
Rise Up: A System Love Story

Evan had been beaten up and beaten down in his world for being weak. He wanted a form of escape. Any kind of escape One night, Evan gets an enticing offer from a floating, glowing sphere. He has the option of restarting his life in a new world of his choosing. With a new life and a new look, he lands in a world full of magic, monsters, and a chance at love. This is a system-themed BL story. Inspired by the song Rise Up by TheFatRat

BeckyAnimeGirl54 · LGBT+
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29 Chs

Chapter 26

Ulric woke up the following morning to an empty bed. Ulric started to panic until he heard cries coming from inside the bathroom. He rose from the bed and headed to the door. Ulric reached for the knob and found it locked.

"Babe, open the door," Ulric said, knocking on it. He heard shuffling from inside, then a click. Ulric opened the door to find Jesse curled up in a ball on the floor. He was bombarded by omega pheromones the instant he entered the room.

"It hurts," Jesse said, looking up at him in tears.

Ulric shook off the urge to mate with Jesse, filled the tub with water, and poured bath salts in. "Hold on, babe," Ulric said. "The bath will soothe your body," he said.

"My body feels like it's on fire," Jesse said.

"It'll feel better soon," Ulric said. Ulric undressed Jesse, then undressed himself. He picked Jesse up and carried him to the tub.

Jesse whined when his butt touched the warm water. He calmed down once Ulric slid in behind him and massaged his aching body. Jesse reached down and tried to finger his butthole.

"Babe, let me take care of that," Ulric said, moving Jesse's hands. Ulric grasped Jesse's hands with one of his and lightly touched Jesse's butt with the other. Jesse squirmed once more. Ulric moved his hand down and placed it on Jesse's erection. Jesse moaned when Ulric stroked it slowly.

"Alpha," Jesse said, breathing hard. Ulric squeezed Jesse's hand to comfort him.

After the bath, Ulric drained the tub, carried Jesse over to the bed, and laid him down.

"Let's get you dressed," Ulric said, pulling a pair of loose gray pull-on pants from Jesse's bag. Ulric dressed in loose navy blue shorts because heat had resinated from Jesse's body. He laid down beside Jesse and rubbed the young man's back. Jesse's whimpers stopped at midnight, and he fell asleep. "Sleep well, my omega," Ulric said before falling asleep.

Two days later, Jesse woke up in tears once again. "My body feels like it's being ripped apart," Jesse said, whimpering in pain.

"You're going through the change," Ulric stated.

"What kind of change?" Jesse asked.

"The wolf kind," Ulric said. "We need to leave the dorms," he said.

"And where will we go?" Jesse asked.

"To a spot where I had my first change," Ulric said.

Jesse cringed when another pain hit. "If I change, will the pain lessen?" Jesse asked.

"It's worse because you're in heat," Ulric said.

"Why aren't you affected by my heat?" Jesse asked.

"I am; I'm just using my willpower to curb that urge," Ulric said. "Get dressed and get ready to be gone for a couple of days," he said.

"What about Mac and the others?" Jesse asked.

"I'll notify them about what we're doing," Ulric said.

Jesse rode on Ulric's back ten minutes later; he had transformed into a wolf as they rode into the forest.

"Breathe, babe," Ulric advised, sensing Jesse's distress. "We're almost there," he announced.

"It's difficult for me to breathe normally when all I feel is pain," Jesse explained.

"Pay attention to me," Ulric said. Jesse took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and concentrated on Ulric's scent.

Ulric stopped in front of a small cabin. He hunkered down and let Jesse slide off his back. Ulric shifted back into his human form and got dressed.

"Let's go inside and rest for a while," Ulric said. Ulric opened the front door, and they stepped inside. Gold and silver colors illuminated the rooms.

"It's beautiful," Jesse said. "This is yours?" Jesse asked.

"It's ours now," Ulric stated.

"You mean we own this?" Jesse asked.

"I had it prepared for when I found my mate," Ulric said.

They went inside the bedroom, and Jesse glanced around. "Wow!" he exclaimed. Then Jesse was struck by another wave of pain. "Ow, it hurts," he said, clutching his stomach.

"Don't fight it," Ulric said. "Just go with it," he said. Ulric took Jesse outside and shifted back into his wolf. Jesse groaned when he felt his bones crack. Little by little, he felt his body changing.

"I'm right here, babe," Ulric said via their link. "Let your animal side surface," he said. Little by little, Jesse's wolf appeared. Where Jesse once stood, a chocolate-colored wolf with green eyes stood in his place.

Ulric stepped up and gently pressed his forehead against Jesse's. "You are so beautiful," Ulric said via their link.

"Am I?" Jesse asked.

"Come with me," Ulric said. Ulric started walking, and Jesse followed close behind. They went past the cabin and down the hill. They stopped at the edge of a small lake. "Look in the water and tell me what you see," Ulric said.

Jesse stepped up to the edge and looked into the clear water. Emerald eyes stared back at him.

"Is that really me?" Jesse asked.

"Yes," Ulric said. "Your wolf is stunning," he said. "Are you still hurting?" he asked.

"Some, but not as bad," Jesse said.

"Your heat is almost over, so I'll help you through it," Ulric said. "How about we have a swim?" Ulric asked.

"But I don't know how," Jesse admitted.

"Just follow your instincts and trust in me," Ulric said.

In their wolf forms, Ulric slowly walked into the lake with Jesse following closely.

"We'll stay in the shallow part until you're ready to go further," Ulric said. "I'm not going to put you in any danger," he said. Ulric felt Jesse's mind relax while they swam together. Even though Jesse's heat ended that Saturday, they stayed there to have some alone time.

"Can we come here again?" Jesse asked Sunday morning.

"Just say the word, and we'll come back right away," Ulric said while they soaked in the tub. Jesse glanced up and smiled at Ulric, who tenderly kissed him on the lips.

"When are we supposed to be back at the dorms?" Jesse asked.

"Mac said that we'll be okay if we come back tonight," Ulric said.

"Good, because I want to go swimming again," Jesse said. They made the most of their last day before heading home.


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