the bed,he prepared himself for this and finally after a few minutes of calming himself.

"System,start the sync now."

--Receiving Host command,starting the syncing process.--

--Starting in 5...--





--Sync initiated--

As the system said that every goes dark.