

Proof Reader:Genevieve Kwapong

In the year 2154 the world was not brought into chaos by extraterrestrial beast who came through space rifts later to be called dungeons these beast attacked man kind pushing them to the brink of death.

Mankind fought back with all they had but all those weapons of destruction it was barely able to hold back the beast mankind fought hard just so they could survive another day.

If they could just live another day they would be happy,with nearly every human being on the planet earth be ravaged by these creatures the survivors gathered from all over the world to form a small civilization which could drive back the beast for sometime if not permanently.

With the arrival of these beast came mana,mana is small particles in the air that allows one to possess magical abilities unlike animals which could just used the mana directly from the environment human beings could not which which was very troublesome as animals became stronger overnight and were following the same hierarchy as the stronger animals became even more stronger.

The world turned into a dog eat dog era as one preyed on each other for survival as a lots of people resulted to violence as things like law and order was no more.

Who was going to enforce the law everyone was scrambling for survival even the police and the military all were looking for ways that they could survive.

Everybody was seeking ways for their families to survive there was nothing like good or bad as no one held on to morals any more.

This was due to the dog eat dog era as only the strong had the right to live and do whatever they want and the weak had no right so the strong preyed on the weak and the weak preyed on the ones weaker than them.

This seemingly endless cycle continued for year many human beings right were being violated as women were raped young girls were forced into prostitution and were submitted to torture and a whole lot of things unfitting a human being.

Hundred years along the line mankind has still not developed a way to kill these magical beasts but they could repel them mankind had not been able to successfully produce anything that can harm these animals only cold weapons could but most animals had gained tougher skin due to mana and were also very strong and it was very fan to fight in hand to hand combat hey did not focus on the small animals because they had not been any significant change as they behaved as they had before the appearance of the spatial rifts and were used as food and only the rich could buy as they were specially bred from big companies and were very expensive and had not mutated.

That was until a group of five brave men ventured off to face some of the beast in attempt to get food because food had become extremely rare as the rich hoarding all the goods and the scraps were left to the poor because the poor were obviously the weak people and the strong were the rich.

The group of brave young men were people of the poor so they were obviously weak, they decided to hunt weak beast like rabbits in order to obtain their meat little did they know that their lives were going to change for ever.

These men walked through the grassy plains around the settlement in search of weak beast at least they knew they were not strong enough to face the weak beast but their numbers maybe enough to compensate for their weakness they thought because their forefathers had told them of the time where mankind was able to kill these beast which were ordinary animal to them.

So they knew that at least rabbits were of the weaker type.They searches for hour until they found a lone rabbit eating grass they decided to kill it quickly before it could run away and alert the others,but little did they know that the rabbit had sensed them and was already on high alert because it knew they were weak the rabbit being able to use mana activated its skill dash and attacked them very fast using its ability bite and scratch to hurt them but the rabbit under estimated it's opponents as a net was thrown and covered the rabbit,it was caught the human were happy and didn't hesitate to kill it they found a strange stone inside the rabbit and one was about to throw it away but another stop him saying he wanted it and maybe it was something valuable the others laughed it off and gave it to him.

He to it and observed it scrutinizing it at all angle and decided to taste it a strange feeling of warmth spread over his body as he tasted it on he taught what if I swallow it would I feel the same warmth and he swallowed it whole the strange warmth was not there but rather excruciating pain engulfed his body as it left his body writhing in agony on the floor

Arggg!! Arrrggg!!

He screamed in pain but no one knew what was happening and as so they didn't know what to do they only prayed it would stop or he would just die fast and be relieved little by little the pain subsided and he felt his body had become stronger than usual.

The others warned him sternly not to do that again which he nodded to in response he looked towards his group and he could see their stats and he was surprised he thought he was hallucinating but when he look at a tall tree the stats appeared again and this time he was sure he was not hallucinating

This was the stats of the tree.


Name: Rosewood

Age: 60

Strength : 10

Durability: very high

Description: A type of tree with great durability suitable for making clubs,spear handles and shields.Also has low healing properties when leaves are consumed.

Without hesitation he went and plucked some off the leaves and chewed it, it was not bitter nor sweet it was just raw.

After chewing it he felt refreshed and all the fatigue in his body was gone.He called his companions and told them to chew the leaves after hesitating for sometime they chewed it and they all felt refreshed they asked him how he knew and he explained it to them and also told them that he could see their stats like the video games in the past.

They were all in awe and resolve to each gaining that stone.

The listened to their fellow comrade who had gain abilities and crafted clubs from the tree as it was far better than the knive they were holding but they didn't discard it as they would used it as backup or to skin the slain beast.

Tim the human who gain abilities looked at his comrades and their stats were






Agility 5



Status:not awakened


Name: Jack




Agility: 4



Status: not awakened






Agility: 6


Mana: 0

Status: not awakened


Name: Ethan

Race: Human

Strength: 10

Agility: 5

Vitality: 3

Status: not awakened

These were the stats of Tim's colleagues as he thought what his stats would be and why their status was (not awakened)

Just as he thought about his stats a panel appeared in front of him


Name: Tim

Race: Human

Rank: F (lowest Rank)


Strength: 15




Status: Awakened

He thought of the rank and a sub panel appeared

Ranks: It shows the strength levels of an awakened it describes how powerful he is there are seven ranks in total with rank F being the lowest and it follows in the order F,E,D,C,B,A,S there are also rank SS,and rank SSS but not everyone can reach that.

Now Tim had a vague idea about the ranks and his status he had become an awakened.

Tim looked at the club and the stats appeared.


Name: Rosewood Club

Rank: E

Property: +3 strength stats and deals 20% more damage to the target.

Tim explained everything to them and then they all decided to become awakened so they went to hunt more beast.

Trying my best to write an adventure fantasy add to your library if you are interested in it.

Smart_Funcreators' thoughts