
Rising from Ashes: Resilience

Renzor born as the youngest of eight into a humble farmer's family, his life to a turn when his struggling parents sold him into slavery at a young age of five years old. Living a life of hardship and abuse, cause him to adapt and survive since a young age. Later in his year he was bought by a beastkin family and was raised and trained to be a plaything of the patriarch's daughter and a killer. This journey of his goes through many ups and downs, love and tragedies, what kind of life will he live only time will tell. Discord: https://discord.gg/HZ9NpwVa

Ray_Y · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 9: The Unexpected Reunion

"Shit this is bad," I think, as I see Sir Ragnar walking towards me.

I stand still and I am preparing for what he has to say. "I would like to speak to you," Ragnar says seriously. 

"Okay." I follow him, and he leads me to his office, and we go inside, and he locks the door. 

"The Human Bloodhound, how are you brother? How did you survive?" he says excitedly and happily.

"Wait you are Ragnar, Ragnar of the Shadow Fang house. I didn't recognize you at first. You have grown and got stronger" I laugh

"How have you been brother"

"Well, when the war started, I was one of the first humans to be caught by the army, and they put a collar on me, and sent me to the slave market. I was bought by the Darkfang family, and that's how I ended up here. So I'm a slave again, and a bodyguard for the Young Miss." 

"That's crazy, the Darkfang family, they are not on good terms with your house."

"Hey, forget that, tell me do you have any info on Aya and my children."

"The children are doing fine, they have been training, and the kids are still young. Your sons Rex, Kayden, and Leo, and your daughters, Lilliana and Selena are all healthy. Aya is a wonderful mother and a ferocious warrior. When you see her again, you will be impressed."

"No, these are happy tears. Thank you for telling me this Ragnar." I am crying more, and I hug him.

"Brother, the war has ended, and we are at peace. The Union of Four, and the humans have accepted the alliance. There will be no more fighting."

"But I am still a slave, and the Darkfang family owns me."

"Brother, if you want, I can send a message to my House and the Shadow Fenrirs and they can get the Darkfang house free you."

"No, that will not happen. You see the Young Miss, and her family are kind. They treat their servants and slaves well. The Head Jirin is a good man, and his wife is a kind woman. There is no need for any of this, I will work and become stronger get my freedom, and return to my family. This is my plan, and I can achieve this. Also, I don't want the clan to start the war and put Aya and the children in danger." 

"Brother, don't be foolish. If you need anything, our clan will do it for you. You are one of us." He gets angry

"Ragnar listen to me. I will do this by myself. No one will die because of me. You understand!!" I release my bloodlust, and Ragnar is kneeling on the floor. I stop my bloodlust and help Ragnar up. "Sorry, Ragnar, please don't do anything rash. If I need your help, I will tell you, okay? You were just a pup 6 months ago and you are now a fully matured warrior, I am proud of you."

"Oh come on brother" His tail wags excitingly, "Thank you, brother. You are the one who trained me, and taught me everything."

"Well, I have to go back. The Young Miss is waiting for me, she will probably get angry at me. Thank you for this." I pat his shoulder

"I will come with you and tell her you were with me."

We both leave Ragnar's office and head to Kira's room. As we enter the hallway, Kira is walking towards her room.

"Ah, Sir Ragnar and Renzor." She is confused and surprised.

"Miss Kira, Your servant was with me," Ragnar says

"Really, why was that." Kira is suspicious

"Well, he was lost and came to my office. I gave him a short tour of the place." Ragnar explains, that he is a very good liar.

"Oh, that makes sense." she smiles

"I will leave now. Good night Miss."

"Good night Sir."

Ragnar leaves the hallways and Kira and I are walking to her room.

"Young miss, where were you? I couldn't find you."

"I was hanging out with the girls."

"Oh, I see. I hope you had fun."

"I did, I am quite tired. Can you prepare the bath and the bed?"

"Yes, young miss"

As we enter the room, I head straight to the bathroom and prepare the bath for her. When I am done, Kira calls for me. I walk out of the bathroom and prepare the bed for the young miss. Kira calls for me "Renzor, help me remove my dress."


I go behind her and remove her dress, and I take it off. "Is that good, young miss."

"Yes," She is wearing white thin laced underwear.

I avert my eyes, and Kira turns to face me, and her breasts are exposed. "It's okay, Renzor, You can look at me."


"You said that I am beautiful that day. Am I not" She asks me

"Yes, you are, but that doesn't give me the right to see your body."

She sighs, "Oh, Renzor. You are so noble, and kind. If only you were a noble, or a knight, or a prince." She chuckles takes off her underwear and puts it on my shoulder and walks away and enters the bathtub.

Although I have seen her naked multiple times, this is the first time that I felt weird, and I blushed. I take her underwear off my shoulder and put it in the basket. While she bathes, I take out her nightgown and I am making her bed.

"Renzor, can you scrub my back."


I grab the towel and head to the bath. Kira is sitting in the bathtub, and she turns her back and I start scrubbing her back.

"You will have to get used to this now. I'm afraid you will be doing this more often." She smiles

"Well, it's my duty" I finish scrabbing her back leave the bathroom, and wait outside the door. 

"Renzor, are you not bothered by the fact that you are a slave."

"Young Miss, I was a slave when I was young, so it is not much different now."

She finishes her bath, and she dries herself with the towel. Kira is drying her hair.

She finishes her bath, and she dries herself with the towel. "Renzor, can you get my underwear from the drawer."


I go and open the drawer and the underwear is in there. I take out the underwear and go back to the bathroom, and Kira is drying her hair.

"Young Miss"

"Yes, you can put the underwear on."


I help put the underwear on, and I feel the softness of her skin, and the scent of her body, and I realize, what I am doing and I snap out of it. "Young Miss, your gown is on the bed."


She exits the bathroom and walks to the bed. She wears her gown and sits on the bed. Kira grabs a paper and gives it to me. "This is my schedule, and where to go, and what time."


"It's getting late, good night Renzor"

"Good Night Young Miss."

I sit on the single-seat sofa and Kira is lying down in bed, and she falls asleep. I read the schedule, and memorize it, and I lie down on the sofa. "This is a good start. My goal is to become free and return to Aya and the kids. I will work hard."

The next morning I woke up early, Alana knocked on the door lightly and woke me up. I open the door slowly so as to not wake up the young miss. "Renzor, this is the time for the servants to eat breakfast, would you like to join us." She blushes looking at my bare chest.

"Sure, let me change"

I button up my shirt properly and fix myself up to look presentable, and I walk out the door. "Thank you for waiting for me" I smile

"It's fine, this way" She leads me to the kitchen, and on the way I see Nell.

"Hey, Renzor" Nell says

"Good Morning, Nell," I say

"You two know each other" Alana says

"Yeah, we ate dinner together yesterday" Nell explains

"I see, well follow me, let's go eat breakfast"

We arrive at the kitchen, and the other servants are sitting down, and eating. We grab our food and look for a seat. "Renzor and Nell, I want you to meet my friends, and introduce them to you," Alana says

"Sure, but who is your friend," Nell asks

"The elf is Elia and the wolf beastkin is Ves, they are my friends. lastly, the dwarf is Gorrack."

"Okay, let's go"

We walk to the table and the elf girl notices us.

"Hi, are you new?" she asks

"Oh, Hi, you are the only human and servant in this academy. I'm Elia" She is curious.

"Guys this is the human is Renzor and this is Nell"

"Hi, Nice to meet you," They all say

"Nice to meet you," Me and Nell say at the same time. Nell smiles looking at me. 

"Please have a seat, let's begin eating," The Dwarf Gorrack asks.

"Sure" Nell and I sit down.

We start eating, and they are asking me a lot of questions, and the girls are giggling.

"So, what do you do, Renzor," Elia asks

"I'm a slave that does a job of a servant and the bodyguard of the young miss"

"Wow, your job must be difficult, how are you handling it," Ves asks

"I'm doing fine, just one thing is that she is a woman and I am a man."

"Why is that a problem," Nell says

"I think what he means, is that you will have to help her bathe, and dress. It can be an issue, right" Elia explains

"Not necessarily an issue, but there can be tension" I explain

"Oh," They all say

"Are you married, Renzor" Alana asks

"Yes, and I have 3 sons and 2 daughters."

"Wow, you are a father and you look young," Elia says

"How old are you, Renzor," Gorrack asks

"Well, I'm 24 years old, and the age difference with my wife is 5 years."

"Really" Nell is surprised


"Wow, you have been busy" Elia teases

"Nah, not really, I had quintuplets, she is beastkin. Beastkin has multiple children at the same time right Ves? You are beastkin."

"Yeah," Ves laughs.

"Wow, your wife is a lucky lady. To have 5 kids" Alana says

We chat for a few minutes more and I excuse myself. "It's time for me to go. Nice meeting you guys"


"I will take my leave too," says Nell

We all get up and head out the door, and the others stay.

"Renzor, are you going to the 6th floor"

"Yes, Nell"

"Me too, let's go."

We head upstairs, and we get to the 6th floor.

"Well, it was nice getting to know you Renzor."

"Likewise, see you around"

"See you"

She leaves, and I come into the room, and the young miss is sound asleep. "Good morning Miss, it is 8 am, and your first class will start in 2 hours" I open the curtains.

"5 more minutes."

"If you sleep any longer, you will miss your first class."

"Ugh, Fine, I'm awake."

She gets up and heads to the bathroom, I fix up her bed, and her clothes are already prepared. I open the bathroom door, and the young miss is brushing her teeth.

"You can come in."

I walk into the bathroom start the water and prepare the bath. "Is the bath ready?"

"Yes, Miss"

she starts undressing herself, and she steps into the bath.

"Help me wash my hair and back"

"Yes, miss"

I get on my knees and wet her hair. I grab the shampoo put some on my hand and start rubbing her head, and I start scrubbing her hair. "Hmmm," She moans.

I wash off the shampoo, and she tells me to scrub her back. I rub the soap bar and start scrubbing her back.

"That feels good, Renzor"

She washes her body, and she dries herself with a towel. I bring her garments and underwear. She puts them on heads out of the bathroom, and lies down on the bed. "Young miss please, put on your uniform"

She puts on her uniform, and I fix her hair. "Kira, you have class in 1 hour, and it will take 20 minutes to get there. You should have breakfast, and I will escort you to your first class."


We head downstairs and Kira finds Tia and Kelsie. Kelsi is a beastkin and her ears are rabbit, and her tail is also a rabbit.

"Kira" Kelsi waves "Kira, over here" 

Kira sits with them and she greets them. "Hey girls, Kelsie, this is Renzor, my bodyguard and servant. He is also a slave, so treat him nicely. Tia, you know him." I stand behind Kira.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Kelsie is excited and happy

"Hi, Nice to meet you"

"Renzor, hey," Tai says flirtatiously

"Hello, Young miss Tia" I respond

"Young Miss I will standing by the entrance, and we will have to leave in 20 minutes."


I leave the hallways and find the entrance, and I lean on the wall.

"Hey" I see Nell

"Hello, Nell"

"How are things going? You waiting as usual"

"Yes, just waiting for the Young Miss to have breakfast, and then take her to class."

"I see, do you always do this?"

"Yeah, I did this at the Darkfang estate as well. I am quite used to this, I have been doing this for half a year now."

Me and Nell chat for 15 minutes. The young miss, Tia, and Kelsie finish their breakfast.

"Nell looks like you are enjoying your conversation," Tia says with a sassy attitude.

Nell gets flustered "Miss Tia, we were just chatting"

"Yeah, sure. We are going to class you can have the day off" She winks.

"Oh, thank you, Miss"

Kira walks up to me "We are leaving, Renzor"

"Okay, Miss, I will walk behind you."

"Okay, Let's go."

Kira, Tia, and Kelsie leave the dorms and head to the huge training ground where the class is being held.

"So, Renzor, are you close to Nell."

"We are just acquaintances."

"Yeah, right."

I stay silent to force the topic to change. "We are here," Kira says

"Well, we have to wait until the teacher arrives. Do you know who the teacher is, Kira" Tia asks

Kira hands me her bag and she follows the other and they go to the group of students waiting for the class to start. I stand on the edge of the area and keep an eye on everything that is happening.

After 5 minutes the teacher arrives and I realize that the teacher is Ragnar. "Welcome to our first class, I'm Sir Ragnar and I will be your combat instructor. As Mages, magic, spells, and mana are crucial, however in the real world you have to be able to defend yourself using different means, and that can determine the difference between life and death." The student listens attentively "Let me tell you something about myself, I am a close combat expert, and I am also an expert in stealth ops and tracking. Okay, This class will be teaching you skills about what happens if you can't use magic to defend yourself. Now, I would like the students to pair up. You will choose a weapon that you are comfortable with and we will learn basic stances and strikes, and after that, you will spar against your partner."

(Updated, 27.02.24)

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