
Rising from Ashes: A Phoenix's Dying Will DxD

In the enchanting realm of High School DxD, a young heir of the esteemed House of Phoenix, Reigan Phoenix , embarks on an extraordinary journey. Endowed with the power of fiery resurrection, Reigan ´s life takes an unexpected turn when he enrolls at Kuoh Academy, a hub of supernatural activity. Reigan´s unique heritage grants him command over flames that symbolize renewal and judgment. As he navigates the dynamic landscape of Kuoh Academy, he discovers a hidden world of angels, demons, and other mystical beings. Drawn into a realm of supernatural intrigue, Reigan becomes a key player in the power struggles among noble families and supernatural factions.

Mr_Cuak · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


Omni Pov

In the sprawling and majestic castle, an aura of anticipation hung in the air as the illustrious gathering commenced. The reason for this grand celebration was the birthday of the Third child of the Phoenix , Raiser Phoenix, a figure of great significance within the realm of devils. The castle, a masterpiece of architectural elegance and supernatural charm, provided the perfect backdrop for such an event.

The castle's grand hallways were adorned with elaborate tapestries that depicted legendary battles, mythical creatures, and the illustrious histories of the devil families. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings, casting a warm and enchanting glow that illuminated the festivities below.

As guests began to arrive, the castle's halls came alive with a sense of excitement and camaraderie. Dressed in opulent attire that reflected their noble status, devils of various lineages mingled and conversed, their conversations ranging from politics to tales of ancient lore. Laughter and animated discussions filled the air, creating an atmosphere of unity and celebration.

The esteemed Lord and Lady Gremory, radiating an air of authority and grace, were among the first to arrive at the ball room follow by the Sitri couple their allure and elegance captivating all who crossed their paths, mingled gracefully with the other guests.Their presence was accompanied by that of Lord and Lady Bael, known for their power and majesty.

The arrival of Lord and Lady Agares and Lord and Lady Astaroth added a touch of mystique and strategy to the gathering. Sicherz Gremory, a symbol of wisdom and experience, stood alongside his wife Grafia, sharing their insights with those who sought their counsel.

Younger members of the devil families, including Rias Gremory, Sona Sitri, Sairaorg Bael, and Diodora Astaroth, brought an air of youthful energy to the event. Their potential and talents were evident as some were engaged with their elders, eager to learn from those who had walked the path before them.

Some were just trying to find something that funny to do as they didn´t like all this kind of thing and just wanted to Read manga or stories and watch TV or anime.

Others were just there trying to convey the image of waiting for their friends to make their minds about what to do.

Others were in a state of depression because of circunstances in the family.

In the grand hall, a lavish banquet table stretched across the space, laden with an array of tantalizing delicacies from both the human and devil worlds. Exquisite aromas mingled with the soft strains of music, inviting guests to partake in the feast that awaited them.

As the night progressed, speeches were made, toasts were raised, and the young celebrant's laughter echoed through the halls. The castle seemed to resonate with the energy of the gathering, a convergence of power, legacy, and tradition that spanned generations.

In a particular table many future prospects gathered to discuss and eat.

"Sonaaaaaa , i am boredddd" Said a little Rias to her friend who was just eating and staring at the nothingness.

Little rias was wearing a cute pink dress that compliments her hair

She was thinking about everything and anything , truly a child mind is always full of wonders.

Sona sitri was wearing a navy blue dress

"Rias behave yourself , you are the heir of a prominent family and you should uphold your image"

"But Sonaa"

"But nothing"


"It´s always fun to see you all" Said a young boy with dark hair and eyes like esmeralds said.

"Same thing" came from a depressed boy that was on the table.

Before they could discuss something more the Phoenix couple with their son came to the table with Lord and Lady Gremory ,Sitri , Sirchez and Grafia.

The children look curiously at the blond boy and before anyone could say anything , the blondie beat them.

"Hello i am Raiser Phoenix , nice to meet you"

"Hello Raiser i am Rias Gremory ... and Happy birthday" After finishing her speech Rias look at her parents looking at her with a not so friendly gaze, so she did the best think she could think of.

She use the Puppy eyes on Sirchez to try to have him defend her later on as she knows that once this party finish , she is gonna be grounded.

"Hello and Happy Birthday Raiser , my name is Sona Sitri" Said a little girl with glasses and did a little bow.

Her parents were pleased and Lord Sitri looked at lord Gremory with smugness in his eyes.

"Hello and happy Birthday Raiser , my name is Diodora Astaroth heir to the Astaroth family" Said the young man and did a little bow.

"Hello and Happy Birthday Raiser , my name is Sairaorg Bael" Said a boy with dark circles under his eyes , either by crying or by not having enough sleep.

"Well everyone , now that is all the pleasentaries we should really cut the cake"

After that the Adults retired from the table and only the children remained.

The adults went to the stage to announce something with all the Phoenix family and with their son Raiser dressed in white because of his birthday.


"Everyone i will rob you a minute of attention"

Everyone including the children were looking at the stage.

"As you know we, the Phoenix, are happy to announce the Birthday of our Prodigy Raiser Phoenix"


"And i wanted to announce another thing and that is we , the Phoenix and the Gremories have decided based as there isn´t a lot of purebloods devil nowadays because of the war that it will be the best for the devil race if my son, Raiser marry Lord Gremory daughter Rias"

As soon as that news come to the light everything was met with silence and a petrified Rias that was slowly getting more and more sad as the seconds pass by , a displeaced Brother could be seen in the scenary and a smiling Lords and wife can also be seen on the stage.

Soon a round of applause broke the silence.


"Nonononono" Repeated Rias like a broken Record.

"Rias calm down" Said Sona while huggin little rias and retaining her in the place , she tried to console her a little.

Rias looked at her with her Red eyes that were red from all the sadness and crying that she was experience.

Before she could shout her parents magically appear next to her and took her to the garden with Sirchez and grafia where they would explain more to her about her situation.


'Well at least is good for the devil race and although i feel bad for her , this is the duty of the heir , hopefully she will learn or at least try to love him' Thinks Sona before growing bored as every adult was chatting and the Bael left already and she didn´t want to interact with that Snake from the Astaroth family.

So she Sona went to see her parents.

"Mom , Dad"

Her father that had just finished dancing with her mother.

"Sona... what´s the matter?" Asked her father with a curious expression.

"I ... is someone from my age still this party?" Asked sona with a cute expression

Her parents smile and look at each other.

"Sona as an heir you have to endure this ... sometimes this events can get "slow" but for the sake of the Sitri family you have to wait" Replied his father with a serious expression.

"What is the problem here?" Ask Lord phoenix with his wife by his side.

"Nothing Lord Phoenix ... just small matters"

"Mhmmm... " Said Lord Phoenix with his ever serious expression.

"Tell me child are you bored?" Ask Lord Phoenix out of the blue.

"I ... what?" Said the heir of Sitri as she was catch off guard.

"Lord Phoenix please ,don´t bother ,it´s just a little matter"

"Lord Sitri ... "

"Well Sona you still hadn´t answer my question"

"I ...I" Said Sona while looking at his father.

Before Lord Sitri could say something his wife strike with her elbow to his side.

Sona saw this and look at her mother who was smiling and with a nod of her head she replied

"Yeah i am bored"

"Mhmmm..." Said Lord Phoenix with his Serious face before an idea cross his head and a smirk broke his seriousness .

He look at her wife who was still confused about the sudden change and whisper something to her ear and in one moment from another her expression change from seriousness to surprised to pure happiness.

"That is an excellent idea Darling!!!"

"Excuse me ...?" Said Lord Sitri before Lady and Lord Phoenix look at him with their happines overflowing.

"Could you... fill us in?" Ask an uncertain Lord Phoenix

"Certainly ... but before that Little Sona" Said lord Phoenix


"In this mansion there is a person of your age that hasn´t show up yet... He is extremely intelligent so you can talk with him about pretty much everything ... Although this person looks like a bad boy , without motivation and extremely indifferent to everything he posses a motivation and a heart that burns with passion...Because of "Circunstances" he didn´t attend at the party. So you could go and cheer him up for us?" Ask lord Phoenix

"Yes lord Phoenix!!!" Said Sona respectfully before bowing her head a little.

After giving her the direction of where that person is , sona walk with elegance through the stairs to the location that the lord provided.

In the hall lord Phoenix was with an ever growing shit grin.

'You didn´t want to come to the party , that´s fine , the party will come at you'

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