
Rising From the Ashes : A Phoenix's Tale

Chapters are short 1-2k words. I admit the start is gonna be a bit rough, I'm still trying to find my way in writing. Just enjoy the ride with me! ~~~ Born as a noble Curtis only wanted to earn his place in the world, finish schooling, get a stable job, marry a beautiful girl, build his own family and then ride out his time in the world watching his children and grandchildren. But the world had other plans for him, disaster struck. Everything his family-owned had been taken away, his father; jailed, his siblings; missing, his own mother was forced to escape the disaster by returning to her previous family, leaving him alone in the world to fend for himself. Thrown onto a world that is kill or be liked, Curtis must find a way back and solve the problems that struck his family. Will he succeed or will he die trying? Find out in the story of Curtis. Rising from the Ashes: A Phoenix's Tale! ~~~

Seeeeeph00 · Fantasy
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56 Chs


All sense of reason left him, all he wanted to do was find out wherever that feeling was coming from as an animalistic instinct overtook him. Eager to find his prey. He didn't even notice that his surroundings were slowly getting dim. Curtis kept on running, eager to find the source of power he was feeling. Trees flew by past him, the feeling of getting close to the source only slowly growing stronger. He was close and he knew it. Curtis ran faster and faster until he arrived upon a clearing, nothing unusual about it, looking at the opposite edge of the clearing, a treeline that extended from his far-left up to his far right. He caught sight of a figure running into the forest.

And then he felt it, a sense of danger enveloping him. Curtis dared not to move rashly, he felt like he was a rabbit, the difference is he had an inkling of the danger he was in, and that paralyzed him.

"How cute." Stunned Curtis decided to at least take a peek of what was coming. Slowly turning his head he caught sight of a figure quickly making its way towards him. "A crow appeared." That was the last thing he heard before the darkness took him.

If you asked anyone how an eight-year-old should act they'd answer any of the following; playing with their friends, going to school, being annoying. That's what most of them would answer. Their master was a weird kid. He acted like an adult, he even spoke like an adult. It was especially weird how he suddenly grew a few inches and is as strong as a grown man, maybe even stronger.

Millie and Esbern talked about it privately, about how their master was different from other kids, in his earlier years with Millie being his personal maid, she observed him closely, taking note of how he developed and reporting everything to his mother. Looking back to it they even bet on when he will take his first steps, to which Millie won, courtesy of being his maid she started to urge him early on to walk, something she never told anyone else.



Snapping back to reality Millie was a bit stunned, she was just reminiscing of how their Master acted before now that they couldn't find him. "What were you sayin' Esbern?" she asked.

Clearing his throat Esbern started. "Is there anything that you can tell us about the Master that might help us find him?"

"Hmmm." Thinking back Millie was reminded of Curtis always spending time in the kitchen, anyone else might think he was just trying to get some snacks, but if anyone looked at his eyes, they were sharp, focused, he was assessing the state of the kitchen, their food supplies. Their master was paranoid that they will run out.

If Curtis knew what she was thinking he'd laugh, she was a bit wrong, while it was true that he was paranoid, it was for a different reason, ever since he found out he was poisoned he always wanted to make sure that their stores weren't being tampered with.

"Master would make sure that he has food. I think he'd try to find a water source first, then try to look for something to eat." Millie answered dutifully thinking that it was the right thing to do.

Esbern considered Millie's answer carefully as that was what he would do if he was alone in the forest. Taking a look at his companions he at least wanted some opinions as they have been searching for a full day and they haven't even found a trace of their Master.

"Mister Burton, what do you think?" Esbern turned to ask the oldest of their group. Burton and his son have been doing the work of trying to find out where Curtis went. "I believe its high time we made camp, I know the Master isn't here but we aren't gonna make progress now that it's dark," Burton suggested.

"I know it's important that we find Master but I'm really tired and it's scary at night." Millie chimed in. Esbern was reluctant to stop the search but taking a look at his companions he knew everyone was already tired, the brothers were still fine, but Millie and Lisa's legs were trembling from how long they've been walking. Deciding that it was time to rest he just sighed and ordered the others to make camp.

"I'll survey the surroundings first, make sure this is a good place to rest for the night." Ben supplied walking away from the group. "I'll take the other side, cover ground faster," Burton added.

"Dad it's weird. You saw the tracks, up to a point they were there, then they vanished. I'm sure the brothers and that guard noticed it too."

"I know Ben, with how much weird things are happening around the continent I knew something was up when the main house was attacked," Burton said looking at his worrying son he added. "We must find Master Curtis, whatever it takes."

Ben taking a look at his father's expression knew it was imperative that they find their Master. He just hopes they can find tracks of him soon, the forest was big, too big for his taste. Feeling a tap on his shoulder he looked up to see his father. "We can find him, just keep your eyes peeled, let's get back to camp." to which he could only nod.

Esbern was in front of the group. He looked to his companions who just finished their dinner. "Everyone, first I'd like to say. Finding Master Curtis is our top priority. He is the only way to revive the De Leon household, without him were lost." Taking a look he added slowly. "He is more important than all our lives combined." the atmosphere around the group went down a notch to this. They all knew as commoners that their lives were nothing compared to a noble.

"ᴹᵃˢ⁻ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳ⁻ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳ ᶦˢ ˢᵖᵉᶜᶦᵃˡ."

Everyone turned to the person who spoke. Millie suddenly being the center of attention panicked. "Master is special," she repeated. "Sherry said. That. Master is special." she said slowly. "He's strong, intelligent, a bit weird." the last part earning a laugh from everyone. "But Master Jacob and Miss Sherry told me that Master must be protected until he can grow. And then he will be the one to protect us." she finished, looking at everyone still looking at her she started to fidget.

"The De Leon family has protected our town, fed us, gave us jobs, let us have a place to stay." Burton said, "Of course we will do our best to find him."

"Yeah, our town was dying until the family arrived. They gave us work and food. Our mother was a maid at the house, and being men we wanted to do our part, so we became guards." Luke added.

"My family has been serving as cooks and maids for as long as I can remember, they even gave me a chance to study for a position in their business, but I wanted to serve the family.." Lisa chimed in.

Esbern looked at Millie, giving her a pat on the head, he couldn't help but think, she is such a good girl. "She brought up everyone's mood with that simple speech." Looking up to the night sky, the weather wasn't bad at all. It would have been nice if Master Curtis was here. But Where had he gone?

Got a question for anyone reading this. What's a good way to get rid of crippling League of legends addiction? or at least help with it.


If you spot any mistakes, point them out!

I will try to fix them as I go.

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