
Choose one Door

4 days passed since the incident of Shiro's awakening which caused a shock to most of Isakawa's household since it wasn't normal.

Isakawa's home was destroyed but luckily for him, he had a spare mansion in case problems like these were to arise.

Isakawa sat calmly in his new office and constantly tapped the glass technical table which displayed a series of documents that Isakawa read through each one not less than a second.

"Sir Isakawa, this is the report I've gathered," a man entered the office as he looked at Isakawa with a serious face which immediately calmed down as he was captivated by Isakawa's long blue hair.

The guy was fair and a tall man with dark green eyes which showed in his grey glasses and his short and curly yellow hair. with broad shoulders with a well-built body. He wore a dark orange jacket with shades of black with long black trousers followed by his black boots.

"Oh let's see the report Dulac," Isakawa asked as he stretched out his arm.

Dulac immediately gave Isakawa the tablet screen he was holding.

Dulac: "We've managed to gather all the artifacts we found and transferred them over here to your spare home."

Isakawa: "That's good, I didn't think a bunch of assassins would cause this much trouble. My brothers are so persistent in finding my weakness."

"Moreover I must thank them, my daughter has been able to gain an Ability, but we haven't used Tina the Ability checker to know what kind of Ability she has."

Dulac: "Sir, I know this is rude of me to ask but, why don't you just take over the Subaru family?"


Dulac stood quiet for a while and continued, "Most of us who work here have fully chosen to follow you, sir. And a lot of us were saved by you and we couldn't express our utmost gratitude.

However, we still wonder why you chose to play these games with your brothers. With your Ability and social power you can easily overtake the family..."

Isakawa: "I guess some of you were able to read the situation," he sighed.

"You see my father wouldn't want his last born to overtake the family at any cost and a smart man like him had a plan. Do you think after he was done experimenting on me he would end his research there?"

Dulac didn't respond as he was trying to understand Isakawa.

"No, he won't!! He calls me a failed product even though my real Ability isn't yet known to him or anyone else.

My father is an ambitious man so even now the Ability planting project is still in progress."

"Also if I decide to have a war for the family seat my people aren't strong enough nor strong yet so we are at a disadvantage here. There are also spies of my family lingering around which we must get rid of," Isakawa added as his eyes began to glow brighter. He could basically see the spies who have dared to infiltrate his second base. "They would be dying very soon."

"I can also tell you that my family has successfully created about 6 Ability Users who formerly did not have an Ability. However I'm still stronger than all of them combined," Isakawa crossed his hands with a serious expression on his face. He himself was quite surprised that his father was successful with the experiment after 15 years.

"What?? That's impossible Sir!!" Dulac gasped in shock. "I was even one of those who helped with the Ability User creation project, but most of them ended up as monsters. So then how?"

Isakawa: "I don't know, I tried to see what they used but something is blocking me, that's why I won't consider taking over that family now even if I'm strong. When it comes to political support and power they have a wide range of connections."

Dulac: "Sir Isakawa, don't you tell us too many secrets, what if someone tries to betray you?"

Isakawa sat up straight and gave Dulac a smile. "Once they try to tell my secret they would explode whoshh!!"

Dulac gulped in fear as he then came back to his senses knowing that underneath the beautiful smile of the man is a devil who likes nothing more than to play with lives. He almost forgot all the people who tried to betray Isakawa died while they tried to sell him out, so his family barely got any information.

Dulac: 'There's this one skill I know Isakawa has. If I'm correct it must be the [ Soul Bound ] everyone who wants to become an underling of Isakawa has to go through the Soul-bounding process, which would cause their soul to never betray their master. Whoever does try would immediately explode before they can even tell the secret.'

Isakawa: "Where is Shiro being contained at?"

Dulac: "Sir Shiro is currently being contained in the underground laboratory as the observation tube."

Isakawa: "I see, tell them to find out everything they can about any change in Shiro's body and also get Doctor Yong Feng to come here, I want to see the information he has gathered after examining Shiro's blood."

Dulac: "Yes Sir I would write that down."

Isakawa: "Hah, Well at least the damage to our home wasn't too bad."

Dulac: 'What do you mean by not too bad Sir you were basically the one responsible for most of the destruction because of the explosion.'

'Being an assistant is a really difficult job,' Dulac thought to himself, feeling depressed. No wonder most of the people who serve as Isakawa's assistants take a lot of vacation. Most of the work is actually dumped on them to complete.

Meanwhile Isakawa is capable of completing the work in a mere amount of minutes or hours yet he refuses to do so.

Isakawa: "How's Jennifer?"

Dulac: "She's okay Sir, however, she fainted due to shock about what happened to the house. And Madam Jennifer has been trying to find info about what happened when she was away."

Isakawa: "Don't worry, I'll tell her. She needs to know since she's my wife and basically Shiro's mother."

Dulac: "Yes Sir."

Isakawa: "I guess there would be a change of plans for the new event coming up," Isakawa grinned with delight. "You may leave now."

"I'm going to visit my daughter," he said as he got up from his office chair and out into the hallway of his mansion

Isakawa passed the purple carpet stairs down to the ground floor of the house as he just stood there. He tapped his foot three times on the ground which caused a tremor. All of a sudden a flash of light appeared that transported him to the underground lab in his new home that was built in case his former home was to receive any casualties.

He then appeared at a teleport waypoint standing in a circle magic formation accompanied by some high technology.

He stared in front of himself he saw all scientists who were busily working as none dared to slack off.

Almost all the scientists immediately noticed him which caused them to panic a little. They all stopped what they were doing and bowed to Isakawa as he passed by them.

"You can all get to work, don't worry about my presence," Isakawa smiled warmly as he waved his hand at them.

They shouldn't worry about his presence?! It was more like saying they shouldn't worry when death itself is passing by them.

Isakawa walked past them and walked deeper into the place. Passing by various glass tubes you could see the large room over 3 acres filled with people wearing white lab coats quickly pacing about using various machines. Isakawa continued walking until he stopped by one, a child was inside a rectangular glass tube which was filled with some unknown chemicals but it was as clear as water and her body floated inside of it. Her long black hair was floating around in the water as her body kept twitching inside.

He looked at Shiro for a while and ordered, "Tina could you scan Shiro again and tell me what Ability she has."

[ Yes Isakawa ], the system replied as it began the scanning process.

A bright blue ray of technology crypto scanned Shiro from top to bottom for a few seconds and stopped.

"So what is her job class?" Isakawa asked patiently.

[ Class Disaster ]

Everyone in the room stood quiet for a while as they could only stare nervously at the system.

"What is Shiro's job class? Don't try to be funny, that class is only for monsters."


[ System shall begin the scanning process again. ]

[ Scanning done, Shiro's class is Disaster Class] [ job Error]

[ Error ]

[ Error ] [ Error ]

[ System is unable to determine Shiro's Class due to some unknown reasons. ]

The scientists all watching began to panic as they began to whisper stuff into each other's ears.

"Basically that means that it's a job that can't be determined by the system," one scientist claimed.

"That's very odd because every human has a class even if they don't have Abilities it would appear as human!"

"But Isakawa's daughter's class was a Disaster."

"What does this mean?" another person asked.

"There was only one human who achieved a Choas class of monster," another scientist added nervously as he didn't really remember the person's name.

"Ssshhhh don't talk about it, do you want to die?" One scientist warned his friend about a human achieving a monster class.

Isakawa took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes almost like he was thinking of something. After a while Isakawa immediately opened his eyes, his face sullen and concerned. He looked at his hands which were trembling, but he dared not show that he was scared of something in front of his people.

"Interesting so Tina is not lying."

[ Isakawa as a system I can never lie.]

Everyone stood in awe as they saw a tall yet voluptuous woman with long black straight hair with beautiful black eyes which showed off her beauty. Her heels clicked and clacked as she was entering the room walking in Isakawa's direction.

She bit her cute pink lips in frustration as she stared at Isakawa with no expression. Her long beautiful fair legs would show through her plain yet stylish long dress with strips by the leg sides.

She immediately stopped at the tube which held Shiro and placed her hand on it. "Isakawa please don't tell me you would use Shiro for that operation? I'm fully aware of the information of Shiro having an Ability," she asked in retaliation. She couldn't stand there and watch her husband try to use their only daughter for his operation.

"How unfortunate I planned on keeping you in the dark for a while but my wife is as smart as always. (Obviousl,y because she's psychic ) And yes I would use Shiro for the Hero's celebration downfall as my main player." He laughed as he looked at her.

"I would not allow you to use Shiro for your goals if anything, keep her out of this.

I don't want her to become a target," Jennifer protested as she teared up, grabbing Isakawa's hand.

Jennifer became shocked for a moment as Isakawa's hands were trembling. This is the first time in years Isakawa had ever trembled like he was afraid of something scary.

She then looked at him with concern and asked, "Isakawa what's wrong?"

"There's something much more terrifying in this child," Isakawa mumbled undertone as he settled up his voice restrictive barrier.

"I can't tell what it is, but when I tried to see her Ability I was in a dark space…... And there were two great lights clashing against each other fiercely like One wants to destroy the other. One was purple and the other was black. I was curious about these lights so I tried to get closer to them but a huge black shadow appeared before me with a frown and told me to get out. All of a sudden my consciousness was swept away through some void and came back to me, moreover I got some injuries in my spirit," he explained clearly in detail as his face was serious.

"There's something dangerous protecting the child."

Both of them stood there for a while watching Shiro.


In a dark void space Shir,o was there floating around like there was no gravity acting upon her. She laid there almost lifeless. She slowly opened her light blue eye on the left as her other eye felt strange.

"Where am I again?" She asked herself.

"Oh yes, maybe Alka is here again,'' she smiled brightly as called out her friend's name, "Alka!! Alka!! I'm here again, where are you?" She continued to call out for the woman she met before. However no matter how much she called for Alka there was no response, which caused her to feel scared.

"What happened to me?" She suddenly recalled what happened when she passed out. "What were those messages? Who was that boy?… ….."

"Everything is so unclear; what's happening to me? Daddy please help me!!!" Shiro cried out as she was in the darkness.

Shiro decided not to just sit there and cry, so she got up and started walking. She almost felt like she was walking on air as her black flare dress waved around.

She felt like she was walking for ages since the dark void seemed like there was no end. Shiro was going to give up hope until she spotted a bright purple light. She smiled happily and ran towards it like a normal happy child and stopped to look at what was in front of her.

She stood there in awe as she saw two huge female statues up to 18 feet tall. The one on the left had a purple color as the one on the right had a black color. Both statues wore a long gown and their faces were covered with a huge hoodie. The two statues had their hands stretched out with a door on their palm. Shiro felt like these two statues were asking her which door she should take. But since she was a child she wasn't sure of which one to pick.

She stood there for sometime thinking about her situation and later came to a conclusion. She suspected that the black one looks scary so she wants to go with the purple one. "I like purple since it's pretty so I wanna go with the purple door, but the black door reminds me of mum's hair and eyes. Since black and blue make purple, I shall go with the purple statue with the purple door." She smirked proudly as she felt that she was truly indeed a smart girl.

Once Shiro was done deciding she floated up to the purple door and was about to open it, but it seems that the black statue wasn't going to let that happen.

It shook furiously in a rage and it screamed with a painful moan. Its hands stretched and grabbed Shiro tightly trying to crush the child. Shiro could only remember the dark hollow face staring at her.

Shiro's eyes opened again as she was breathing profoundly while shaking. She got up to see that she was in a huge room lying down on a big queen size fluffy bed.

"Am I home?"