
Prologue: Rewrite

When thinking of cities most would think that they would be bustling with life with a large assortment of businesses, schools, and homes.

However this city which was once known as Haven was anything but lively, buildings lied in ruins, vegetation replaced by barren cracked and dry land, bones from people and animals alike decorate the streets, even the sun that used to provide this world light has dimmed and died long ago just like this city.

However, not all life was gone from the city inside one of the temples that looked to have faded decorations inside with dust all around the interior.

In the center of the temple a 'person' can be seen writing on the floor with blood that is stored within a nearby bottle drawn in unique symbols, with various items located in different parts of the written symbols.

Calling this 'person' a human looking being would be a stretch as they look more like...





To say the least they were 6feet 1 inches in height with a lean body, their hair was long, black, and wild in appearance.

Around where their mouth should be is blackened flesh that show large razer teeth always revealed for all to see, their sclera black instead of white with dull black golden pupils once a bright golden color shining with life.

Around the eyes are black veins extend past their neck retching towards their chest with similar veins along their arms and legs, all connected to a black mass in the center of their chest emitting a black miasma essential a cancerous growth connected to their body.

From the elbow down their arms have transformed to have thick black feathers all the way to their fingers, in which their nails appear to have been transformed into talons from a predatory bird except taking on an even more savage appearance.

Similarly from the knee down their legs show the same appearance, lastly on their back were large black wings from a vulture that can extend to a length of 2 meters from one side to the other.

If you haven't realized yet this is me, Kalsam Anamkarmin talking about myself.

Now you may be wondering why I described myself in such a...



Manner, in all truth it isn't me that are thinking those things... at least not completely.

This 'essence' that has invaded my body has a trace of will from a being known as the Evil God of Corruption, who possessed the ability to turn all those infected with his power into rampaging monster that spread corruption.

As to how I was infected with his essence along with a trace of his will I will get back to that in a little bit, as for why I am talking to a person who may or may not exist in my head.

Well let's just say that when you have a negative voice talking to you for thousands of years making you go slowly insane, as you also seclude yourself from others you would also get desperate for any sort of communication.

Even if said communication is with an imaginary being in my head... sigh maybe this essence did succeed in making me go insane once and for all.

Anyways lets talk about who I am, and how I became 'this'.

Well first lets talk about my people who referred themselves and known as Apostles to others, the Apostles did not exist in the past not even remotely close.

However that all changed when our founder Isaac Fathum, came and taught us all the about the path to being Apostles and becoming one of the most feared powers in the universe.

Though Isaac was not always powerful, in his own words he described himself being deemed as 'trash' by others.

He was not talented in the normal forms of cultivation or methods of gaining power, however instead of being discouraged he instead sought out a way to gaining that talent and become strong in his own way.

Through much trial and error, hardship and pain he managed to create the Apostle path within cultivation leading to the creation of a new 'race' with more potential and power that has ever been seen before.

This new race had the ability to fuse laws with one another or take their traits to create an entirely new law, much more powerful than the sum used to create it.

Another ability was that Apostles were hybrids allowing them to take on the traits and abilities of their original race, while acquiring access to the abilities and benefits of another.

Whether you were beast, human, or demi-human before you could take on the traits of another by fusing their bloodline into your own.

Those who pursed this path had powerful bodies, energy, and souls making their strength higher than any other race, while having little weaknesses as a result of being strong in all three fields.

Lastly we had a very powerful ability as a result of forming a special core within our being called the Apostle Soul Core, as long as the core was safe even if the body of an apostle was destroyed they could recreate their body at a later date.

That being said destroying the core is easier said then done as it does not function like a normal soul, the core allows the apostle to escape quickly once their body is destroyed carrying their soul and genetic information within.

Besides that the core must be attacked by an incredible large amount of power, meaning to destroy said apostle permanently you have to use an attack about one realm higher to deal damage and two realms higher to guarantee destruction.

For this reason many faction sought to destroy us since the threat we posed was great, yet they could not win as our strength and other factions kept them from defeating us.

From our own faction Isaac was in the realm of a Quasi-Ruler, combined with the fact that apostles had strength greater than the majority of races in the universe, alongside advance weapons and inventions acted as a great deterrent to others.

Besides that factions would need a large amount of forces to deal with us thus leaving them open to be attacked by another faction, that and they were not always united within a faction.

This was different for our faction as we held a great amount of communication and unity with one another due to our small numbers, and being chosen first hand by Isaac who by the way is the Apostle of Abyssal Judgement and Punishment.

This allowed him to judge whether someone was evil or not, and if their actions are justified or not.

Due to this the people who became the first apostles were people with good hearts and loyalty, as for following generation such as myself we were taught by our parents well to hold respect for others, show kindness, and keep a strong and loyal heart.

Now I was born nine thousand four hundred and seventy two years ago in the Haust family, a family that was comprised of apostles with the ability to connect with death and use the power of death on our enemies.

When I was born I had black hair which was a bit more uncommon within the family though not unseen, with eyes that when others saw them would be amazed by they beauty and abilities.

They were like golden jewels that seemed to shine like bright stars, seeing this my parent were struck with awe seeing them only to be amazed in the next moment.

This was because I was told that after looking around the room for a while my eyes did in fact start glowing as I began laughing releasing a a gray flame above me.

From that I was labeled a genius of the Haust family as my eyes were known as the Golden Eyes of Knowledge which grant the person who has them the ability to learn about laws at a higher rate then normal being able to create new techniques and abilities from those laws then thought possible.

Not only that they also had the ability to increase the strength of attacks by utilizing energy in the surroundings to strengthen attacks though with overuse causing them to feel large amount of pain or blowing up ones eyes.

Besides that I already was able to use the power of not only death, but also fire just having been born so being called a genius was not wrong.

Growing up I was told the same principles as other apostle children while also being taught the techniques of the Haust family regarding death, only to improve on such techniques by using my fire in combination with it strengthening me greatly.

Soon I became sixteen with a cultivation level at the peak of a false god nearing entry into the realm of gods, by this point I decided that in order to get stronger faster and become an honorable and respectable figure like Isaac and aid our faction I went to other worlds to train.

It was then that I developed my intent being desolation having lived in loneliness for years training without any other aspiration, while fighting in battles and wars happening in the various worlds I journeyed to.

By that point three hundred years went by and I reached the realm of a supreme god making me the second strongest being amongst apostles, I reached this level of strength so quickly due to my eyes allowing me to absorb the energy of death from those I have killed and those who died in war boosting my cultivation.

Though having quickly gone through cultivation it was a little unstable despite my body, energy, and soul not having much problems in manipulation and rather not having solidified my understanding over fire as I used death alone to increase my strength.

Despite that upon my return I was congratulated by all the apostles during a ceremony as I received the second highest position within the faction and acquired a new family name as a symbol of starting my own house though still having a connection to the Haust family.

Not only that I held the title as the apostle of death's flames due to my laws, and strength I showed during the wars I was a part of.

However I did not start a family and lived in loneliness for several years.

Due to having the intent of desolation my emotions were kept more in check as I only showed slight emotions and reactions, though I still cared about my family dearly I could not feel myself attracted to others and thus never married or started a family.

Though that changed when she came along, Irena Vesta a member of the house of Vesta and a member of the divas race.

Amongst all the other faction the divas did not show explicit hostility towards us and were rather neutral, as such for decades embassoders from our faction have been talking with their leaders in order to keep the peace or form an alliance as Isaac new that despite our current strength it could all change in the a short amount of time.

Funny enough he was right that the peace we had would change so quickly, though not in the way he imagined by enemy forces raiding our city.

Anyways both factions decided to send important figures from large families in order to get them acquainted with each other's culture and better understand each other.

Although I cared little about them being in the city and just went along with it, one person stood out to me being the daughter of Crom Vesta one of the supreme gods on the divas side, Irene Vesta.

Being the opposite of me she was quite expressive and cheerful, even possessing the law of life.

Combined with her long blond hair reaching the back of her slim waist, green emerald eyes, thin pink lips, lovely delicate facial features yet athletic body type, and adding her gentle and caring aura in made her seem like a caring a loving sister or even mother.

Despite that I didn't look at her long and even scoffed in my mind slightly thinking that she was essential one of those pretty flowers put on for display, at the very least I thought that the woman I would fall in love with has to be the type to say what they want without restraint with conviction and strength.

To put it simply I wanted an independent woman as a wife that could think for themselves allowing us to compromise on what each of us want helping each other when we need it most.

As such I didn't want a trophy wife, didn't want multiple wives unless I managed to fall in love with all of them and treated each of them with care and affection, and help them if needed to reach a high level of strength so they can defend themselves and seek out their goals if needed.

Similarly when we first meet face to face she did not like me much due to my emotionless expression and strong aura of death essential repulsing her due to her aura of life.

This went on for a while until she eventually 'visited' my home, which was Isaac informing me to show her around the house and getting to know her with a smirk on his face.

At the time I was a little peeved that he would due that and slightly angered when he showed that expression, as pay back I shot flames at him as he ran like a dog with their tail tucked between their legs... sigh how I miss those times.

At first our gathering was quite awkward not one of us wanting to speak not having great opinions of the other, until I decided to play a good host and make some food alongside tea.

Tasting my food she was astonished as she quickly ate it with great relish as I chuckled at the scene, hearing my chuckle she glared at me while making a pout on her face causing me to laugh even more.

From there the ice was broken between us as we managed to talk to each other more, and despite having opposite laws we liked each others company and learned about one another more.

She learned of all the hardship I went through for strength alongside my determination and passion which left her with sympathy and appreciation for my dedication.

As for me I was impressed that she is not like the gentle flower that I thought before, but instead like a rose with sharp thorns to defend itself.

She trains hard everyday in order to gain more freedom from her father that only views her as a tool to be used to increase relations, or gain benefits with other families.

Luckily she has strength at the realm of god emperor which is higher than anyone else her same age allowing her to beat them into submission despite her fathers disapproval.

After meeting like this for decades we ended up falling in love with one another, not only that but were to be married as a result of negotiations going well between the divas and our faction joining the two in an alliance with a marriage between important members of the strongest families to strengthen it.

The deal was made through a contract made between both factions higher ups making it difficult to break, and would stay in affect for as long as each faction existed.

Despite disliking the fact she would be in a political marriage Irena agreed to it as she would be able to marry me, alongside getting her father off her back.

The marriage was held within this very temple I'm in and was held on a beautiful day, impressive decorations, and members of both factions to witness the wedding.

To further solidify the marriage Irena's father was present as a show of 'acceptance' over the ceremony, we went through our vows and kissed each other lovingly as cheers rang out from the guests present.

Everything was great we partied, danced, and talked with one another as though we were great friends.

When the reception was near finishing Crom wanted to shake hands with me to 'congratulate' the newly formed alliance and to take good care of his daughter.

Despite knowing that he cares little for Irena making me mad inside that he considers this solely as a political deal, and knowing that he was a crafty as well as a not so trust worthy person I shook his hand.

The next moment I fell unbelievable amount of pain shoot through me as I fell to the floor, heaving and coughing blood as Irena next to me grabbed a hold of me with a scared and concerned expression on her face.

Looking down I saw a black lance with an ominous aura piercing my chest coming from a ring on Crom's finger, looking at his expression he was simply laughing out loud saying how stupid we were.

Explaining how the lance was a forbidden weapon created from the remains of an evil god that was from the supreme god realm, called the Lance of Absolute Destruction capable of killing supreme gods as one of the three ever created were used to kill an enemy of there's before.

Meanwhile his men killed the apostles in the room before they could act as they sent a message to others in the city to blow up another one of those lances.

I remember Irena yelling at him as to why he would do such a thing while he told her about the weapons, techniques, inventions, and research would belong to them, at the same time explaining how she would be married forcefully to a lecherous son from one of the other four main divas houses.

Then the lance they set to blow up in the city detonated releasing the...


Aura out into the city slowly killing and weakening every apostle, then explained how he was able to do this despite the contract that was formed pulling out an artifact that allowed them to ignore the contracts terms.

Then he pulled out a sword aiming to kill me where I laid swing it down as I tried as hard as possible to move my body through the pain, only to see a scene that still haunts me to this day.

Irena my first love I ever had was slashed by her fathers sword trying to defend me from being killed, I remember holding onto her as I cried for the first time as the life faded from her eyes.

Her father that...


Didn't even care that he essentially killed his own daughter and was only angry that she wasted her life to save a dead man who would be cut down by his sword.

I didn't care much about what he was ranting about only crying in grief as I saw her smile one last time at me caressing my cheek telling me to live on, to live without regret, to put aside what I have done in the past killing so much in all those wars and the lives I will reap from now on as though she could sense I would not die here and I would do something that I would one day regret doing.

Then her eyes went dull as her hand fell to the floor, dead as I cried out loud one last time to the skies for why all of this had to happen.

Crom wanted to strike me after scoffing out loud at his deceased daughter, before freezing up in fear as the aura around me became black radiating mass amounts of negative energy.






And one that screamed out to me the most at the most...








Screaming out with a voice filled with pure rage I told Crom I would not stop until he dies, his family dies, and his entire race dies as my form changed becoming what it is now.

What the divas didn't expect was that our ability to resurrect allowed the evil god whose will was not wiped from the lances to infect us and turn us into extensions of himself.

As such all other apostles besides Isaac became beings of corruption rampaging in the city marking the end of our faction, and the creation of a new terrifying and evil force.

We all became twisted, evil, and cursed, in which my case I was consistently fueled with the urge to seek vengeance on any being who angers me going in a blind frenzy to attack them.

With my new found power I attack Crom and his men killing them all as my strength combined with the evil gods power increased my strength into the realm of a Quasi-Ruler, turning them into the dust that is in the temple now.

It was then another power gained from the essence was put to use making an army of corrupted soulless beings to rampage about, as well as the ability to infect others with the power of corruption alongside the curse that each of us had.

In my blind rage which lasted decades I killed every divas in the universe committing complete genocide on them giving me the slaughter's intent of extinction as all their worlds were left barren and dead as a result of my rampage.

When I came to I was filled with regret seeing as I erased an entire race from existene leading to me secluding myself in our destroyed city furthering my intent of desolation in order to suppress the negative energy in me.

This had lead me to losing the ability to express myself and having little emotional reactions, for this reason I was able to keep myself in control all this time without having my soul fully corrupted.

For thousands of years I searched for a way to purge the negative energy from my body with no success, even going to different planets to gather inspiration from others on how to cure my condition to no success.

Even being times I almost lost control again because of people attacking me, or getting angry at the actions of people in my surroundings trying to limit my anger and rampage.

I nearly gave up and tried to find a way to kill myself as I didn't want to cause more harm anymore, only to come across a planet that brought the answer I was searching for.

The residents of the planet which was called Earth by the inhabitants had little to no cultivation, with the energy in the planet being to low to support anything stronger than a tier 4 lord being the limit.

Despite that in the literature that they produced which had 'protagonists' and unique 'op' abilities interested me greatly.

Upon reading them I thought that the abilities and techniques within are impossible only to remember what Isaac had done in the past, breaking the norms of cultivation inventing a new way of cultivation.

It was through this type of thinking that I decided to do research on the various techniques and abilities described within those novels, alongside the help of my weakened golden eyes to determine how to recreate the abilities.

Through my research I developed a method to cure my condition by going through the process of 'rebirth' per say meaning destroying my body, energy, and soul rebuilding it from the ground up.

Although the process working differently from the tribulations I would have experienced when attempting to reach the Quasi-Ruler realm, being that it is similar to the apostle creation ceremony fusing certain elements into the body.

Only that in this case the everything is destroyed completely thus removing and separating all foreign elements in my body alongside impurities contained within my being, however as a result my cultivation will likewise be gone as it is something added to my being thus considered as a form of foreign element.

However I will still keep the knowledge I have gained so far, intents, and manipulation on the innate laws within my bloodline, even so it means getting rid of this corruption so I don't quite care much.

Though creating the new ritual that will perform this process is quite expensive needing copious amount of pure blood essence refined through purifying formations, herbs that help with the reformation of the body, energy pathways, and even soul being the rarest.

Besides that the formation also needs to create a dense essence out of all then materials present to make an ultra powerful essence that can kill even a Semi-Ruler with how powerful it is, not only that I had to recreate the formation to take into the account the new bloodline I will introduce into my body.

On my travel I came across a creature known as the Forest's Will Antelope which has the ability to enrich and empower life around it, when I found the being they were near death.

Seeing this I approached the being as it became wary of my appearance and most of all the negative energy radiating off of my body, seeing this I explained to it about why I was in such a state and asked why it was in its current state with an emotionless face.

The antelope explained why it was near death being that it was attacked by a group of gods that wanting destroy the forest and reap it of all its resources, hearing it I was slightly angered not because of what happened to it but after communicating for so long with Irena I grew to appreciate life.

So having eliminated life on all those divas worlds saddened me greatly, so hearing them essentially wanting to pluck the forest clean of resources and leaving it barren enraged me.

That said I quickly and easily killed every god that was aiming for the forest shortly returning to the antelope telling it of what I had done, seeing that I appreciated life despite my law of death and helping it protect the forest to give it another chance at survival he rewarded me with giving me its beast core and bloodline essence.

This creatures blood has the ability to help even gods recover from grave wounds, so having its bloodline essence can even revive someone from death as long as it was recently.

Unfortunately Irena had died thousands of years ago so it was not possible to revive her much to my disappointment, but now with its beast core and bloodline I can fuse them into my body seeing as the formation is based off of the same formation that does this process with new apostles.

Now I will have the ability to manipulate the laws of fire, death, and life innately.

That being said while on Earth I did not just learn how to cure myself, but I created a new cultivation method for my body, alongside a combined method for my energy and soul cultivation.

The body cultivation method that I created is called Supreme Combat Overlord's Physique, which increase all physical capabilities to the limit.

It has one hundred different exercises that increase strength as well as pain the further up you go, completing all hundred exercises creates a supreme combat overlord seal that increases strength permanently with each one, along with speed, regeneration, defensive strength, stamina, reaction speed, flexibility, and senses essentially all physical capabilities to the limit.

This is done by using methods such as tempering my bone marrow, increasing the strength of my muscles and tendons, enriching my blood with more vitality, increasing the recreation of my cells, strengthening my neurons, increasing the speed of sensory information and relay speed, and lastly infusing my blood with trace amounts of adrenaline giving me abilities that would essentially be the strength you have when faced with death.

All of these were strengthened to the limit yet not to the point of breaking down the body, if anything the body would become even healthier than before.

This is especially so seeing as each seal purifies the body as well as creates a natural treasure within the body relating to the laws that are present in the body.

Energy and Soul cultivation are combined making one cultivation technique since I wanted to infuse my energy with my intents at an even higher level that was thought to be possible.

The method called Ashes of Desolation which fuses the intent of desolation, as well as the slaughter intent of extinction to be capable of being used alongside my laws of fire, death, and soon life.

The desolation part of the name is for this reason, as for the ashes part I have decided that this new law that I will create which will have the power of fire, death, life, desolation, and extinction will be known as ash.

This is because ashes are the by product of destruction and death caused by flames, yet underneath those same ashes new life will be able to grow again rekindling new life.

Because of the novels that were on Earth I was able to gain the inspiration needed to create new more powerful techniques alongside the method to help my condition, despite that their was one part that enraged me about the 'protagonists' written in some of the stories.

My thoughts when reading those novels went like this.

'Argh!!! I swear so many of these mcs act so arrogant and with so much pride that in all honesty I feel like they are clowns in training! I mean there are some mcs that are just plain stupid acting like they are the greatest in the world, only to be beaten to a pulp every time! Even when they actually get strong their reaction towards woman makes me want to erase them from existence! There are mcs that thirst after them like hungry beasts that it is disgusting to say the least, those that think with their lower halves, and those that threat their women as trophies! Although I am not against polygamy I would only accept it if the person I am in love with accepts the others and I treat them all with love and care, allowing them to grow as strong or even stronger than me if they have the chance! Those mcs that go off in adventures while they know enemies will strike their loved ones only to come back at the last second to save them or watch them die is so stupid! They could have prevented their deaths or dangerous situations by coming up with a counter method to protect them, as for them creating those dangerous situations in the first place I would have found a way as quickly as possible to avoid the situation! No matter what I am not willing to let my loved ones get hurt again, due to my stupidity!' almost losing control of my self just thinking of what these people think a relationship between a man and a women is, thinking that women have to act like dressed up dolls to men and that men should have a superiority complex.

That being said it was at that moment I resolved myself that if I ever came into a new relationship or have people I care about then I would deal with the threat immediately, if not then I would create some means of protecting those dear to me if I am not there at the time.

Not only that I would not use the method of saving someone who is in danger to gain a large amount of favor if it could have been prevented before, I don't want to manipulate the feelings of others so they are forced to love me or become loyal to me in such a fashion.

*Shing* *Shing* *Shing* *Shing* *Shing* *Shing* *Shing* *Shing*

'Oh looks like the formation is ready to be started, well there is no need to wait anymore so lets just get started.' before grabbing a red pill with a lively green aura coming out of it, this was the bloodline pill of the Forest's Will Antelope walking towards the center of the formation.

Remembering to double check everything to make sure nothing goes wrong I nod with an emotionless expression on my face, as I prepare for the most pain I have ever felt in my life.

'Well live or die at least I won't have to fear going on a rampage again from this accursed essence.' activating the formation which I have decided to call the Heaven Defying Rebirth formation, as it simply goes against the natural order even more than the apostle creation ceremony.

At the same time I ingest the pill causing pain in my body as the negative energy and death energy are fighting against it, though still keeping a emotionless expression on my face at least for the time being.

*Shing* *Shing* *Shing* *Shing* *Shing* *Shing* *Shing* *Shing*

The dense purified blood essence and herbal essence float together forming one singular essence becoming denser and stronger by the second as more flows into it.

At the same time the formation locks me in place as well as contains all types of essences trapped within the formation, as for the negative energy the formation also has an ability I added especially for me that purges the energy unfortunately for me that means a lot of pain.

*Shing* *Shing* *Shing* *PSH* *ARGH*

Grunting hard as my expression turns into a pained one as I feel my body being torn apart, the remnant will of the evil god knows I am purging it so it uses all the negative energy in it to make me go berserk.








Even so I hold on as I already had to deal with it for thousands of years, at the same time I know that as long as I get through all of this I won't have to deal with it anymore not only that but.

'EVERYTHING IS IN THE PAST, I DIDN'T LISTEN TO IRENA BEFORE BUT NOW I WILL LET THE PAST GO AND LIVE MY LIFE AS BEST AS I CAN ENJOYING IT!!!' swearing to make this new life to be different, not spending all of it searching for strength or vengeance.

Instead enjoying the journey that I will soon go through, find joy in living my life instead of living a hollow existence at the top before Irena came into my life.

By this time the essence finishes fusing together getting close to my body, as soon as it does my entire being gets destroyed due to the strength from it.


Nearly rendered unconscious from the surge of energy I hold on to hear the remains of the evil gods will dissipate freeing me from its curse, at the same time the formation holds onto the remains of my being fusing them with the new essence and bloodline recreating my being from the ground up.

First my soul is recreated freed from the black vile energy from before looking silver in appearance alongside specks of golden stars floating inside it.

Next by body and energy pathways are recreated, with the latter looking like they were made from the purest clearest crystal looking delicate and beautiful, yet surprisingly powerful and sturdy.

As for my body my organs, muscles, tendons, bones, skin, and hair form back.

My hair now looks like an ashy silver color being short, with the top of the hair being spread towards the back of my head, the sides of the head being very short only half a centimetre long, as for the front there is a decent amount of hair on one side of my face that looks longer than the rest extending towards the bottom of my face.(Think of Hanzo's hair, but with the sides trimed slightly to be a bit shorter and no pony tail.)

My face now looks like it was sculpted to perfection showing my masculinity, as well as bit of feminine features like slightly longer eyelashes, perfect eyebrows, and thin lips.

As for my eyes they are now silver with golden veins running through the pupils looking breathtaking to the point that they look like they can suck souls right into them.

My body now looks sculpted to look lean yet filled with compact muscles that can perform any physical activity, as for my animal features my fingernails look black and are pointed slightly to form talons similarly my feat are in the same condition.

On my back are beautiful ashy silver colored feathers in the same vulture shape as before radiating ash colored flames from them, on top of my head lies a pair of horns in the shape of an antelopes though being smooth in appearance rather than bumpy like their horns are normally like.

All in all rather than a monster I now looked like an incredible handsome young man, though my expressionless face still remains showing my lack of external expression of emotions.

Sighing in my head I wait for my new body to stabilize before I can transport myself to a new world, and at the same time use the remaining energy to strengthen my body to the second tier gaining a little bit of strength to defend my self.

'Looks like it worked, now my journey begins here. I can hardly wait to see what I experience.' with my face showing a tiny smile as I grow slightly excited anticipating what I will experience, at the same time strengthening my resolve to try as hard as possible to make sure that those I care about stay safe.

As the rise of the apostle of ashes start now.

Tell me your thoughts on the new prologue, and also if you want characters from an anime make sure to say who it is you want(Could be one of the potential lovers for Kalsam, of course only one character and they will count as one of the five in the harem). If not then I will have OC characters in the book.

ShadowBlade328creators' thoughts