"....Ahh what happen?" Groaned a boy that has green hair and green eyes that is wearing a U.A gym clothes.
This boy is know as Izuku Midoriya
Izuku opened his eyes and looked around seeing a blue sky with clouds that seemingly looks infinite in every direction
"Where am I?" Said Izuku confused as to how he got here the last thing he remembered was ....oh
He was punched through the gut by the Nomu.
"I guess am dead." Said Izuku before the saddness creeped in he thought about his mom and how miserable she gonna be after the news of his death came out
'I am sorry mom for all the saddness my death gonna bring I guess Kacchan was right that he wouldn't even survive a week of U.A.' thought Izuku before his thought's drifted to All Might "I am so sorry All Might you gave me a chance and screwed it up by getting my self killed and make your quirk die with a worthless Deku like me" said Izuku before he heard a voice speak up behind him.
"Not quite and please don't talk about your self like that again." Said a voice filled with kindness
Turning around Izuku saw a boy that looks to be the same age as himself. This boy has ruffled black hair that has burgundy tips he also has red eyes and what looks to be a flame patterned tattoo on the left side of his fore-head. He's wearing a dark-brown gakuran jacket, a white belt, baggy chocho zubon pants that extend into tabi socks, a pair of zōri with red straps, bands of white cloth wrapped tightly around his calves and a checkered black and green haori.
"Who are you?" Asked Izuku confused by the apperence of this man.
"I am Kamado Tanjiro your ancestor from the Tashio period." Said Tanjiro voice gentle as he talked.
"The reason as to why I am here is because you are here before your time so I have an offer for you." Said Tanjiro before making a offer.
Do you want to live and save your friends?" Asked Tanjiro
"Yes I will do anything." Said Izuku a little desperation leaking into his voice after all he couldn't stand the thought of anymore of his classmates dying.
"Even if it means losing your humanity?" Asked Tanjiro his tone becoming serious
"What do you mean by that?" Asked Izuku worried by the implication of those words
"I mean are you willing to become a man-eating demon to give up the ability to eat normal food to have the risk of accidently hurting everyone around you and eating them just to save your classmates and teachers from certain death?" Said Tanjiro seriously
Izuku thought about this offer is he will to lose his humanity to save those around him let them die because what kind of hero will he be if he not ready to lose his humanity to save more lives.
"My answer is yes after all what kind of he would I be if I'm not will give up even my humanity to save does around me." Said Izuku determination in his eyes as he spoke
"Good answer young one I will active the dormaint demon cells inside you. Goodbye Izuku Midoriya." Said Tanjiro before flames come out his hand and igniting Izuku.
The last thing Izuku felt was the sensation of being burnt alive before blacking out.
Ochako Uraraka was shocked after all the nice boy who had saved her during the entrance exam just got punched through the gut by the monstrous being called Nomu by the leader of the villian group right in front of her and a coulpe of her classmates.
"Well then now that All Might wannabe is delt with Nomu kill them all." Said the leader of this villian group if she remebers correctly was called shigaraki by mist villian with the warp quirk.
Next thing she know she is on the ground and increadible pain going through her body before she blacked out.
Bakugou Katsuki yelled before wrapping his palm around the mistfucker's metal collar he then said "Don't move a fucking muscle or I'll blow you up so badly that they will be pieceing you back together for weeks."
After he said that the following events will shock him for the rest of his life. After all he watched as deku got punched through and then he heard the villian leader say "Well then now that All Might wannabe is delt with Nomu kill them all."
Right after roundface got her skull crushed into the ground before ice covered the villian's body before it broke out skin and muscles torned with what looks like permant damage before he saw the thing regenerate and look towards him before felt a fist going through his gut as he black's out.
Eijiro Kirishima was horrified by what he was seeing after all he just saw two of his classmates got killed by the villian before it turned towards him and bakubro before hearing a sicken splat right next to him before he harden himself for the attack that was almost certainly going to hit him.
All Eijiro felt was pain as punch after punch hit him like a truck. He start to feel the Nomu getting through his defences as piece of his harden flesh was chipped off his body before he could he his body start to give up as his quirk deactivate and the last thing he felt was his rib cage get crushed before passing out.
Todoroki Shoto fustrated as his mother's ice wasn't able to stop that monster from killing more of his classmates because it just broke out and before he could freeze it again he saw the monster turned to the right and vanished he turned to the right to see his classmate got punch through the gut before he saw his other classmate got punch 6 times before his chest carved in.
He broke his promise.
His right side flared up in flames as he send them towards the Nomu along with his ice but it was a fruitless endevour as the monster just run through his flames and ice before all he saw was black.
This patteren continued as classmate after classmate was killed.
All this witness by Tsuyu Asui she wished she could have done something to stop it but that thing was to fast her to do something so as she watched in shock as twelve of her classmates and homeroom teacher was brutely murdered before what she would call a miracle happened as the beated body of Izuku Midoriya began to float green wisp like energy coming off his body as it surrounded him in a green energy ball very remincist of the sun before twelve tendrils made of energy shot out of the green sun each grabbing one of her murdered classmates as they were lifted into the air as well. The green energy covered them in minature balls not as big as the one cover midoriya but still big. Then some of the energy from ball covering Midoriya shot towards the ground making it look like a tree before the other tendrils connecting the twelve green balls to Midoriya's orb shifts going around the trunk in decending order. Then from the bottom the green energy starts to change to wood as it continued all the way up the tendrils turning to wood but the energy balls start to change colour. The lowest ball to a deep purple colour after that in ascending order the balls changed colour into purple but what look like white shockwaves going around it, the next one change into hands, the one after that changed into what looked like different coloured tape, after that the next changed into bolts of electricity, the next one changed into what looked like a dripping pink liquid but as some of the liquid reach the floor it was clear that it was acid, the next energy ball just changed into a light pink, the one after changed into stone, after that it changed into a light blue energy with what looks like random thing poping in and out of it, the next one change into black feathers, the one after changed into ice on one side and fire on the other, the second to the top changed into orange and was having explosion coming out of it and the one on top turned into green fire.
The next thing everyone felt was a oppressive aura coming from the tree.