
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
104 Chs


Joe put all the gear he said he was going to use in the trunk of his car and asked me to get in. He started the car and started heading towards a wall, I thought we were going to crash but we went straight through the wall, he told me it was a hologram. The car begins to transform, when we reached the exit I saw that we were flying. We were arriving quickly at Ben's house when missiles started approaching quickly.

"Dodge, Dodge, it's going to hit us" yelled Zoe nervously.

Joe just kept the course, the missiles hit but nothing happened.

"My car has a force field, a cloaking system, weapons and armor capable of resisting bombs," Joe said with a laugh.

Joe accelerates and lands in front of the front door.

"I was expecting a tougher security, if it continues like this before dawn we will go home" Joe said getting out of the car.

I got out of the car and went to the trunk to get my gun.

"What's the point of bringing these other equipment?" asked Zoe, confused by what she had in the trunk.

"As I don't know what's in there, I came prepared for a lot of situations" replied Joe.

"Better get one of these grenades and take this umbrella" says Joe handing the equipment to Zoe.

"To use the grenade just press the red button and throw it away, the umbrella is the same, but only use the umbrella in case of emergency" says Joe heading towards the door.

"But what do they do?" asked Zoe following Joe.

"The grenade has zero gravity effect and the umbrella is a secret" replies Joe breaking the door.

"Come on guys today is lightning day" Joe said excitedly.

The house appeared to be empty, but the lights and television were on.

"For sure they hid," Zoe said.

"It's going to be easier than it looks," says Joe, looking at his watch.

"There are 3 people downstairs and 1 upstairs, you'll take care of the upstairs and I'll take the 3 downstairs," Joe said.

"Are you sure you're going to let me handle this myself?" asked Zoe confused.

"You trained combat in various types of situations with the robots, if it gets complicated just use the umbrella" replied Joe.

"But I only trained for a short time, there's a lot of difference fighting people and fighting robots, I think I'd better go with you" said Zoe.

"One day you will have to fight alone, if your dream is to be a super hero you have to have confidence in your abilities" said Joe.

I was thinking about several things that could go wrong, when I realized Joe was no longer around. After gathering my courage I went up the stairs , I searched the rooms for anyone but found no one. Suddenly I heard a sound coming from the attic, I got scared and thought about running from there but my legs got stuck.

"Come on, you can, you can" thought Zoe.

I ran to the attic and found a room that looked like it came out of a movie, in the bed there was a woman who was sleeping and a kind of robot next to the bed. I approached slowly so as not to wake her up and aimed the laser gun, the robot starts to beep, the woman wakes up jumping out of bed and transforming, she looked like a werewolf with eagle's wings and a cat's tail.