
Rising from Ashes: A Phoenix's Dying Will DxD

In the enchanting realm of High School DxD, a young heir of the esteemed House of Phoenix, Reigan Phoenix , embarks on an extraordinary journey. Endowed with the power of fiery resurrection, Reigan ´s life takes an unexpected turn when he enrolls at Kuoh Academy, a hub of supernatural activity. Reigan´s unique heritage grants him command over flames that symbolize renewal and judgment. As he navigates the dynamic landscape of Kuoh Academy, he discovers a hidden world of angels, demons, and other mystical beings. Drawn into a realm of supernatural intrigue, Reigan becomes a key player in the power struggles among noble families and supernatural factions.

Mr_Cuak · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Analisis and Explanation

Regis Pov

After the party ended  and Lord and Lady Sitri went back to their territory ,my dad call me to his private office where he usually discuss business with his Associates.

"So son ... having fun?"

"Not at all"

He said something in low voice.


He thought he was speaking in low voice and that i didn´t listen.

Great mistake.

"Son of a ..."


The good old curse.

I don´t know how the man didn´t turned up to be a comedian.

He always make me laugh.

Or at least have a smile or a smirk on my face.

Which just in time my lip turn up.


After rubbing his hand on his forehead , he look up and he was serious this time.

"Son ... what is your analisis of tonight?"

And here we come.

With the pass of time my dad trained my mind in the best way he could.

I am where i am thanks to him and there is no shame in saying that.

I am really gratefull to this man for everything he has done to me.

In contrast I...

" The party was okay , the people where having fun and the guests were pleased, correction , most of the guests were pleased"

"Apart from that ,the news of Raiser engagement was a surprise for most , but no for you , Lord Gremory , Lord Sitri and myself"

"That will be all"

I look at my father eyes and see him nod.

"Why didn´t the news come out as a surprise for you?"

"Because of logic , this months you have been meeting more and more with Lord Gremory , i know you are friends with him but the amount of meetings you were having with him was abnormal compared to the past"

"So i conclude that something was up , so i began to think what could be the reason and i round a few :




Those 3 were up , an alliance would make sense given the close relationship between you and him but you wouldn´t discuss so much because of a trivial topic like that, and when i mean trivial, i said this because with 2 or 3 meetings at most you would be done with the plan of the alliance.

Let´s talk about business.

Same as before but unless you had discovered a new source of market or you have a very powerfull idea or you had a revolutionary product the amount of meetings wouldn´t be that long and frecuent , plus you would discuss some details by messages.

Now let´s talk about marriage.

This one was tricky i admit, but with marriage you would have a powerfull grandson who would have the combine bloodline of destruction and regeneration , an imparable killing machine.

So both of you would do the math and that takes long, you would also do an alliance due to that and because of that alliance you would share business , not all , but some.

After that you would discuss the details and what both families would gain from these.

And from there i deduce that it was marriage.

Is there anything more Father?"

End of Pov

Lord Phoenix Pov


I expect non less from my son Regis.


Why did this happen...

He has shown so much potential yet...


I still remember that day when we went to the doctor.

It was devastating , him dropping the bomb like that.

The doctor said that Regis body isn´t capable of receiving any energy at all.

And that because of this he hasn´t inherited the Phoenix family traits.

We don´t even know how is that possible , he had said that in his whole carrer he didn´t encounter something like this.

My wife and i were in denial , but Regis...

Regis was broken , he didn´t shown to much but...

I know that something has broke inside of him.

From that day on he didn´t smile...

My wife and i have tried everything to bring back that smile that was like the sun...

But it was all in vain , to this day he sometimes smirk a little or he forms a very small and rare smile that is like the afternoon sun...

Warm and so full of heat before descending and the sky enter the night domain.

But we have kept his existance away from almost everybody except some friends ( Like the sitris and Gremorys)

And we to the slaves we have made them sign a contract that if broke they will die , and it will not be pretty.

My wife sometimes cries at night over that fact.

Anyway he has strong analisis capabilities so i decide to test him a little.

"Son ... what is your analisis of tonight?"

After that he explain his analisis.

Excellent as expected of my son.

"Why didn´t the news come out as a surprise for you?"

After that he explains me why he has come to his conclusion.

And all i can say is marvellous.

The way he speaks and all deep analisis just from observation alone , makes him a terrible adversary.

But then again, his situation is complicated ...

"Okay son , good job as always ..."

"Thanks Father"

He thinks that i can´t watch him , but his wrong.

I can see his clentch fist right now.

I can see how he blames himself for all the situation.

How he blames because his own powerless situation.

"I think that Riser is outside , why not go and play with him?"

"I think he will be fine without my intervention father"

Tough nut to crack.

'Wait a minute ... that could work'

"Son go to Riser and ask him to go to the living room "

"I will go and search for your mother as your brothers have left to their own mansion"

"Understood Father"

He then goes to the door , but before that.


He was just about to leave and his hand is already on the handle.

"Yes father?" He ask with an arch brow.

"I love you"

"I love you too Father"

After that he exit my office.

This is hard and is extremely painfull.

But seeing Regis strong despite the adversity inspires us to do the same and walk foward , someway , somehow i know his situation will be reversed.

I had faith after all.


Author note :

Leave a reviewww to know more or less were am i and if you are liking the story.

Leave the stonesss if we arrive to 10 stones i will upload another chapter...


Link to the discord server : https://discord.gg/HkFRJVgg

bye Author


Leave a reviewww to know more or less were am i and if you are liking the story.

Leave the stonesss if we arrive to 10 stones i will upload another chapter... SO LEAVE THE STONEESSSS!!!

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