
Rising Gods

In a World where being Weak is the Greatest Sin. A world where the strong eats the weak. "Yee foo" the strongest Human. the most Talented in medicine. alchemy and the only person who managed to reach Legendary Realms in cultivation. back to his great Palace in the Holy Dimension after defeating one of the strongest humanity's enemies. finds his most beloved ones killed and slaughtered by his own trusted Disciple what led him to lose control of his powers and destroy his phisical body and at a rage moment. then he Opens his Eyes inside the void after a long time

Zithmane · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: the Void

Yee foo's consciousness gradually awakened. but there was only darkness no matter what direction he stares at

What's going on... How is it that I have not died? I vividly remember that I self-destructed the Archive inside my body, how can I still be alive! Somehow my body is not in pain... And I do not even feel the slightest discomfort? How is this happening?

"huh! Little foo! You Finally woke up, I was about to kick your ass!"

A guy's shout was heard from his ear and the same youth appeared in his line of sight.

At a glance, the youth dressed in white looked to be fifteen to sixteen years of age. he was as fair as snow and a delicate nose. A touching look of deep surprise was expressed by eyes as clear and transparent as a pool of translucent spring water. His face exuded a dazzling Maturity and responsibility. At this young age, he already exhibited such charm, so who can possibly imagine what sort of Handsome man he would be in the future?

Staring at the nearby guy, Yee foo took a closer look and unconsciously let few words escape his lips, "the Holy tiger ancestor..."

The young lad raised his Arm and slapped Yee Foo with such strength With a joyful expression, he spoke, "huh, delightful, you actually remembered me, i thought i was with someone else protecting him all these millions of years, you nearly scared me to death. Also no longer call me that, just call me Yun"

Yee foo stared openly into space with a vacant gaze," Millions of years?? what are you saying i didn't even live a thousand year"

"huh, say whatever you want i didn't ask you to believe me. However, i have so many things to ask you! first, what's the last thing you remember?"

Yee foo stared at him and said "all i remember is me being betrayed because of the six secrets archive and then i self-destructed it inside of my body.... wait, where's the six secrets archive i still can feel its presence?!?"

"What an idiot, did you really think you can destruct such a holy Object? even if you have reached the True God power level but even the Power of a True God can't lay a scratch on it, not to mention self-destructing it while sealing your cultivation, huh..."

the Youth raised his hand and an old-looking Book appeared, it looked like it was in his hand the whole time but it wasn't at the same time, directly after that Yun's expression darkened" can you tell me what this is?"

Yee Foo stared at the Book in a Mysterious way and then opened his lips a few minutes later" I..I don't know what it is, but i feel like it is something that belongs to me..no, it's me??!?

"At least you still have some of your brain cells working huh...., did you even notice that this is the Six secrets Archive? it's not that it belongs to you or it is you. what i wanna say is that somehow you have merged with the Six Secrets Archive..."

Yee Foo suddenly stood is a scary way and kept staring at Yun's Hand, there was an Old looking book laying there, it looked like it's been Trillions of years since that book was created, then he lifted his hand towards Yun, right after that the book flew towards Yee foo's hand as it mysteriously vanished as if there was nothing there.

"But how is this possible" Yee foo kept staring at his empty hand before he let a few words out of his lips

"This is exactly the thing I want to know. The Six Secret Archive does not accept any strange energy and rarely allows someone near it, the only ones who can really use it are you, me, and the twelve-star gods. to imagine that it would actually merge with a Human, huh... what a waste"

"now that i know what happened, can you tell me what am i doing in this void? i know that this is just a spiritual form and i no longer have a body, i can clearly talk to you and feel my surroundings so i'm not dead as well, but why you brought me here? you gotta have a reason, don't you?"

"actually there is a reason, you remember when you defeated me back then? i actually managed to stick a shard of my spirit into the Six secrets archive at the last moment, it was weak and had to heal and absorb a lot of energy before it can heal, but who could know that an idiot will break the seal of his cultivation and use that energy to self destruct the Archive. hahaha...!"

"there was no way for me to let that much of energy to go to waste so I borrowed it since you don't want it anymore to wake up and save your ass before you do something crazy. also those old crazy bastards know that you're still alive and have the Six Secrets Archive, so they should be looking for you everywhere now, that's why i had to bring you here"

Yee foo kept staring at Yun for a few moments then made a move and hugged him so tightly" Th..Thank you very much.. Yun"

Yun was trying hard to get out of this position for a moment before he realizes at last that there were some tears coming down from Yee foo's cheeks

"hm..hm. I could just kill you all these years considering we are enemies and that you've already killed me once before, but i noticed that you have merged with the Six Secrets Archive, so if you are dead i am dead." Yun stopped talking for a moment before he starts again,"hh..hh....hhahaha, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS LUCK OF MINE"

"uhh, so what are your plans now you know everything? i suggest staying here until we both heal up and make new bodies, then we go and annihilate those old freaks. what do you think?"

Yee foo was calm for a long time, His chest heaved and it could be said that the pace at which he breathed was heavy enough to cause fear in most creatures in this world. both of his eyes were cold and calm like two cold blades, shining like the most valuable jewelry.

"we will rest here for a while, when my body was destroyed i lost all my cultivation all these years, this goes for both of us." usually when someone's body is destroyed and want to make a new one they should absorb as much Heavenly energy as they can, so when they come back to the life they will not start all over from the start." but here we have no Energy elixirs nor the energy to absorb from the air, huh... there's nothing in here, that's why they call it the void"

Yee foo kept thinking of another way when suddenly stares at Yun as if he found it and weirdly smiled at his face


"Ahhh no no no, don't even think about it, there's no fucking way I'm gonna do what you're thinking about"


Few Minutes later Yun had blood everywhere on top of his white clothing with many open wounds on his face, if someone saw him now they won't even be able to tell if it is him or not

"This is Called Bullying the weak you crazy lad, i thought you were supposed to protect people and fight the evil to save them, to think that all of this was but a fucking lie"

"Instead of waiting here for another million years just to absorb a bit of energy, we already have enough here to enter the reincarnation wheel and be born again in a new family and live a new life, the most important thing is that you can keep your memories from your previous life, isn't that better"

"Here's a Big No no from me, there's no way i'm accepting this idea if it weren't for my life and...."Yun stopped talking because he felt a dangerous aura around him" hm..hm anyways, even if you enter the reincarnation wheel those old creatures will still notice your Aura, even if you change the body and even if you enter the reincarnation wheel you will keep the same aura"

"Actually there's a way to hide your aura perfectly that they will not know it is you even if you sleep with them, hhh...."

"Why didn't you tell me that from the start, wait i know you are thinking of something, remember if i die you die with me!"

"Don't worry, Don't Worry I'm not gonna waste my priceless life for such a freak, this brilliant idea of mine has no dust on it, just believe me we are on the same boat. now give me your hand. with the amount of energy, i have now i can only make you enter the reincarnation wheel"

both Yee foo and Yun kneeled down and faced each other, right after that Yee foo lifted his arm and passed it to Yun, seconds after Yun grabbed Yee foo's arm, both of them started floating while shining. and while they were turning brighter and brighter Yun slowly opened his lips"Remember that once you open your eyes again I'll not be there with you, after consuming all the energy i have now I'll have to enter a coma state and will not be able to wake up until you become a king, before you reach this Step don't even think about waking me up otherwise we both gonna be heavily damaged, Also don't get too lazy and make me wait for so long. huh... well, take care and.... I hope you like my present, hahaha....!"

"Present? what present. what are you talking about? Wait why aren't you listening stop right fucki...!"

Right Before Yee foo could end his screaming. he was alone. Moreover, even before the surprising look on his face could disappear, he already began to lose his remaining consciousness and fell again into a state of hibernation.