
Rising from Ashes: A Phoenix's Dying Will DxD

In the enchanting realm of High School DxD, a young heir of the esteemed House of Phoenix, Reigan Phoenix , embarks on an extraordinary journey. Endowed with the power of fiery resurrection, Reigan ´s life takes an unexpected turn when he enrolls at Kuoh Academy, a hub of supernatural activity. Reigan´s unique heritage grants him command over flames that symbolize renewal and judgment. As he navigates the dynamic landscape of Kuoh Academy, he discovers a hidden world of angels, demons, and other mystical beings. Drawn into a realm of supernatural intrigue, Reigan becomes a key player in the power struggles among noble families and supernatural factions.

Mr_Cuak · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


Matsuda Main POV

"Will you take it?"

Those words kind of woke something in me.

Like I yearn for it.

Like I feel like I will hate myself if I won't take this chance.

No, that's not it...

I feel like I will lose something important if I don't take this chance.

But should I?

I mean...

It will mean being someone else's slave...


Great the gamble, greater the rewards, as he had said. We will have money, power, and women.

And if I could even get a fraction of that power.

'If I could be as strong as him...'

I look at him being covered in cuts.

He tried to cover, and most of them are covered, but the ones on his face with headbands are visible.


'What a tough decision.'

'But he was nice to us before...'

'Forget it, now that I have seen how much of a narrow view I had and what the world really has to offer, I can't go back to normal anymore.'

'And that TRAITOR!!!....'




'A F**** BACK STAB.'


This anger seems to be growing on me...

I don't know why sometimes I get super mad.

Or why I am always horny.


I look at Regis.

'Maybe I am special...'


I look at Motohama, and we both see the resolution in each other's eyes.

'No regrets.'

End of Matsuda POV

Omni POV



"Please wait for a moment."

Regis proceeds to take out the box from his storage ring.

"Well, I think it-"

Regis froze for a moment when he saw the state of the devil pieces.

They were broken.


'What the f*** do I do now?'

Many pieces were broken, only one was saved from the disaster.

And that was...

The King.

'Okay, calm down, Regis, CALM DOWN.'

'Eh...Master Phoenix, is everything alright?'

They ask as they can't see the box, as Regis has his back to them.


"1 bishop and 1 pawn," Regis murmured.

"The glasses can be the bishop, as he is sharp, so he maybe has an instinct for magic, and the bald one the pawn because I can't see anything special in him."

But just as Regis was to take the pieces.

His hand froze.


He felt that something was wrong.

He couldn't tell what was.

But something about the pieces was wrong.

Or so he thought.

He examined them and couldn't find anything besides the fact that they were broken.


But as he touched other pieces, the bad feeling calmed down.

More specifically when he touched the parts of The Queen and The half Rook.

He was there lost in thought for a little when he realized he had passed something for granted and didn't pay any attention.

'Hyper intuition...' Regis thought amusedly.

But now was obviously not the time for Regis to see the things he gained from his 'Awakening.'

It was time for him to do something about the broken pieces.

'Okay... I got an idea... It could work or it couldn't.'

'If this succeeds...'

'If it doesn't...'

Regis's eyes that were cold and apathetic grew colder.

'It doesn't really matter...'

So Regis grabbed the broken but in one piece Queen.

And started putting his flame in it...

The idea for this is for the queen to obviously not be broken and have all the powers the queen has.

As he was doing this, a light shone in the room.

It was uncomfortable for the eyes of the three people in the room.

But Regis continued without having any second thought.

After what seemed a very long time, he finally looked at this new 'Queen.'

'It will work.'

'Now the hard part.'

You see, when he was surviving the unknown devil who attacked him, his pieces were broken.

Most of them.

The bishop, rook, and horse only had one half of each pair.

And the pawns were terrible.

Only tiny pieces.

'This was a family relic.'

To say that Regis was mad was a wrong fact.

He was pissed and he wanted the worst kind of revenge for the unknown planners of this.

'They will pay...'

'This won't be forgotten...'

After taking a few breaths.

He grabbed the two sides of the pieces of the rook.

And he, with his fire, started to unify them,

And beyond probability, he succeeded.


But as he touched other pieces, the bad feeling calmed down.

More specifically, when he touched the parts of The Queen and The half Rook.

He was there, lost in thought for a little when he realized he had passed something for granted and didn't pay any attention.

'Hyper intuition...' Regis thought amusedly.

But now was obviously not the time for Regis to see the things he gained from his 'Awakening.'

It was time for him to do something about the broken pieces.

'Okay... I got an idea... It could work or it couldn't.'

'If this succeeds...'

'If it doesn't...'

Regis's eyes, that were cold and apathetic, grew colder.

'It doesn't really matter...'

So Regis grabbed the broken but in one piece Queen.

And started putting his flame in it...

The idea for this is for the queen to obviously not be broken and have all the powers the queen has.

As he was doing this, a light shone in the room.

It was uncomfortable for the eyes of the three people in the room.

But Regis continued without having any second thought.

After what seemed a very long time, he finally looked at this new 'Queen.'

'It will work.'

'Now the hard part.'

You see, when he was surviving the unknown devil who attacked him, his pieces were broken.

Most of them.

The bishop, rook, and horse only had one half of each pair.

And the pawns were terrible.

Only tiny pieces.

'This was a family relic.'

To say that Regis was mad was a wrong fact.

He was pissed and he wanted the worst kind of revenge for the unknown planners of this.

'They will pay...'

'This won't be forgotten...'

After taking a few breaths.

He grabbed the two sides of the pieces of the rook.

And he, with his fire, started to unify them,

And beyond probability, he succeeded.


"Lie down, with your face pointing to the ceiling, also be prepared."

"This process will be painful."

They did as they were told.

'Good, it appears that I won't have much trouble with them.'

I chanted something and pointed my queen to Motohama and my rook to Matsuda.

But before that.

'Let's try something...'

I ignited my hands, and the flames surprisingly were absorbed into the pieces.

'Now... let's begin the experiment.'

I chanted and placed both pieces above them.

And as they were integrating...




Motohama was screaming like a horror movie, but Matsuda was worse.

Motohama was easier than Matsuda, but he still kept screaming.

Fortunately, I had put a silence barrier in the apartment before.

After what seemed to be an endless time, Motohama finished and was exhausted.

He even put on some muscles.

But I feel a faint dangerous aura.

"Motohama, are you okay?"

"Ye, y, y, ye, yeah."


"Just exhausted."

"Do you feel anything strange?"



We both look at Matsuda, who is changing; he was growing and becoming more green.

And his muscles are growing more and more.


'An orc... that wasn't in the DxD lore, obviously, this shouldn't surprise me much.'

Fortunately, he didn't grow much so he could fit in this place.

But the floor below his feet couldn't.



"Motohama stand down."

"Ye, yy, yeah."


I only look at him coldly.

'That was strange...'

'To get mad instead of frightened...'

'Something changed...'

'Whether it's good or bad, only time will tell...'

"So Matsuda, how are you feeling?"


"Apparently, the orc inheritance that was locked was unlocked along with all the rage that comes from it."

"But don't worry, Matsuda, I will show you who is your boss."


His hand suddenly ignited, showing a scarlet flame.

My eyebrows go up a little.

'Dying will flames, huh?'

'It must be when I have fixed the pieces that he must have obtained this flame.'

'And if he had obtained this flame...'

I look at Motohama surreptitiously.

But it seems that time was not on my side.

And he rushed at me.

And I took a second to compose myself.

But I watched everything calmly.

'A wild animal no less.'

Even if his hands are on the storm flame, he doesn't have either the brain to use them nor know the effects.

It's like giving a gun to a child.

He throws me a jab, and I dodge by a very narrow margin.

I take the chance and strike his chin swiftly and perfectly.

Seeing him a little confused as his brain must be shaken, I throw an upper at him.



Did I forget to say that I coated my flames in my hands?

My bad.

After that, I speed up using fire and hit him with a leg strike on his neck.

Sufficient to say that he is finished.

And he returned to human and fainted.


"That was something."

'So many things to do,' I thought while looking at the broken apartment.

'So little time...'

"Don't worry, Motohama."

"Pack yours and this orc's things."

"We will be moving out."

"Ah, oh, oh, yes."



"Before you go, did you feel like unlocking or see something or notice something weird in your body?"

"Mmm... I had flashes and they had shown me a battlefield and soldiers, and strangely, I feel I had practiced spearmanship all my life."

"I remember a battlefield and a distinctive shout."

"What shout?"

"It's a bit embarrassing to do it."

"Just do it, it's an order."


He took a bit of air and shouted with all of his might.


And as he shouted, a flame was ignited around his hand.

A flame that it appears is as bright as the sun.

But strangely had the shape of the leaf.

'So... a mutation huh?'

'I don't remember this in the original.'


'So my pieces will have the sacred gear/bloodline and other things + the flame's powers.'


'Wonderful, truly magnificent.'

'So Matsuda awakened his orc heritage, so the tower will enhance his already strengths and more importantly, the storm flame fits him 100%, making him an even more dangerous foe.'

'Now let's talk about Motohama...'

'Apparently he is a descendant of a Spartan... and there is only one Spartan had the guts to stand up when everything was against him and his people; he doesn't sense a sacred gear so far, but the flame, though...'

'The flame appears to be a combination between the Sun flame and the Forest flame.'

'Meaning he gets both of its abilities if he could also learn magic.'


'What will be more frightening than a warrior without fear of death and the ability to control plant life?'

'Moreover... the Regeneration of the Sun Flame.'

'A one-man army.'

'Many people may say this ability is weak...'

'I call them idiots for many reasons, but if I had to think of a few examples to rebut their theory...'

'The user could control and even modify plants...'

'Plants from Plants vs Zombies are not out of the table...'

'Hakkuryu from Magi...'

'Maybe Hashirama from Naruto would be the finest example...'

'And even then, Nature has a lot of Poisonous Plants...'

'Well, all in all, my situation could be summed up with a very famous sentence from a very famous demon hunter.'


-----------------------------------------Author Note-------------------------------------------------------

Leave a review if you want me to continue this story. As always, leave a comment in the comment section. And donate the stones.

I will upload the previous question chapter as I want to have some ideas about something.

Here is the fixed chapter and i add a few more things.

The next week i will start publishing a new ff in spanish and it will be awesome, look foward to it.