
Beware of true nature

"Don’t worry Jennifer Shiro would be fine," Isakawa comforted his wife as they sat on the bed.

Isakawa swiped his hand before him. As then smoke began to form and a clear image of Shiro sleeping on a hospital bed and two healers gathered around her and a bright green light glowed from their palms and reflected onto Shiro’s body.

“I’m glad that she’s fine,” Jennifer gave a warm smile as she watched the reflection on the air that gradually disappeared.

“Now then, Jennifer turned to look at Isakawa’s hair with sparkly eyes as he was starting to feel nervous.

“Is there anything wrong, honey?” Isakawa asked nervously as he watched his wife wipe off her drooling mouth.

“Husband, I haven’t done a hair makeover for you in a while, so let’s get started,” Jennifer laughed in a flirtatious voice as she held a comb and started to brush Isakawa’s smooth, silky hair.

“Soooo soooffffttttt,” Jennifer mumbled as she combed Isakawa’s in bliss.

As Jennifer touched Isakawa’s face with her smooth hands, he flinched.

He just realised for the past two hours after they took Shiro to the infirmary and came to rest Jennifer hasn’t coughed once. And she would usually cough from 30-40 minutes every hour.

‘Her blood fluctuations are getting better,’ Isakawa thought nervously as he didn’t understand. Even his healing magic wasn’t able to suppress her injury.

“Jennifer, did anything happen to you as you came back to the room?” Isakawa asked Jennifer who was braiding his hair.

Jennifer was stunned by the sudden question, but she just answered Isakawa calmly, “Apart from carrying Shiro, I did nothing else.”

As Isakawa looked at Jennifer with a worried face, he immediately remembered something. Jennifer kissed Shiro’s bloody cheek!!

‘I don’t remember Dr. Yong Feng saying something about Shiro’s blood having healing properties. I better get a new sample of her blood and let him investigate,’ Isakawa's face then turned serious.




As Shiro had woken up, she rubbed her head which was aching her tremendously.

“Mama!!” she cried as she continually rubbed her head.

[ Due to the host being unable to handle Alka's power. A headache has become a side effect. But be careful, there could be worse side effects of the takeover. ]

Shiro looked at the screen before and grunted. Her head was aching her too much to care about, so she fell asleep once again.

After some time Shiro woke up again and was not very familiar with where she was. She scanned the area to see if she could remember anything about the place. But all she could see were some beds and some of the children who participated in the family games sleeping on them.

Noticing this Shiro calmed down since she knew she was still in the Subaru Main house because all these children were here.

Shiro then realized that the clothes she had worn before had been changed to a clean white dress. And the bed she slept on had this refreshing scent. But this didn’t bother her much.

As Shiro was about to sleep again, she felt a threatening pressure being released on her causing her to shake and sweat. She felt like she couldn’t breathe and this pressure made her feel very uncomfortable.

[ Threatening HOSTILITY is being directed at the host. ]

Shiro heard the message of the System, but she was too scared to turn around.

“I know very well that you’re awake,” Tomita chuckled as he looked at the shaking child under the cloth.

Shiro got up to look at the man and was quite surprised. Ozymandias has a slight resemblance to him.

[ HOSTILITY against host has subsided ]

“What do you want?” Shiro asked nervously as her big eyes stared at the man’s dark grey eyes.

“I can’t help myself but laugh about how much you resemble my little brother,” Tomita muttered as he leaned against the wall and inspected the child.

‘Is she really the same child who took out all those monsters?’

“Of Course I’m daddy’s child,” Shiro declared proudly.

“I almost thought you were a fake. But from your power it’s quite understandable,” Tomita spoke with uncertainty in his voice.

“Watch out from now on kid. I’ll only help you just once since you and Ozymandias are friends.”

Shiro didn’t understand why the man looked so serious but she decided to pay attention.

“As a child, you won’t understand, but be aware of your father. He’s crazy,” Tomita warned as he looked at Shiro one more time and walked away.

“Right now you’re just too dangerous at your age, and I don’t think this family would not do anything,” Tomita grinned as he walked down the hallways and his rays of clear white teeth were displayed.

“Life is going to get more interesting!”


“How dare that man call daddy crazy. Humph”

“Daddy is the most amazing dad ever. Daddy cares for Shiro!! Liar, daddy is not crazy!!” Shiro said contemptuously.

“I want mummy and daddy,” Shiro pouted as tucked herself back into her bed sheet. She couldn’t ever believe what the man said.




“Oh Shiro, I'm glad that you’re fine,” Jennifer cried as she held Shiro in her arms.

“Mama, I was so scared,” Shiro cried as she held her mother tightly.

“And you this little one mustn’t be running into danger, you’re not a hero yet,” Isakawa warned as he flicked Shiro’s head.

“I’m Shorrrryyyy Daaddyyyy,” Shiro cried as she held her swollen forehead.

“Isakawa don’t be so hard on Shiro,” Jennifer hegged Shiro tightly as she gave her husband her cute puppy eyes. Isakawa just looked at the mother and daughter pair looking at him with their big eyes.

“Hah, whatever,” Isakawa just sighed as the two ladies beamed with joy.

"Well it’s time for us to leave, so let's get Shiro a shower."

"Okay, daddy."




“Where is that brat of a son?” Takase growled as he walked through his living room and walked towards a white door at the end of the hall.

Bang!! Takase kicked the door open as his reddened face could be seen.

“Where the fuck are you Ray?!!!” Takase yelled as his angry expression wasn’t hidden at all.

“Father?” Ray called out in a confused voice as he looked at the man.

Takase slapped Ray hard on the face, who almost tumbled over, but managed to still stand holding his red cheeks.

Takase then gripped his palms and his veins glowed bright red, and the veins of Ray's body also glowed bright red.

Ray immediately fell on his knees as he felt like he couldn't breathe. Ray scratched the ground since his body was going through excruciating pain like he was being burnt in extremely hot flames.

“Useless, useless, useless!! Just like that older sister of yours!” Takase yelled angrily as he paced up and down and his veins bulged around his neck.

“Tch, if you should have injured that brat, you might as well have killed her. Now that despicable little brother of mine has his eyes on me,” Takase gritted his teeth and bit his fingers in frustration.

Ray glared at his father angrily and stood up and tightened his fist.

“Don’t you even dare give me those stupid eyes? I know exactly how you would think.

Probably when you get stronger you would try to beat up or you would get revenge,” Takase summarised as he glared at his son who was slightly shocked.

"I like that kind of determination. But remember, no one in the Subaru family is simple-minded, nor dumb, so you must never reveal your inner emotions as a child or as a Subaru member. It makes you a weak person and easy for you to read.

I am your father, and I made you. I also gave you the power within you. Plus your sister’s life is in my hands, so don’t dare fool around,” Takase threatened as the red veins of his hands began to disappear and so did the veins on Ray's body.

“Okay father,” Ray calmly replied as the pain in his body subsided.

“Good, from now till you enter the academy you're going through intense training. You must surpass that power of Shiro as quickly as possible. I won't let my little brother be cocky about having a powerful daughter. “

Takase got down on his knees and held Ray's hands, "Try to persevere through all of the experiment,'' he stated in a straight and eerie face.

“Yes father,” Ray replied as he bit his lips.


As they walked through the halls everybody looked at Isakawa and his daughter with scared faces, especially Meiru and Ibuki. They quickly hid behind their mother and continued to shiver uncontrollably.

Jennifer held Shiro's hands tightly as she and Isakawa left the Subaru home and left with their car.

However, Shiro was trembling uncontrollably.

“Mama, everyone was looking at me so weirdly. It was scaaarrewwwee,” Shiro cried as she held Jennifer.

And for Tael he sat comfortably in the car and took one look at Shiro and he immediately closed his eyes. And Sally just sat at the other side of the car.

“We are going home. The drama is finally over,” Isakawa started with a slight smile on his face.


Once they had reached back home in America, the entire family quickly got settled in due to how tired they were.

Shiro finally went to bed after the long flight back as Jennifer came and kissed her good night.

Shiro woke up due to a wonderful smell, but she didn't expect the place to look strange.

"A dream," she thought as she looked at the thick layers of fog which gradually disappeared and revealed a forest.

Shiro's mouth began to drool at the sight before her as she was also shocked.

"Walking chicken!!" Shiro yelled as he pointed at the huge roasted chicken about three times her height, flexing its shiny gilled thighs.

"Mmm," Shiro licked her lips as she dashed towards the chicken and pounced on the chicken and somehow she was able to catch it. She then gulped down every inch of the chicken until there was nothing left but bones.

"Pheww," Shiro burned as she tapped her tummy, but she wasn't satisfied.

Shiro then noticed a black crystal-looking cat that was staring at her intensively with its dark eyes.

"Kitty!!” Shiro followed after the cat as she arrived at a meadow filled with walking steak, chicken, and turkey.

"This is heaven!!" Shiro's mouth drooled as her eyes sparkled with excitement.

The cat paused as it looked at the walking food, then looked at Shiro.

“Do you know how I can eat the big food?” Shiro knelt as she looked at the Black crystal cat.

The cat looked at Shiro and opened its mouth and closed it again and repeated it for Shiro to see.

Shiro thought the cat was behaving strangely but she decided to follow it anyway. Shiro opened her mouth widely and closed it as she sat down and looked at the meadow. In a minute she could taste that fu course meal flavor in one go, which got her excited.

'Hungry' a voice prompts her as she repeated her actions. After a while, Shiro felt full and She licked her lips in satisfaction.

All of a sudden a strong stench of iron and blood could be smelled and Shiro looked around to find out what was happening.

"Shiro!!!" Someone screamed her name as Shiro snapped out of her dream.

As she opened her eyes slowly, all she could see was a pool of red blood and guts everywhere.

Shiro's face slowly turned into despair as she saw who was in this pool of blood.

"Sally?" Shiro called out as she noticed the head that was detached from its body as the face looked like she was in a lot of pain.

Shiro stumbled backward and touched something slippery and long.

Shiro covered her mouth and felt like barfing as she noticed she held an intestine.

Even so, that sweet scent didn't disappear. It was still there. Shiro's heart raced faster and faster as she looked at the blood all over her body and laced her bloody fingers into her mouth. The turkey she was eating. Shiro then turned to see Jane trembling in a corner. The maid clenched her bleeding leg which was sliced into half and all that was left were her thighs.

Shiro was now able to figure out what just happened.

"I ate Sally?"

"Arghhhhh!!" Shiro clutched her head and screamed in pain which caused her to faint.

[ Host has woken up from trance state. ]

[ Host has gained supplement nutrients. ]

[ Remember as a Diamond you must ways remember to get a lot of nutrients if not your body would automatically go and look for nutrients ]

[ Congratulations! The host has successfully killed a Lancer. You have gained some levels. ]

[ Name: Shiro/ Iris

Class: Soul Eater, Death Master

Race: Human and ??

Level: 20

Age: 5

Exp: 38/500000

HP: 10200/10200

STR: 14

VIT: 60

INT: 7

Magic power: 110

Agility: 13

Defense: 28


Luck: 35

Skill points: 600


{Immortal Body}

(Resistance to all element attributes, and recovers fast from injuries.)

Blood Sword: Bloody puppet: Dark Scythe: Devour

{Eternal} (???)

Storage: 50 Mp potions

Tap to view more.

Titles: { Leecher- This title gives the host some buffs in a hunting party. Eg. If the host is to be in a hunting party, the host would receive 2% of exp from each person who kills a monster. } ]

[ New Skill unlocked ]

[ Mana Control: { Host can manipulate a certain amount of manga she has. However to grow this skill you need to train more. The system shall not make things easy. } ]

“You gotta wake up soon Shiro. The world is not rosy for those who would rise to the top,” a black shadowy with one purple pupil and the other black. It looked below at the scene from the roof before it disappeared in a mist of shadow with a big grin on her face.


“Shiro are you alright?” Jennifer sat by Shiro on her bed as she looked at her daughter's terrified eyes.

“Mum...where's Aunt Sally?” Shiro asked as the brightness in her eyes had disappeared. She definitely wasn’t dreaming when she saw Sally’s sliced off head.

“Sally is busy, you'll see her later,” Jennifer lied as she looked at her daughter who didn’t stop trembling.

“But Shiro, can you tell me what happened?” Jennifer gave Shiro a concerned look as she held Shiro's hands.

Shiro then narrated her dream to Jennifer, about her dreaming of smelling and eating delicious food, just to wake up in a pool of blood.

"Mama, I'm so scared!" Shiro cried as she hugged Jennifer.

“Don't worry my dear you'll be fine,” Jennifer comforted Shiro as she patted for her daughter's head.

“Now sleep,” Jennifer spoke gently as Shiro began to feel suddenly tired.

Shiro then closed her eyes gently as she saw her mother leave the room.

“I need to report this Isakawa. There’s definitely something wrong with Shiro. And we need to know what happened to her during the family games.”