
Rising Flames Within

A young man finds himself within a new world after dying in a horrible fire at work. After A mishap with character creation he finds himself in this new world a woman. And beyond that not even human. This is my first time writing a story! Please be good to me!

Leegionlee_X · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Exploring A New Body (R18)

Now alone again in this new rented room, Jamie quickly sat down at the desk and began to eat her meal. She had severely underestimated just how hungry she was. Despite just how bland the food was she wolfed all of it down without even a second thought. Going so fast she half choked on the food she was eating and had to quickly wash it down with the water she had been given. 


 "Lord... one would think I'd never eaten before… wait? Have I? This is like an entirely new body. How did that happen? Did I just appear? Did I have a life before this that I don't remember? Did I take over someone else? Well, no I created this body… so I was probably just set here." She reasons after a moment or two of thought. 

After she finished up, she climbed into her bed and looked down over herself. She was hesitant really to take off her clothing. Afraid of what was underneath it all. She gulped slightly before shaking her head. 

"This is my body. I'm going to have to get used to it." She took a deep breath and began to peel away her clothing. She sat her gambeson coat to the side. It really only took damage where the sleeves had burned away, and where it hung down low and was burned her legs. Her crop top and shorts were frayed. But manageable. She had thought they would be in a much worse shape. It seems the rough fabric was better at holding itself together than she first gave it credit for. Yet it covered the parts of her that were very much foreign. 

"This is my body. I'm going to have to get used to it." She took a deep breath and began to peel away her clothing. She sat her gambeson coat to the side. It really only took damage where the sleeves had burned away, and where it hung down low and was burned her legs. Her crop top and shorts were frayed. But manageable. She had thought they would be in a much worse shape. It seems the rough fabric was better at holding itself together than she first gave it credit for. Yet it covered the parts of her that were very much foreign. 

At the moment, nothing could deter Jamie's resolve as she shed her shorts and peeled off her top with a casual flick of her wrist. A smirk danced across her lips, a blend of defiance and amusement evident in her gaze. "No underwear," she muttered with a hint of exasperation, her words laced with disdain for the unreliable transmigration system that had caused this entire thing. "That would have been expecting too much of that shitty transmigration system. Really, I take back all the good things I said about that damn place."

As the fabric fell away, her new body lay exposed before her, a manifestation of the meticulous design she had crafted within the character creation screen. But this was no mere digital rendering; it was tangible, palpable. It was a living embodiment of her desires. With a mixture of curiosity and awe, Jamie surveyed herself, her eyes tracing the contours of her distinctly feminine form. The curves that adorned her silhouette, the subtle nuances of her physique—all were hers to explore. Reaching out tentatively, she grazed the swell of her bosom, a shiver coursing through her at the contact. 'Ahh~,' she gasped involuntarily, taken aback by the rush of sensation that engulfed her. The softness of her skin, the weight of her ample breasts—each touch elicited a symphony of pleasure that reverberated through her being. 'What's this...? Crazy,' she murmured, her voice tinged with wonder as she indulged in the sensation, her fingers lingering on the contours of her newfound femininity.

Sinking into the plushness of the bed beneath her, Jamie surrendered to the intoxicating allure of her transformed body. With a newfound sense of exploration, Jamie couldn't resist the temptation to indulge further, her fingers instinctively returning to the enticing softness of her breasts. As she gave them another squeeze, a sigh escaped her lips, the sensation sending ripples of pleasure coursing through her body. With a languid grace, she reclined onto the bed, her skin bathed in the soft glow of the ambient light. With a gentle touch, Jamie's fingers traced the curves of her bosom, each caress igniting a spark of arousal that danced along her nerves. Seizing both mounds in her hands, she relished the weight and warmth of her flesh, her fingers teasing and tantalizing as she worked them over with practiced precision.

 As Jamie reveled in the exploration of her transformed body, a burgeoning ache began to stir within her, a pulsating sensation that radiated from the depths of her being. The throbbing ache between her legs, at the core of her femininity, was a revelation—a sensation both unfamiliar and yet strangely intuitive. Driven by a primal curiosity, one of Jamie's hands embarked on a journey of discovery, tracing a tantalizing path down her body, drawn inexorably toward the source of her newfound desire. With trembling fingers, she approached her yearning cunt, her touch tentative yet imbued with a sense of urgency. At first, she merely grazed the surface, her fingertips trailing delicately along the contours of her femininity, tracing the outline of her new flower with reverent fascination. Each caress elicited a symphony of sensations, each curve and fold a testament to the wondrous intricacies of her body. As Jamie's exploration continued, her fingers ventured inward, parting the delicate petals of her flower. 

As Jamie's fingers ventured deeper into the velvety depths of her flower, a tremor of anticipation coursed through her, each languid movement a testament to the burgeoning ecstasy that enveloped her. At first, her touch was hesitant, tentative, as she navigated the uncharted terrain of her newfound femininity. But as the intoxicating heat of desire surged within her, her movements became more urgent, more fervent, driven by an insatiable hunger that demanded satisfaction. With each languorous stroke, Jamie succumbed to the intoxicating rhythm of her own desires, her body a symphony of pleasure as she surrendered to the relentless onslaught of sensation. A soft groan escaped her lips, the sound a melodic harmony to the cacophony of pleasure that echoed through the room.

As the flames of passion consumed her, Jamie lost herself in the throes of ecstasy, her cries of delight reverberating off the walls in a symphony of unrestrained abandon. In this moment of unbridled euphoria, she was consumed by the sheer intensity of her own pleasure, her senses overwhelmed by the rapture of her own making. As Jamie's arousal peaked, a wave of ecstasy washed over her with an intensity that bordered on overwhelming. Her body quivered with unrestrained pleasure; her senses engulfed in a whirlwind of sensation as she teetered on the precipice of euphoria. And then, with a sudden rush, she plummeted off the edge, hurtling into the abyss of pleasure. For several breathless moments, Jamie was lost in the throes of her own ecstasy, her mind consumed by the sheer intensity of her release. In this moment of blissful oblivion, time seemed to stand still, each heartbeat a testament to the overwhelming power of her own desire. But as the echoes of pleasure began to fade, Jamie's consciousness slowly returned, her senses gradually reacquainting themselves with the world around her. It was then, in the aftermath of her euphoria, that the weight of embarrassment descended upon her like a heavy shroud.

"Oh God," she whispered, her voice tinged with mortification as the realization of what she had just done. "I hope no one heard that."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Leegionlee_Xcreators' thoughts